
Lora Grinestaff

Page history last edited by Judi Myers 14 years, 7 months ago

Lora Duffy Grinestaff was born Sept 2, 1935, in Kemmerer, WY.  Her father was a carpenter & worked in the coal mines.  Her mother owned Duffy’s Flower Shop.  They moved around and she attended schools in Everett, WA & Rock Springs before graduating from West HS in Salt Lake.  After taking classes in typing & shorthand at Henagers Business School for a year, she came to Big Piney as summer help for Mae Mickelson on the 67 Ranch.   Lora said, “Mae had lots of interesting guests.  I learned a lot.”   George Grinestaff was managing one of the Mickelson ranches & after they were married Jan 2, 1954 in Kemmerer, the couple lived on the Winkleman Ranch for 3 years.  Lora said, “There was no refrigerator or freezer and we had a wood stove.   The power plant provided us with electric lights, but it was like going back in time.   It was good for me.  It was fun.  I cooked for the ranch hands & hay crews and at brandings -so many people.  That was a struggle.  But you learn.  Our 2 daughters – Coral & Sheree -  were born while we were there.  Then came our 2 sons – Marcus & George.  Four children in 5 years!  They were all born in Salt Lake. My mother came to visit once and cried all the way back to SLC when she left.  She felt sorry for me.”   

The Grinestaffs moved into Big Piney and George had the credit bureau.  He sold cars & insurance.  Lora added, “He was a crackerjack salesman.”  In 1963 they built a large house in Marbleton and Lora worked for the USFS for 3 years.  She was Big Piney’s elementary school secretary for 7 years and secretary to the superintendent for 22 years.   She said, “I loved it there.  I loved the teachers.  It was a very nice career.”  Then she laughed & added,   “I went through 5 superintendents.”   Meanwhile George had a photography business.  He had a real bull stuffed with its legs up and traveled around to places like the Denver Stock Show taking photos of people ‘bull riding’.  In 1989 George died & Lora continued working for School District #9 until 2000.  For a change of pace Lora worked at Proactive Rehabilitation in Big Piney for the next 7 years.  She said, “Seeing people heal was very rewarding.”

 Her oldest grandson, Tim, loved rodeos and after working in Pinedale one summer he asked if he could live with Lora to finish HS so he could be on the high school rodeo team.  She told him her rules and he said, “Well, I wouldn’t be any trouble”.  Lora said, “And he wasn’t.  A lot of work, but no trouble.  We had good times.  I’m proud of him.  He graduated from Big Piney, went on to UWyo and just graduated from Washington State with a doctorate in Veterinarian Medicine.”  Lora lived in the big house for 45 years before making the difficult decision to sell and move to Sublette Center.    She said, “I love Wyoming.  I didn’t want to leave Sublette County.  Pinedale has been so friendly & welcoming.”  Over the years Lora has enjoyed XC skiing, & golf.  She joined ‘Sisters in Stitches’ while in BP and continues making quilts.  She said, “I wanted to make a quilt for each grandchild, but there’s so many of them.” (15 plus 2 greats)  Lora belongs to the PEO sisterhood, Bronx Club and has been a member of Eastern Star for over 50 years.  She exercises at the PAC 2 to 3times/week.  She was on the Big Piney senior’s board for 6 years & is now on the Board of Directors for Rendezvous Pointe.   Lora exemplifies her own philosophy of life: “A person can be as happy as they choose to be.  We can surround ourselves with positive people, people who are interesting & caring.  Family is important.   I’ve had a good run.  I’m still running!”  Yes, indeed.           

                                                                                                By Judi Myers, July, 2010

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