
Index to Big Piney Examiner

Page history last edited by Judi Myers 13 years, 5 months ago

Index to the Big Piney Examiner  -  1912 – 1926

By Judi Myers


6-20-12. Three-year Homestead Bill.  H.L. Budd candidate for county commissioner.  Plans for building school house.  4th of July program.

7-4-12. North Piney ditch being completed.  Land for sale.  Room for 100 families.  Ad:  Town lots on sale at Big Piney Townsite.

7-11-12. Report on 4th of July celebration.  Crop prospects for new settlers on Cottonwood.  Ad:  Big Piney Hotel, Club & Road House, Heitz, proprietor.

7-25-12. Ground broken for new building for paper: Possibly an office for Dr. Schrader,  Atwood doing the work,  Heitz is owner.

8-12-12. Wyoming Good Roads convention in Sept.  State Bank of Big Piney opened for business, C.P. MacGlashan, cashier.

8-29-12.  Continental Life of Salt Lake pays claims.  The Thornton fortune.  Large sum to be spent on roads.  Campbell & the Kemmerer-Big Piney Telephone Company. Annual meeting of Unita County Irrigation Company.

9-5-12.  Examiner begins second year.  The new settlers.  Record prices at market places.

9-19-12. Heitz shoots DeFord.  Storm hits Big Piney, snow on hay & grain.  District Court matters.

10-10-12. O’Neil candidate for county commissioner.  Green River bridge repaired.  WH Winkleman buys ranches on Cottonwood.  Bridge over south Piney in dangerous condition.  Ad:  FE Curtis, jeweler, Kemmerer.

10-17-12. High school notes: grades higher than previous tests.  Condition of telephone a disgrace.

11-14-12. Printing office moved – new equipment.  Humane officer gets busy.  Escaped convicts on Green River.  People urged to report appearance of any stranger to Judge Dodge.  Program at Stanley School.  Lady barber at Big Piney.  Confectionery Store opens in Daniel.  C Mills baby boy.  Report on telephone situation.


1-16-13.  Dent - Durham (Dunham?) wedding in Montpelier, ID.  Bill in Washington to help Star Routes.  Very important meeting of Big Piney Commercial Club.  Edwards stabs WE Rowe.

1-23-13.  Annual meeting of McGinnis Land & Livestock So.  High school notes: 19 students.  Daniel news.  Midway news.  Jack Bowe found dead in snow bank.  County division question.

1-30-13.  County Division fiasco: meeting in Pinedale.  School bond vote Feb 15.  New postage stamps are 2, 3, & 10 cents.  New livery barn (40 horses) completed: RC Bugher new owner.  Ad: Girl wanted to learn printing trade.

2-6-13.  Bugher sells livery barn to Scheidler & Black.  How school bonds will affect your taxes.  Telephone meeting in Big Piney: amicable settlement between local & Mountain States.  License needed to fish in Wyo.  Ad: Trade at home – JB Nichols & Co.

2-13-13.  School bond vote postponed.  W Luce baby boy.  Feeders want Wyo stock.  Herschlers give dance at Fontenelle.

2-20-13.  Mountain Home Hotel burns to ground.  Masquerade ball a success: winners are Miss Van Winkle & W Goss.  Commissioners O’Neil & Mickelson go to Cheyenne over county division legislation.  Wyo highest mountain peak: Gannett at 13,785 ft.

2-27-13.  County division killed.  Bank proposed for Marbleton.

3-6-13.  Brick-Dunford looks over Big Piney.  Stockgrowers Bank in Marbleton.  Green River bridge approaching completion.  LD Tanner’s mother dies in NY.  Justice Court:  Judge Dodge settles differences.  Chamberlain - Jones wedding.

3-20-13.  School bonds carry.  Time to incorporate – have all requirements.  New blacksmith shop started.

3-27-13.  Cluff - McDonald wed in CA.  BP Congregational Church to be built.  Heitz to built hotel.

4-3-13.  New game laws in effect.  Mrs. George Huddleston died.  Mickelson president of State Bank.  Joseph A Yost new operator at telephone exchange.  Many farmers entering Big Piney country – settlers on land opened under Uinta County irrigation canal.

4-10-13.  Dryer baby dies.  Baldwin baby dies.  Dan Budd breaks leg.

4-17-13.  Dr Shipp arrives.  Bert Brockway died.  Bridge goes out over Green River due to ice.  Chase baby girl.

4-24-13.  Notice of sale of school bonds.

5-1-13.  Jones twins.  Mass held at JB Budd home: Fr Lynch of Kemmerer.  Grade school closed for a few days due to measles.  Necessary steps taken to incorporate.  Norris sells all of cattle.

5-8-13.  Important telephone meeting: North Piney owners decide to cut out from Piney switchboard.  Doctors make trade: McDill for Shipp.  Norris sells Hanes ranch.  School board meeting: school at North Piney, Marbleton request turned down.

5-15-13.  Big Piney will incorporate.  Ira Dodge new house.  New settlers’ school mtg.  Marbleton State Bank: CP Budd, pres.  JW Chrisman of Opal, Fish Creek.  Holliday baby girl.

5-22-13.  Geo Durnford of Evanston opens brick yard.  20th Century, 8 years old.  Antone Wacek, blacksmith, bought land for a shop.

5-29-13.  ZT Noble sells ranch & cattle to son, CP Noble.  School notes.  Miss Carpenter, teacher, entertains high school.  Bronson baby girl.

6-5-13.  Petition for incorporation granted.  New cement block plant at Marbleton.  2-story building at Budd & Front Street.

6-12-13.  Valuable horses poisoned.

6-19-13.  Ad: Strawberries & bananas at Big Piney Mercantile.  Gull Whitman builds new house.  Home Talent Company of Pinedale puts on show at Stockmen’s meeting at Budd Hall: “It’s All In the Pay Streak”.  Horse races.  Kemmerer orchestra.

6-26-13.  Ben Griggs opens copper mine on Smith’s Fork.  Alexander son dies.  July 4 program.

7-3-13.  Marbleton Republic (newspaper) circulation. Joe Black  to CA. Stephen Dempsey dies.

7-10-13.  Fred Ivey dies.  Report on 4th celebration.  Ad: Ford cars – G Whitman.

7-24-13.  Good demand for Herefords.  Dr Perkins & family come from OK.  Mrs John Jenkins dies.  Mrs Pickell dies.

7-31-13.  Whitman – Griggs wed.  Election: JP Budd, 1st mayor of Big Piney.  Nichols, Whitman, McDill, Chapel are councilmen.  Laramie Hatchery sends  1500 fish instead of 20,000.

8-7-13.  Haley – Johnson wed.  Emma Ross teaches music class.  Big Piney Dramatic Club play.

8-21-13.  Stage line from Opal gives poor service.  Robinson leaves.  Wocak – Kostelic wed.  Heitz sawmill leased to Bollenger (Bollinger? Bolinger?).

8-28-13.  JE Minter, veterinarian, will stay at Kelly ranch near Daniel.  Ground broken for new brick bank building.  Big Piney Merc laying foundation for new store.  Payne & Chapel laying foundation for new hotel.  Budd brothers cut second crop of alfalfa.  Chas Budd bought new auto from Whitman.  Ad:  O U Kid, Rev Charles Savage, Omaha NE.

9-4-13.  Stockyards at Opal cleaned.  Lackey & Leadon dissolve partnership.  Larsen loses colts to wolves.  Geo Linn baby boy.  Enos Miller baby girl.  New bridge across North Piney.  Bids for new brick jail house.

9-11-13.  Frank Ball has new home on Cottonwood.  School bonds refused.  Dan Budd baby boy.

9-18-13.  Gov Carey proclaims Road Improvement Day.  Thornton has narrow escape when coal mine caves in.  Eastern capitalists come to hunt deer & elk.  Henry Budd raised 19# cabbage on North Piney.  Bring samples of produce to display at stores.  Wade – Charlson (Carlson?) wed.

9-25-13.  Nichols & Co sell store to FA Fear & Son.  Daniels – Stull wed.  School enrollment: 26 pupils.  Stockmen arrange for beef roundup.  Little Jim Mickelson kicked by horse.

10-2-13.  Enos: car accident going to Kemmerer.  Mrs. Durnford burned in fire at home.  Mountain States Telephone Co proposes to take charge of Big Piney exchange.  $1200 reward for arrest & conviction of horse thieves.

10-9-13.  Hittle shoots uncle.  Fall roundup starts.  Luman sells Booker ranch on Cottonwood to Moor.  New hotel contract let & materials ordered: Joe Fredells, owner.  Dan Rathman dies.  Walker – Vickrey wed.  Vandervort sells to Angus.  Ed Davison baby girl.

10-16-13.  Opal’s lively shipping time.  Wy Potato Day.  Marbleton Hotel opens.  Huddleston – Long wed.  Thompson – Sorg wed.  Marbleton brick yard burns the 1st kiln of bricks.

10-23-13. Hendrickson beaten & kicked by Wood.  Matlock – Goss wed. Griggs & Dodge form Copper Mining Co.

10-30-13.  Fear & Son sell store to Frank Burney.  New Green River bridge at Muleshoe Ranch.  Potatoes sent by Mills on North Piney to Exhibit in Cheyenne.  AL McGinnis: house warming.

11-6-13. High School yell.  John Angus moves to Daniel.  Council.  Gilbert Hayden baby girl.

11-13-13. Obituary in memory of EW Swan who died in 1907.  Turkey shoot at Marbleton.

11-20-13. New telephone management.  CH Kelly cattle stampede at Opal.  Jury decides Hittle is incurably insane.

12-25-13.  Hon CW Holden dies.  Postmaster for Big Piney.  Marbleton skating rink.  Examiner adds new departments.


1-8-14.  New Oil fields.  Christensen new manager of paper.  Jim Black becomes sole owner of Big Piney Livery Barn.  Russel Daniels baby girl.  Ad: Living is cheaper at Burney’s.

1-15-14. Joseph McClintock sawmill.  Wolves doing damage on North Piney.  Dick Key family in Phoenix for winter.  Johnny Conway dies.

1-22-14.  King – Bertram wed.  New roads between Piney & railroad. Merna Post Office to be transferred from Millers to Conwells.  Frank Pomeroy baby girl.  Wolves kill calves in corral at 67 Ranch.  Henry Budd deputy assessor for this year.

1-29-14. Severe snow storm strands many.  Durnford new police judge for town & Justice of Peace for precinct.  Phone lines repaired.  Mail route may be changed.  Bidde – Muir wed.  Harris arrested for stealing – leaves town.  “Republican” (newspaper) office in Marbleton.

2-5-14.  Mark Twichel hurt in scuffle at school.  Chapel to open new hotel.  GR Valley Stockmen meet with Forest Rangers.  Wm Pence dies.  Heitz gets White Leghorn cockerel breed.  Christensen accepts position on Kemmerer Republican.  New Marbleton school plans.

2-26-14.  Lackey strikes oil on Beck Ranch on North Piney.  Whitman car garage enlarged.  BP Telephone Co installs 5 new phones.  Society organized & money pledged for new church.

3-5-14. Administrators sale: Oscar Beck, auctioneer.  Uniforms for Marbleton ball teams. Mayor Budd appointed Big Piney postmaster. 

3-12-14.  Middle Piney Lake road to be built & summer resort established.  Meeting for Big Piney ball team.  Jaycox gets wolves at Deer Hill.  Dan Budd & Grover Trittipo to run ice & milk wagon.  Post office improved: new boxes & office enclosed.

3-19-14.  Frank Burney builds new store.  Jaycox traps 22 wolves.  Cattle sell for $8.25.  Marbleton dance proceeds go to ball team.

3-26-14.  Eugenie Cleophus dies.

4-2-14.  WOW camp installed: Managers Christensen, Black, & Jones.  Gus Rodgers baby boy.  Dunham, Jr baby boy.  Carl Craft baby boy.

4-9-14. Daniels baby girls dies.  Marbleton Sewing Club making quilts for raffle.  City council supervises repair of streets.  Frame of ferry boat completed.

4-16-14.  Arbor Day designated by Gov Carey as May 1st.  Easter program at school on Easter Sunday.  20th Century party & dance at James Mickelson.

4-23-14.  WOW gives dance started by Grand March.  Jess Wells baby boy.

4-30-14.  Annual school board meeting.  Owners of dogs required to pay tax: $2.50 for males & $5.00 for females.  Dogs without licenses will be destroyed.  Ball game at Marbleton: Pines vs Slabs.  George Guyette has steam plow.

5-16-14.  Election results: Mayor LD Tanner, Councilmen Whitman & Black.  52 votes cast.  Thatcher gives talk on importance of good roads.  Hakes fell from load of lumber & broke leg.  Slabs beat Pines 15-11.  Tanner returns from road with buggies.  Atwood baby boy.  Automobile party entertained at home of Gene Noble.

6-18-14.  GRV Stockmen meet in Big Piney.  Clementson given reward of $1000 for capture of Jennings & Murphy.  Bounty of $5/ head on wolves.  Ball game.  Dance.  Royal A Young becomes editor & manager of Examiner.  Herschler – Fuller wed.

6-25-14. St John’s Guild organized.  Barthlo – Hiles wed.  Ross – Parks wed.  Bunker found dead at Winkleman Ranch.  Willow Creek locals.  Ranger Allen captured brown bear & 2 cubs.

7-2-14. Heitz puts in soda fountain.  New Burney store 50x50ft.  Official program: Pinedale July 4 & 5.  Haley Cottonwood Ranch sold to FD Ball.  Harrison sold ranch on Horse Creek to Jewett.  Wild West Show at James McLaughlins.

7-9-14. 4th of July celebration at Pinedale -many Piney people driving there in autos. Report on condition of State Bank of Big Piney & Marbleton State Bank.

7-16-14.  Cow has 3 calves.  Healey delivers new Maxwells to Jenkins & Hennick.  Collector for Historical Museum visits to make a collection of western wild animals for Iowa museum.

7-23-14.  State & Federal investigation of wood tick bites.  Hennick baby girl.

7-30-14. Sage chicken season opens.  Richard Hartley, wanted for rape, commits suicide.  Flower Day held at RE Clark Ranch west of Cora.

8-6-14. Pastor secured: Rev Geo C Rafter.  Eastfork Items.  Cottonwood Chips.  Pinedale gossip.  Willow Creek Locals.  Marbleton to incorporate.  Fear builds new home on North Bench.  McLean – Chrisman & Mills – Black double wedding.  New bank building completed.  Richard Key baptized.  Henry Binning, Sr dies.  Barns & Corrals destroyed by fire.  Horse shot at Cora.

8-13-14. McWilliams baby girl.  Town council meets.  Standard Timber to start new camp at head of Green River.  Examiner printed at home again: press repaired.

8-27-14. Rodeo Days. Wm Mills baby girl.  Johnson – Hereford wed.  Lackey & Stanley arrested for fighting.  Smith sells ranch on Cottonwood to Hayden.  Mistake in brands causes misunderstanding.  George Wilson baby boy.

9-3-14. Chas Bird signs 4-yr mail contract. Floyd Norris buys Travis Ranch.  Skaggs arrested for horse stealing.  Rev Rafter & family arrive from MO to take charge of Episcopal Church.  Dubois horse thief arrested twice.  1st fire in Marbleton.  Beef gathering starts.  Merna Midgets.

9-10-14.  Mills inspects new Durnford coal mine. Rev Rafter’s voice fails & he goes to Denver.  26,000#s of parcel post delivered: 3 months accumulation.  O’Neil buys all cattle & hay owned by Cottonwood Land & Livestock.  Burney moves into new store.

9-17-14. Rodeo Days.  Tony Wacak becomes citizen.  Whitten takes pictures & has new gas machine for light.  Mrs Mickelson & Mildred motor to town in new Buick chauffeured by Fred Adams to order groceries for winter. 

9-24-14. Hold up at Marbleton, 2 men arrested.  Case dismissed against Walker on rape charge.  Zack Noble leaves for Iowa to live.  Norris baby boy.  Rodeo Days success.  Mickelson hosted state candidates for Governor, Secretary of State & Treasurer.

10-1-14. Shipley sold Marbleton skating rink to CP Budd.  Muir baby boy.  Snodgrass joins Examiner as co-editor.  Grain harvest awaits thresher.  Hunting season on.

10-8-14. Key buys interest in Daniel Store.  O’Neil gets new Buick.  Rev Mythen new rector for Episcopal Church.  Cottonwood telephone line nears completion.  Rev Reese preaches on “Cause of War in Europe”. 

10-15-14. Smith & Beck, candidates for legislature.  First service held in new Episcopal Church.  Stolen horses found in Fremont County.  Kenneth Luman, 1st mayor of Marbleton.  Pupils work to earn bust & picture of James Whitcomb Riley.  Sutton receives $70 for steers, $60 for cows.  Les Mill’s new pool room.  Oscar Charleston baby girl.

10-22-14. JC Myers commits suicide.  School notes: Marbleton 21 pupils & BPHS 14.  Carlson harvests potato crop.  Mrs Jewett & children arrive from NE & will go to South Horse Creek.

10-29-14. Card Club organized.  Coyotes get chickens.  10th anniversary of 20th Century Club.  Beef cattle from Forty Rod, Kendall & Beaver pass through to road.  Ray Daniels baby boy.

11-5-14. Beck, Mickelson, Homer, Springman, Rowe return from Omaha: $7.55 top price.  Healey, Meeks, Wilhelm get elk in Fall River Basin.  County election results.  New dance questioned.  Dug Sandlin arrived in Boulder with 10-horse load of freight.

11-12-14. State under quarantine.  Play given by Guild a success.  Notice to subscribers to pay.  Luman resigns as Marbleton Bank cashier.

11-19-14. Bank moved to new building.  Junior Circle organized. Postmaster wanted at Halfway.  Ad: Barber & Pixley sell Victrolas.

11-26-14. Doll given by Heitz.  20th Century Club program. Justice Court: lumber stolen, horse stealing.  Cleophus exhibits famous antique furniture in CA.  Turkey shoot in Marbleton.

12-3-14. Freight unloaded at Marbleton Mercantile.  Successful Red Cross Tag Day.  Inspectors search for lost mail.  Tanner’s sister makes trip to African mission.  Stacy buys James sawmill in Snider Basin.  Mills baby girl.  Cooper – Martin  wed.

12-10-14. Stockmen protest raise in freight rates.  Change of venue in Reardon-O’Neil case.  Haddenham – Bartlett wed.  McTee – Cranor wed.  Anderson – Smith wed.  Community Christmas tree.  Wardells go to Lava Hot Springs for rheumatism.  J Curtis winner of doll raffled by Congregational Church.  Dunham – Vickrey case in court.

12-17-14. Judge Holden decides cow belongs to O’Neil.  Marsh – Kunnard wed.  Haddenham  - Bartlett wed.  “Assay” on ‘Sketer’.

12-24-14. School building completed: $11,000.  RW Vickrey to open lumber yard.  School Christmas program. Parmenter parks ‘Tin Lizzie’ for winter.  Crowd decides to dance not skate.

12-31-14. Jesse C Miller will climb Fremont Peak.  Clara Harmison wins Christmas doll.  Rich – Davis wed.  Fire at Marbleton Hall.  Athletic Carnival & Dance on New Years Eve.


1-7-15. Local stockmen place bounty on wolves.  Town council considers electric lights & water.  Hereford baby dies.  Jan 3 & no snow – very unusual.

1-14-15. Ross Ranch sold.  Luce & Murdock buy Simmons Ranch at Kendall.  Roundup (newspaper) sponsors County Division.  McGinnis Land & Cattle Co Stockholders meeting.

1-20-15. Full page ad of McGlashan’s 1st addition, Town of Big Piney.  Picture of house Mac built.  Each person who buys lot given $50 share in house.  When lots all sold, person with most shares wins house.

1-28-15. CF Fish seeks lower altitude.  Bolinger & Burney hunt wolves.  Phone service to Snider Basin.  County Division petition.  Daiber (Ross purchaser) comes in Bess auto.  Charles Walker, Jr dies.

2-4-15. Forest Service headquarters in Big Piney.  J Jensen strikes rut with new auto.  “Lake County” bill.  Lander Trail road to be improved by Forest Service.  WOW revives.  Oil shows in wells on Mills Ranch on North Piney.

2-11-15. Examiner service to stockmen: stray stock dept.  Mrs CP Budd: Marbleton lady mayor.  Whitman, Bess, Guyette, arrive with new Buicks for garage.  Christensen & Jensen buy interest in Burney store.  Casper to introduce bill to move capitol to central WY.  Finland plasterer incarcerated for not paying bills.  Ad: Mutt & Jeff’s Pool Parlor.

2-18-15. Fish hatchery at Daniel bill. WOW elects officers.  Snider Basin News: Stacy sawmill in full swing.  Cleophus to take furniture to Panama Expo. 

2-25-15. Fish hatchery bill didn’t pass.  B Clark’s niece to teach at Daniel.  Ed Swan died in CA.  Petition for Kemmerer to Daniel mail line.  Marbleton hopes to have new hospital.  Frank Travis baby girl.  W Gibbs gets $360 for wolves.  Chas Rathbun dies.  Hickey baby dies.

3-4-15. Ham stolen at Budd Hall.  JB Black’s “Camp Horse Corral” for traveling public.  High School notes.  Wright, Johnson, Stout passed through with freight.  Viola School notes Washington’s birthday.  Ad:  10,000 Examiner subscribers wanted.

3-11-15. Birch Creek Oil Co to drill.  Stout – Bailey wed.  LD Tanner & Editor’s ‘prospecting’ trip to Halfway, Merna, Bronx & Daniel by bobsled.  Chas, John & Daniel Budd dissolve partnership.  Burneys move into new home.  James Black to deliver Mason mail.  Elsie Bird dies.

3-18-15. James – Shumway wed.  Horses stolen from livery barn.  Sheenan case settled.  Booker & George drive finest bunch of cattle.  Wm Mills, Sr to move to OR.  Dr McDill has 2 runaways.  Chas Thomas visits from Willow Creek mill.

3-25-15. Oscar Beck returns from legislature.  WOW goal: 100 members by June 1.

4-1-15. Volunteer firemen put out fire at telephone office.  Tanner & Young visit Daniel, Cora, Pinedale, Boulder, & Newfork.  Roundup meeting: Hawes chosen as foreman.  Tyler – Thompson wed.  Big Piney Printing & Publishing Co annual meeting: O’Neil president,  JB Budd, Sec.  New press to be purchased.  Herschel Bondurant new Pinedale - Big Piney stage driver.  Chas Bird brings last load of parcel post.  Halliday new contractor.

4-8-15.  Citizens request to attend meeting about cemetery.  Henry Budd & family to town in new Buick & stuck in mud for 2 hours.  Easter serviced at school in absence of Reese.

4-15-15. Chet Chrisman baby girl.  Hiles baby girl.  A McGinnis baby girl.  Twichel - Larch wed.  WOW orchestra: Link Shideler, Ira, Steve & Cecil Baldwin.  New auto owners -  Gilhousen, Heitz, Guyette –seek passengers.  Cemetery to get new fence.  J Jensen works at Burney’s.  Big Piney candidates.  By Edwards auction – leaves for Canada.

4-22-15.  Tie camp on Cottonwood.  Basketball: under vs upper classmen.  Card from Rev Reese.  Jesse Budd applies for 5 acre homestead on Middle Piney Lake.  Atwood completes house for Ira Bailey.  Vickrey leases sawmill to John Ray who has Willow Creek Coal Mine.  Clean up day.  Tanner returns from Opal with 5 loads of machinery & merchandise for Mercantile.

4-29-15. High School girls in play.  Billy Sherman range rider for Twin Creek outfit.  Heitz installed fresh meat dept at Emporium.  AW Smith’s Pierce-Arrow piloted by Tom Major.  Hesser manages Big Piney ball team.  OA Young has Percheron stallions for sale.  Parmenter on crutches: overturned car.  Woodward closes Barber Shop in Big Piney & moves to Marbleton.

5-6-15. Old school house to be auctioned off.  LW Sargent buys Snider Ranch.  Robert Hill baby boy.  Mary Cranor dies.  Notice: Stores close at noon on Sundays.  Ursula Tanner hired to teach Fall River Basin School.  State Game Warden visits.  Salesmen called: Royal Baking Powder, Boot & Shoe Co, Merchant Biscuit, Cudahy Packing, Separator Co.

5-13-15. Jaycox finds 50 yr old muzzle–loading rifle along Eastfork. Rays plant 1st garden on Willow Creek.  Richie grubbing sagebrush for Warren on Green River.  New picture show remodeling.  Election: Mayor Tanner, Commissioners Chapel & Budd.  Mrs Reese operated on at home of Dr Chapman in Pinedale.  8th Grade commencement at Congregational Church.  Oliver Twichell (Twichel?) goes to Mayo for treatment.  Merna Murmurings, Riverside Dots, Newfork Nuggets, Boulder Bouncers, Mason Rites.  Pinedale Roundup editor visits Big Piney.

5-20-15. Commencement.  North & Young fail to reach Star Valley via Lander Trail.  Mail contract explained.  Holden of Fontenelle appointed Water Commissioner.  Henderson baby girl.  Anderson – McClure wed.

5-27-15. Hakes baby girl.  20th Century Club program & play “Peck vs Peck”.  Antone Wacak sells Blacksmith Shop to Antone Subic.  Wilfred Nichols from CA for visit.

6-3-15. “Peck vs Peck” a success.  Registered Hereford bulls at Opal for local stockmen.  Cleophus sells ranch to Gull Whitman & will move to CA.  Green River Valley Stockmen plan meeting & Wild West Carnival.  Roundup & Examiner suggest an Auto Parade for Stockmen’s meeting.  Creedon found not guilty of horse stealing.  Frank Gorey baby girl.  Newfork-Boulder Horse Co annual meeting: Pres-Manager Oscar Evans, Sec-Treas John Vible.

6-10-15. Big Piney buys school house to move & remodel for Town Hall & Jail.  Work on Marbleton Race Track.  Oscar Beck buys Opal bulls to sell to ranchers.  WOW holds 1st memorial service at grave of Chas Walker, Jr & reveals monument.  Hicks house completed at Bondurant.  North Pineyites fish fry at Mill Pond.  Livestock inspection.

6-17-15. Standard Timber gets Contract for 5 million ties to be cut on Cottonwood Creek & floated to Green River.  Ad:  Old-fashioned idea for 4th celebration.  Wm Hill visits capitol.  Perry Lewis baby boy.

6-24-15. MacGlashan resigns as bank cashier.  Albert Larson new cashier.  Pinedale entertains Osterhout, pres & Luman, sec.  Frank Johnson baby girl.  JL Fleming baby girl.  McIlvain, Dempsey, Budd, Osterhout, Tanner, Meeks & Firney to Lava Hot Springs.  Town Council proceedings.  ‘Modern’ motion pictures shown at Big Piney & Daniel.

7-1-15. Picture show to open Saturday.  Patriotic Service at Episcopal Church: CR Wagner, minister.  Charles Lackey baby girl.  JL Fleming girl.  Roland Cameron killed by explosion.  Work to begin on new Drug Store building.  Ad: Advertise & opposed to mail order.

7-8-15. 4th Celebration.  Cora’s 4th - everyone went to Newfork or Willow Lakes.  J Hayden baby boy.  PW Jenkins & family to Lander.  Old school house moved near Chapel Hotel.  Replevin case in court.  Road finished in (Hoback) canyon as far as Granite.  Bondurants 2 gas lights in houses.  HC Dunham has red pigs for sale.

7-15-15. J Grant murdered: Bellin arrested.  Official Census:  Big Piney 141, Marbleton 67.  Redmen to organize.  Standard Timber reps visit.  LE Bennett is moving to Big Piney & will play for entertainment & teach piano.

7-22-15. First water case tried before Judge Durnford.  Big Piney’s growth steady, not result of boom.  Carrie Payne injured by lightning bolt.  Dick Grant found dead & Bellin suspected.

7-29-15. Tommy O’Neil drowns in North Piney Creek.  Local taxpayers heaviest in County.  The Basin is settling up: 9 claims filed in 3 weeks.  Masons work for lodge in Big Piney.  Snider Basin sawmill crew goes to Halfway for haying.

8-5-15. Roundup celebration program.  Hide & junk buyer, Abe Bloom, arrested for forgery.  O’Neil buys Cottonwood Ranch, largest in valley.  Herman Wall, noted artist, dies at Merna.  Episcopal Church benefit.  Gypsies in vicinity.  Guyette subpoenaed as witness in sage chicken killing out of season by Rose & Stafford.

8-12-15. Site of old Ft Bonneville located. Famous Bronco Steer at FD Ball Ranch.  Garages being built for car owners.  Burney & Co building a frost-proof cellar for winter storage.  Redmen entertainment & dance for wives & sweethearts.

8-19-15. Chapel-Walters suit won by plaintiff.  Haddenham Ranch on Craven Creek cares for cattle.  Gilhousen & Shipley build new houses.  Healey & Meeks purchase Wilhelm Ranch.  Bishop Thomas visits Episcopal Church.  Hay crop short - dry weather.  Frank Rose baby boy.

8-28-15. 3-reel Roundup Show at Marbleton.  Billy Hesser to Chicago for new job.  Jimmy Jensen gathers beef for Mickelson.  LC Perkins of CO in market for horses for French Gov’t.

9-2-15. Steers 7.50 – 8.40.  Cows & heifers 6.00 – 6.50.  Congregational Church dedication.  Green River Valley Roundup Days official program.  Cora news: gypsies return & citizens had fortunes told.  40 tons of hay, saddles, corrals & stables burn at Black Place – fire innocently set by son of Finlay.  Haddenham – Steinberger wed: groom served warrant charging illegal marriage.  Congregational Church social.  Alfred Nicholls amputated left toe chopping wood.

9-9-15. Land Commissioner amazed at progress in western WY.  Rain hampers 1st annual Roundup.  Commercial Club: Pres MacGlashan, VP Chapel, Treas Larsen, Sec Young.  LD Tanner baby girl.  Nickerson, pres of Oregon Trail Assoc, returns from marking OR Trail.

9-16-15. Telephone: new switchboard.  Town council proceedings.  Laum inspects restaurants for State Dairy, Food & Oil Dept.   Hallihan moves druggist supplies from Marbleton to Big Piney.  Bookers from Halfway establish winter home in Dick Key house.  Stoner – Larson  wed.

9-23-15. Judge Durnford sentences 2 boys for stealing.  Springman horses killed by lightning & Harry escapes.  School declared safe.  Chas Walker “White Barn” complete.  John Kemmerer of NY visits after Fall River Basin hunt.  Examiner receives beef from Mickelson, ducks from Jesse Budd & a chicken from MacGlashan.  FD Ball children to ID Technical Institute.  Bird brothers arrested in UT for shooting elk unlawfully.  Forest fire 20 miles from Daniel.  Mickelson: cattle conditions.  Teachers return from institute at Afton.  Sheriff Hansen sues Reardon for slander.  Rain washes out Muddy Creek bridge.  Bruce Cranor baby girl.  HH Miller baby boy.

10-7-15.  McNish (McNinch?) commits suicide at Midway.  Stacy & McKay install planers.  Bert Atwood controls Valley Theater.  Ernest Wyman baby boy.  Henry Budd buys MacGlashan shares in Big Piney Printing & Publishing.  Hendrickson hurt in  Diamondville mine.

10-14-15. Hendrickson dies.  Gus Rogers sells Mason ranch to Chet Chrisman.  H Budd & Fred Beck stucco houses.  Black, Vickrey & Dr Hallihan: car rolls on North Cottonwood.  Lorena Shideler breaks collar bone playing at school.  Busy wood haulers.  Mrs Swanstrom radish: 21x15”.  New Hillmont post office at Doc Dunham Ranch.  Wes Vickrey baby boy.

10-21-15. Stacy & McKay end partnership.  WOW entertains.  Platt Wilson of Kemmerer visits.  Pinedale Phone manager Parish patrols line to Big Piney.  Chas Noble breaks record for range steer.  Cattle buyer Johnston calls on stock raisers: ranchers prepare to drive beef to road.  Pat Conwell moves family to Daniel for winter.  Lot Haley sold cattle to Dan Muir for $66/head.  Why should women vote?

10-28-15. Lafe Griffin dies.  Charley Bird’s son burned.  New school English books.  Frank Burney wrestles bear & wins.  4th anniversary of Examiner.  Daniels & Hale run away from home.  Coffman – Smith wed.  Chas Noble lost fur overcoat.  Hiram Reed dies in accident with team.  Gene Noble learns to drive new Buick.  Jim Ely new stage driver to Pinedale.

11-4-15. Hoyt – Crafton wed.  Chas Dailey, Marbleton banker, shot by D Crafton.  Horse thieves active.  20th Century Club donates piano to school.  Editorial: promiscuous use of firearms.  CH Kelly buys Luman Ranch near Kendall.  Hedges – Yarger wed.  CJ Jewett shingles house.  Geo Shumway baby boy.  Halloween pranks.

11-10-15. Roach – Mershon wed.  Steve Daniels buys Walker Stable. Horse by Express: 1st horse in auto to Frank Fear.  Hilda Bird dies.  Fred Bailey hauling house logs to homestead.  Marbleton children have mumps.  McKay assumes control of Walker Sawmill.  Tanner: record sale of Peter Shuttler Wagons.  Curley Bartlett baby boy.  J Charles Rumsch, new Marbleton bank cashier.

11-18-15. Warrants for Gibbs & Reisch for trapping beaver.  Ray – Lehmer wed.  Landon: narrow escape in auto.  WOW play “A Woman’s Honor”.  Snodgrass leaves Examiner – Dallaire takes his place.  Ad: Twichel Coal Mine at Birch Creek & The Christmas Store.

11-25-15. WOW may least Budd Hall.  Game Wardens in town.  Martin Brennan baby girl.  Jesse Budd has oldest paper in Valley.  1916 Brand Book issued.

12-2-15. Big Piney growth.  Geo Furney, Marbleton Mayor.  Chapels honeymoon after 6 yrs.  Big Piney school accredited.  Stanley school closes.  Cokeville gives Stockmen keys. All brands need re-recorded in 1915 & every 10 years.  Frank Hanson baby girl.  Wm Kunnard baby boy.

12-8-15. Horse thief caught in Utah.  Stockmen: worst market in 2 yrs.  Commercial Club.  “Courting” cases popular.  No more free logs from Forest Reserve.  Bellin verdict: not guilty.  Baptism fount for Episcopal Church.

12-16-15. Congregational Church choir.  Ed Parmenter injured at Holden Hill.  2 Vible children die.  Haller rents Marbleton garage.  Phone Co purchases lot & switchboard.  Dr McDill leaves for Cumberland to practice.  Ad:  Christmas.

12-23-15. Oliver Vible dies.  All public entertainments postponed because of black diphtheria.  Town Council.  WOW assists children.  Mickelsons move to town home.

12-30-15. John Vible dies.  Clate Stacy builds Marbleton home.  Goodwin gets teaching certificate after controversy.  Holden pays 1st visit in 2 yrs.  Stray Elks of Green River Valley give free banquet & dance.  Muleshoe dance cut short by quarantine.  Whitman leases Big Piney Garage to Bess & Yose.  Examiner plans for 1916.  Daniel children’s program.  Dennis baby dies.  Tanner sold out entire stock of bobsleds.  Carol singing in town.


1-6-16. Edmundson released after serving 18 yrs for murder.  Quarantine lifted.

1-13-16. School play.  WOW proposes brass band.  LaBarge Zephyrs, Mason Mites, Hillmont Views, Canyon Ranch & Thornton Ferry news.  Dan Budd traps large wolf in back of Mercantile. Twichel: price of coal.  Redmen officers.  Ad: BP Mercantile Shoe Sale .75 to $1.50.

1-20-16. WOW dance.  Valley Theater dance.  Justice Court: Hal Gibbs free.  High school notes.  HL Budd, Deputy Assessor.  McDills move to ID.  Ranger to count cattle.  Dan B Budd baby girl.  2 cells & desk for town hall & jail.

1-27-16. Bry–Decker wed. 25 deer caught in Heart Gulch, LaBarge, snowslide. WOW Minstrels.

2-3-15. Dennis – Bennett wed by phone.  Supervisor meets stockmen.  Leap Year dance.  Palmer – Flynn wed.  Carey first to occupy new jail.

2-10-16.  Rev Wood’s Episcopal service.  $200 fine for taking wrong mail out of post office.  Mickelson cattle fed at Robinson Ranch in Opal.  Leap Year hints.  O’Neil receives barley by parcel post.  Steve Baldwin baby girl.  Munn opens store at Halfway ranch.

2-17-16. Game Warden helps elk at Newfork Lake.  County Superintendent unfair to Goodwin.  Earl Jones baby girl.

2-24-16. Budd Hall fire.  Snider Basin snow 5-10 ft deep.  Opal news.  Feldman buys hides.  Ben Griggs caught in snowslide.

3-2-16. WOW Minstrels.  Sheriff sues Reardon for $30,000.  Gov’t vaccine free.  Calf diphtheria treatment.  Fire protection needed.  Wm Mills Jr baby girl.

3-9-16. Big Piney needs resident minister.  Examiner announces publication of classified ads.  Show by McLain, Illusionist & Medinistic Performer.

3-16-16. Rangers take game census.  Shel Baker baby dies.  McLain to take over Valley Theater.

3-23-16. Big Piney Roundup Assoc meeting.  Budd Ave owners will lay sidewalks.  Fear buys Tarter Ranch.  Goodwin responds.  CF Webb baby boy.  Hard Times dance.  Warm weather floods roads.

3-30-16. Travis takes Ranger job in NV.  Increased grain acreage.  Mail situation worst in years.  Vaccinating & dehorning.  Burneys: measles quarantine.  Fire extinguisher at Examiner Office.

4-6-16.  Kemmerer wants good road.  Mrs James Smith dies.  Concealed weapons unlawful in  Marbleton; Harmison to enforce.  Mrs Sorg dies.  John Wardell baby girl.  Ad: Clean up.

 4-13-16. Congregational Church Easter program.  Auto truck mail service.  HC Dunham baby boy.  Examiner Editor Dallaire resigns.  HM Holden baby girl.  Tom Clementson shot.

4-20-16. Stockmen settle differences.  Dryer accused of stealing calves.  Mrs Frank Shipley dies.  Mrs Arbelia West dies.

4-27-16. Ad: State Bank of BP.  Lackey home completed.  Dryer bound to district court.  Campbells upset toboggan on Dell Creek.  Pfisterer children have whooping cough.

5-4-16. Mrs Fish resigns from St John’s Guild.  New minister for Congregational Church.  Geo Wilson baby girl.  Dumin – Fults wed.  O Twichell (Twichel?) baby girl. 

5-11-16. Oil & gas discovery at head of Dry Piney Basin.  Big Piney Merc closes grocery business.  School closes.  Harmison takes outlaw to Opal to receive reward.  1st class fortune teller at Fontenelle.  OH Dunham Ranch auction.  Twichel baby dies.  John Ray baby boy.

5-18-16. High School play.  “Mikes Place” sold to W Vickrey.  CF Mills dies.

5-25-16. Cretaceous Oil Co incorporates.  Cow awarded to O’Neil.  Martin buys Jordan Ranch at Bronx.  Stephen Bailey baby boy.  Ad:  Big Piney Garage.

6-1-16. Dunham Ranch sold to Mickelson.  Dunhams leave county.  Rev Wenrick’s son hurt in accident.  Bob Gunter opens Big Piney Billiard Parlor.

6-8-16. WOW memorial service.  Oil rig on way to field.  WOW band plays.  Bailey – Bess wed.  Golub new barber.  Ad: Cretaceous Oil Co.

6-15-16. Town Council meets re sidewalks.  Chapels leave Hotel Piney.  Middle Piney Lake road to open.  $25 reward for information on anyone seining, spearing or dynamiting fish.  Mrs Alberta Franks suicide.  JH Guyette baby girl.

6-22-16.  PW Jenkins baby girl. 

6-29-16. July 4th celebration for home folks.  Alice Ball entertains.  Spotts – McNeil wed.  Ed Allen baby boy.  ER Noble builds home on ranch.  J Budd puts 35,000 Rainbow Trout in Middle Piney.  Dr Hallihan race horse to Pinedale & ridden by Jigg Ball.  Bob Major to Kemmerer & back in 5hr 37min in Smith’s Pierce Arrow – record.  6 covered wagon loads of home seekers arrive  from ID. 

7-6-16. Billy Sherman 2nd in bucking, R Mills 1st in chariot races in Pinedale.  Mrs JJ Warren dies.  Program for 4th.  Raymond Henderson, 4, drowns.  Ag agent visits.  J Kitchen arrested for threatening life of Lillian Curtis.  Rawleigh firm agent calls on ranchers.

7-13-16. Oilmen arrested for trepass.  Guy Holt heads Roundup Days.  State geologist oil claims.

7-20-16. Streets graded.  Carl Sorensen suicide.  Moffat – Sage wed.  Trespass charge dismissed.

7-27-16. Bugher not guilty of stealing.  Saturday night dances during haying.  CF Ball baby boy.

8-3-16. Political: Arnold, Christman, Preston, McMinn, Mickelson.  Mason School program.  McMinn captured Dalton.  Murdock baby girl.  Al Fields baby girl.  Ned Davison baby boy.

J Barber accident:  tire rim.  Ehman Ranch sold to Nels Jorgensen.  Moore son kicked by horse.  8-10-16. Discharged soldier goes bughouse.  Roundup time good for tourists.  BM Fox birthday  party.  Phil Twichel new house party.  Lumber sale at Horse Creek to Stacy.  Catholic priest visit.  Charles McClure baby boy.

8-17-16. Beef to be gathered the 17th.  McCleneghan of Omaha claims Piney cattle best in WY.  UT grocery rep sells $10,000 to citizens.  Pomeroy’s new home.  Hay extra good.

8-24-16. Political pot boils.  New Daniel Store dance by Barber & Pixley.  Luce baby dies.  Rev Reader nephew killed in action.  Ad: State Bank of Big Piney.

8-31-16. State Warden visit & road inspection.  Goodwin – Jensen wed.  WJ McGinnis baby girl.  Orval Allen baby boy.  Tanner sells Case tractors.

9-7-16. Bertha James hurt in fall down steep cliff.  Big Piney to have picture show again.  Roundup Days program.  Chas Lehmer baby girl.  Ad: Horse Creek Sawmill.

9-14-16. Cowboy Rangers organize.  Haddenham – Bondurant wed.  Roundup winners.  Jewett & Kelly have NE visitors.  School opens.  Twichel coal mine open.

9-21-16. Roundup winners.  Beck Ranch & cattle sold to Rathbun.  Creedon arrested for assaulting Mulholland.  Hon Mondell: Republican speech.  New band stand complete.  Chet Christman (Chrisman?) baby boy.  JW Davis baby girl.

9-28-16. City speed limit: 15mph.  Fields – Baldwin wed: auto accident delays honeymoon.  Curtis – Parker elope.  Rev Reader elocution class.  High School has 8 students.  Miller baby dies.  Davison baby dies.  1st beef drive complete.  Ad: The Pioneer.

10-5-16. Dr Hook organizes Cowboy Rangers.  Episcopal Bishop Thomas reception.  Tommy Chapel dislocates shoulder.  Republican ticket.  Ad: National Order of Cowboy Rangers.

10-12-16. Rathbun buys Turpin Ranches.  Gov Hendricks reception.  Heitz recovering from blood poisoning.  Stanley Murdock killed in accident.  Addison Moffatt (Moffat)s’ 25th. Ads: political.

10-19-16. Omaha stock report.  Democratic rallies.  Oscar Beck buys Mills house.  Jess Budd buys Hibben Ranch in Basin.  Hibbens leaves for Arkansas.  Coyotes plentiful.

10-26-16. Clifton Fear to open new grocery store.  Candidate ads. 

11-16-16. HS girls play basketball at Kemmerer.  Geo Milleg fractures arm.  Boy’s Club organized.  Election results.  Congregational Church Circle: all day meeting.  Dan Harrison baby boy.  Dumon – Sherman wed.  Ad: Rally & dance by Cowboy Rangers.

11-23-16. Piney girls beat Kemmerer.  Guthrie dies.  Chapels baby boy.  Colburn & Woods accused of killing livestock.

11-30-16. Bess & Yose buy garage from Whitman.  BPHS freshmen entertain.  Card Club meets.  Wool growers convention.  Thanksgiving dances in Marbleton & BP.  Burney buys carload of flour.  Ad: Fear’s Cash Store.

12-7-16. School law revision.  Masquerade dance: Paul Fields & Pearl Budd, winners.  Rev Reader stays in BP.  No persons under 18 in pool hall.  Marbleton dads buy equipment for boys.

12-14-16. Cattlemen break records at Omaha.  Whitman & Baum buy Sutton Ranch.  Dan Budd buys 600# bell for Episcopal Church.  Frank Travis dies.  Literary Society formed.  St John’s services.  Ice harvest begins.  Bazaar nets $100.  Ad: Horseshoe Tires.

12-21-16. Last Leap Year dance.  Jenkins – Herschler wed.  Judge Durnford criticized.  Dan Budd’s 33rd birthday party.  Congregational Church program.  Chas Walkers’ silver wedding.  Ice crushes Gilhousen toe.

12-28-16. Cowboy Rangers officers.  Fields – Condon wed.  Harrison charged with embezzlement.  Allen – Carr wed.  BPHS sophomores entertain.  Elk pictures for sale.  Fredell loses bet.  Attempt to blow up Durnford mine.  New mail route bids.


1-4-17. Thomas Smith dies.  Wilfred Nichols dies.  Unita County irrigation project sold.  Children’s sleighing party.  Tom O’Neil completes work as County Commissioner.  Dallaire joins staff as associate editor.  Wilson signs 640 acre law.  Sparring exhibition.  Geo Durford baby boy.  Albert Krenze opens barber shop.  WOW officers.

1-11-17.  Mickelson to Cheyenne for 14th legislature.  Marbleton State Bank  annual meeting: Pres Luce, VP Chrisman.  Ad: Big Piney Mercantile’s full line of caskets.  Mrs Doty & children in snow storm: all in serious condition.  Monk installing lights in new Noble house.  Snodgrasses to Lava.  Carr, Hereford, & Huston drive 200 range horses to desert.  Monk repairs phone lines.  Congregational Church choir organized.

1-18-17. O’Neil steers: record price.  Yarger & Johnson sell liquor illegally.  Scott Barber dies.  Shipley sells wood sawing outfit to Garger.  Chas Stacy dies.  Fish hatchery at Daniel.  Fleming & Condon deliver Cottonwood coal.  Miller freezes feet.  Lackey buys F Smith property.

1-25-17. Tripitto to Chicago auto show.  County agent services to ranchers.  Stockmen protest grazing fee increase.  Hallihan appointed medical examiner.  State Vet treats calves at Boot Jack.  Stacy sells Horse Creek Sawmill to C Budd & Luce.  Congregational Church illustrated lectures.

2-1-17. Poole – Thorp wed. Mrs Doty’s trials by Mrs Joseph Guyette.  Calf diphtheria.  Ladies Circle: Pres Tanner, Sec Booker, Treas Roberts.  De-horning time.  People stranded by snowstorm at Opal.

2-8-17. US severs relations with Germany.  Garage enlarged, remodeled.  Pioneer Drug Store sold to Dr Hook.  Episcopal Church patriotic service.  Heitz son breaks arm.  Episcopal Ladies give dance. Value of advertising brands.  Heitz baby boy.  Girls Gym Club: Pres Leona Linn, VP Pearl Vickrey, Sec Lottie Fields.  Little Jack Budd – runaway horse.

2-15-17. Episcopal Church offering for Belgian Relief Fund.  Loar – Haller wed.  WOW growing.  Tanner & Young on selling tour of county.

2-22-17. $83,000 for bounties.  Legislature report.  Krupp loses on hide shipment as firm fails.  County Commissioners can’t use funds for County Fairs.  WOW’s 3rd annual ball.  School drama.

3-1-17. “American First” program.  Ross – Chalfont wed.  Chas Budd Marbleton party.  Heavy snow means summer water.  Oil men eye state leases.  Gov’t photographer takes pics of game.

3-8-17. Bridge protected.  Gov’t Rifle Club organized.  WE Mills refuses to pay alimony.  Merna proud of mail carrier.  Mail route to Pinedale fails.

3-15-17. Joys of Rock Springs route.  Maechams moving to BP.  Miss Frankie Wilson on UW Debate Team.  McNeil brings 5 airedale bear dogs to assist hunters.  Ad: GRV Rifle Club.

3-22-17. Round Up Assoc meeting.  Vickrey car ownership settled in court.  Good Roads Club a reality.  J McClintock baby girl.  Al Osterhout returns from Mayo.

3-19-17. Creedon arrested & released.  Ted Dunham dies.  JH Hayden baby girl.  Examiner wants library. Threshing record gains. Auto laws. McLain resigns as Pinedale to BP stage driver. 

4-5-17. Leistor – Huston wed.  Commercial Club Swan song.  School displays flag.  Fredell Ranch leased to Moffat.  S Barber show Edison phonograph in BP.  45,000 elk in WY.  Krupp’s hides ready for road.

4-12-17. US declares war:  citizens endorse.  Speech extracts.  Easter services.  Jesse Budd sets flagpole at school.  Tod James gets wolves.  Severe winter: temps average 20 below for 3 months.  Chas Lackey baby girl.

4-19-17. Cretaceous Oil co resumes activities.  Men of 40 may enlist for war.  TO Beck brings stockmen to county.  Episcopal ladies entertain children.  Gilhousens to leave area.  Fear’s Cash Store closed:  Burney & Co buy stock.  Cecil Baldwin to CA.

4-26-17. Supervisor advises stockmen of laws.  Patriotic meeing.  Red Cross chapter formed: Pres Tanner, VP O’Neil, Sec Mrs Mickelson, Treas Larsen.  Machine gun platoon forming in valley.  Lee Hopkins dies.  Parcel post to Bondurant by bobsled.  Ice dynamited on North Piney & thaws endangered bridge.  Geo Shumway baby boy.

5-3-17. Country prepares for conflict.  Rev Reese resigns.  Everett Smith appointed deputy.  Many dead horses in Birch Creek area.  Jurors called for court in Kemmerer.  CW Lancaster baby girl.  Recruiters in Pinedale & Big Piney.  City politics.

5-10-17. Graduation.  Fred Carr shoots toe off while after rabbit.  Mills – Young wed.  $16,000 for roads.   Red Cross Chapter charter.  ‘Star Spangled Banner’.  Wm Kuehy & John Rothe join Navy.  Albert Atwood baby girl.  Rev Hill at Episcopal Church.  Jack Walters buys Marbleton garage.  City election: 98 votes.

5-17-17. Good Road Club. Graduation week functions.  Lyon Rathburn baby boy.  Dan Crafton convicted of manslaughter.  Rev Wenrick resigns from Congregational Church.

5-24-17. Coyte buys Odle Ranch near Bronx.  Alberts furnish car & parents buy gas for school children.  Cy Kelly Ranch sold to Whitman & Baum.  Lee Smith buys Graham cattle.  Graham buys Buick.  Weather interferes with road meeting.  JL Black: public statement.  Examiner owned by stockholders.  Mrs Fultz injured in team runaway.  Louis Vickrey baby girl.  Frank Luce enlists in Navy.  Heavy rains – roads in frightful condition.

5-31-17. Registration for all men age 21 – 31.  Dr Cook checks LaBarge oil fields for Pyramid Oil Co.  Ag agent visits.  Watt & Bennett walk from Names Hill to Big Piney.  Mail service important.  4 autos bring rain-stranded people in from road.  Ad:  For Sale – MacGlashan.

6-7-17. Resche – Thompson wed.  75 register in Big Piney.  Thackwell to Nicaragua.  Dances in Big Piney, Boulder & at Cy Kellys.  Helen Durnford trains as Red Cross nurse at LDS Hospital.  Supt Moyer with machine gun corps.  Fear sells store building to Dr Hook.

6-14-17. J Jensen robbed of $200 near Ogden.  Griggs – Libby wed.  Boosters say better roads due.  Fish commissioner to locate hatchery near Daniel.

6-21-17. Mrs Quealy speaks at Red Cross meeting.  VanWinkle – Paxton wed.  Bad weather halts sheep shearing.  Jones & Meyer brothers grub sagebrush for Jewett.  Henry McDonald surveying in Bondurant.  Dr Hook remodels drugstore.

6-28-17. Red Cross subscribers.  Raoul Dodge drowns in Green River.  Malenik – Major wed.  Sherman Cranor baby girl.  Walter ‘Bull’ Durham (Dunham?) ‘tail’.  Sage baby stillborn.  Milt Hardesty drowns.    Dan Creedon greets ‘Miss Fortune’.

7-5-17. Bruce Parker baby girl.  Hoback Canyon road ready for travel.  Quiet 4th of July.

7-12-17. Stout & Bailey buy Cotton Ranch.  Red Cross war council thanks.  Subscribe to Examiner for 5 yrs to get us new linotype machine.  Gala 4th at Noble Ranch home.

7-19-17. Boys at Pinedale Volunteers.  Luce & Curtis overturn car.  New road grader arrives.  Examiner to move to Pioneer Bldg.  Ladies register.  Walter Nichols visits Dan Budds.

7-26-17. Livestock men: support for war.  Dance benefits soldiers.  Red Cross officers.  Pinedale entertains boys in khaki.  Linotype boosters.  BP Garage gives “Milestones’ magazine to auto owners.  Yarger’s fresh fruit for Barber.  Lightning strikes local bldg.  Barbor resigns garage.

8-2-17. Mess Fund dance.  RE Clark’s Flower Day: proceeds to Red Cross.  Mickelson home sold to Beck.  Valley volunteers to Cheyenne.  CF Fish moves home to lots in Piney.  Chas Noble enlarges Key home.

8-9-17. Fish 77th birthday.  Bollinger & son buy Phillips Ranch.  Lee Smith baby girl.

8-23-17. Price & Stacy open Dew Drop Inn in Marbleton.  Gus Young hay accident.  Lightning hits ‘Indian Bill’ Powell.  Fish hatchery on Forty Rod.  Dr Stone, dentist, drafted.  Cretaceous Co purchases equipment.  Geo Linn baby boy.  RW Vickrey baby boy.  G Wenrick baby boy.

8-30-17. Ross family visits.  Big Piney – Kemmerer phone line work.  Remodels: Big Piney garage, Frank Smith, Drugstore, Mills home, Fish store & home, Booker property.  Bondurant takes tourists through Hoback Canyon.  Examiner prints BPHS annual.  Dan Muir baby boy.  Guy Decker baby girl.  Mrs Larsen & son in Kemmerer for Chautauqua.

9-6-17. Henry Capron baby boy.  HA Thompson baby boy.  Road complaints.  Mills Ranch sold to Shipley.  Sheahan – Lindley wed.  70 men fight Horse Creek 25 acre forest fire.  Burney, James,  & Ely fish Lake Alice.

9-13-17. Motion pictures advertise Valley.  Nellie Mae Bess, principal.  JF Schmidt Harness & Saddle Shop.  Billiard Parlor changes hands.  Constant L Irwin in France.  Roundup begins: 16 cowboys & chuck wagon.  To college: Josephine Osterhout, Alice & Frank Ball, Jr leave for CA.  Henry McDonald buys Buick roadster.

9-20-17. Pyramid Oil Co marks ‘spudding in’ with BBQ.  Sgt Bud Smith in NC.  J: Bess dies in ID.  3 mile area proposed addition to WY National Forest.  Forest fire exaggerated.  Burneys to Fall River Basin to hunt & fish.  Church school picnic.  Springman trades ‘37’ Buick for 7-passenger Buick.  Roads bad: Rev Lynch’s 6 blowouts between Kemmerer & Big Piney.

9-27-17. Cottonwood tie camp plans.  Big Piney Garage gets heating plant.  School opens: 59 pupils.  Fredell sells hotel to Mrs Gray.  Mrs James Jensen: Woman’s Liberty Loan Campaign.  Storms prevent Bishop Thomas from reaching Piney.  Mrs CF Webb & girls to Ogden for school.  Neighbors charivari Lindleys.  Atwood bids bridge work between Opal & Kemmerer.

10-6-17. Cattle rustlers to court.  Fredells leave.  ‘Sharkey’ writes Wyoming Company news.  Red Cross news.  Warning: No hunting or fishing on Fear Ranches.  School board buys ‘Stoddard Lectures’.

10-11-17. Liberty bonds.  Martin sells ranch, moving to UT.  Soldier wants mail.  Edwards daughter dies.   Mrs JB Ewer visits Sommers’.  CP MacGlashan auction; moving to UT.   Blake Miller moves to Cheyenne to help Schmidt in saddler business.  Wallace – Bentley wed.  Marie Atwood joins Examiner staff.

10-18-17. Red Cross knitters.  New county road to Fall River Basin.  Editorial “Why America’s at War”.  VP speech.  MacGlashan dies in accident.  Library Loan Booster Club.  Roy Haller baby boy.

10-25-17. MacGlashan obit.  Ruth Gilbert’s Stanley School editorial.  Standard Timber.  Geo Webster dies.  Mrs RC Irwin dies.  Horse kicks JB Linn in mouth.  Orlin Black cuts foot on adze.  Mrs Springman & kids to SLC for winter.  Herschel Bondurant baby boy.

11-1-17. Library Loan contributors.  Tod James bags big mountain sheep ‘Old Thunder Mtn’.  Anti-Saloon League visits.  Berrong – Shipley wed.  HE Surrett discharged:  ill health.  Belle Solon: Murdock School teacher.  War Costume dance.  Ruth Gilbert resigns Stanley School.

11-8-17.  Bishop Thomas visits St Johns.  Teacher exams.  Volunteer letters.  Opal congested: 45 of 74 loads of cattle to Omaha.  Soldiers’ Christmas boxes.  GRV boys move to NY.  Mickelson, Fear, & Beck return from Omaha: $11.50.  Marbleton Turkey Shoot.

11-15-17. Oscar Beck: Truant Officer.  Santa letters.  Lackey Oil Co: 1st meeting.  Cattle stealing case in Kemmerer court.  Jesse Budd gives dictionary & atlas to school.  Basketball practice.  AW Smith’s 3-yr old steer weighs 2050#. 

11-22-17. Herschler – Mason wed.  Slyder – Angus wed.  Labor Commission needs help.  Mrs Chas Budd, Dan & Dorothea to Logan for school.  Gov’t puts weather station at phone office.  Pioneer gets War Barrel.

11-29-17. Dallaire & Valley Volunteers letter.  Food Conservation Pledge Cards due.  Platte Wilson surveys roads.  Schmidt & Miller move business to Cheyenne.  Albert Dunham joins Army.  St John’s mystery play.

12-6-17. Red Cross work.  Letter from boys in NY.  Daniel Home Ec Assoc: Pres Sargent, VP Scott, Sec Key, Treas Conwell.  Big Piney Home Ed: Pres O’Neil, VP Noble, Sec Fish, Treas Fear.  AW Smith to Hotel UT for winter.  Hospital drive.  Greetings: Big Piney Garage, Emporium, Hotel Piney, Marbleton State Bank, Pioneer.  Mrs Frank Fear reminisces.

12-13-17. Polaris Petroleum Co organized to drill.  School program.  Keith Culbertson enlists in Air Corp.  Threshers finish Sommers’s grain: 900 bushels.

12-20.17. Social affairs.  Gov’t Horse Inspection.  Wm Faris is 1st to appear on skis this winter at Bondurant.  Hereford – Haley wed.  Daniels & Houston spend night by sagebrush fire after car quits.  Tanner drives wheel off truck.

12-27-17. Christmas entertainment.  Red Cross: baby clothes.  Trench candles not important.  Observe ‘Wheatless Day’.  Baker, Meyer, Fox, Brewer, Waites to OK for winter.  Warning: No hunting or fishing on Norris Ranches.


1-3-18. J Chas Rumsch baby boy.  Bondurant tanning business.  Nordstrom – Gunter wed.  Fear & Mickelson buy 43 purebred bull calves for cattlemen.

1-10-18. Pat Healey dance: ‘Silvertone’ music.  Jack Brehl killed by bad horse.  FD Ball injures eye. Joseph Houston (Huston?) in Piney for repairs.  Sadie Osterhout hurt in car: in Denver for treatment.  Meecham  & Wenrick install gas lights.  Nellie Stout & Nellie Walker: nurses at Kemmerer hospital.  Jesse Stull baby girl.  Smith’s steer at Stock Show.

1-17-18. Patriot duty: Use less wheat.  Save Coal.  State Library makes scrapbooks for injured soldiers.  Albert Dunham at Ft Kearney.

1-24-18. McGinnis – Yose wed.  Big Piney cemetery improved.  Tax for incomes $1000-$2000.  Oxy-acetylene appliances at BP Garage: will weld steel, cast iron, brass.  Oil predictions.

1-31-18. Pierce – Payne wed.  Rev Fowkes & Robert Gunter sign up.  Whitman, Hook, Smith, Hayden, Ball, Beck, Angus, & Shanley to Stock Show. Swan Song by Royale Young, Ed.  Roy Edwards baby girl.  HC Dunham baby boy.  Trucks make trips for supplies: Heitz, Haller, Tanner, Jensen, Bailey.

2-7-18. Millison Ranch house-warming.  Yose charivari.  Ad: US Food Administration.  Save.

2-21-18. HS notes.  Temps:  Boulder -11, Pinedale -15, Big Piney -10, Daniel -10, Cora -6.  Smith steer sold at Denver: 13.5 cents/#.

2-28-18. Geo W Hopkins, Jr leases Examiner.  Mrs ZT Noble dies in Iowa.

3-7-18. Red Cross notes.  Johnson – Smith wed.  Orchestra: Bennett, Christensen, Hook, Fear, Kunze, Durnford, & Hopkins.  Albert Larsen busy with income tax papers.

3-14-18. Young Jim Mickelson has mumps in SLC.  35 people at Rathbun’s for de-horning.

3-21-18. BP Roundup Assoc meeting: Pres JC Budd, VP Fred Beck, Sec/Treas Rathbun, Foreman Hawes.  Rev Reese patriotic meeting.  St John’s services.  Milleson buys SM Vickrey’s ranch interests.  Mrs Geo Hopkins & daughter arrive.  TO Beck is Notary Public.

3-28-18. Martha Clark falls from swing & breaks leg.  Books for soldiers.  Oscar Beck, enrolling officer for Boys Working Reserve.  Daylight savings time Sunday.  TD O’Neil is home from Lava & improved.  Dog tax due!  Dan Muir in town with milk, butter & eggs.  Broken axle.  Ad: Big Piney to Kemmerer Auto Stage Line, Lincoln Co Garage.

4-4-18. Liberty Loan Mtg at Budd Hall.  1st anniversary of US entrance into Great War.  Locals respond to call for old clothes.  Stockman Convention in Kemmerer.  School closed because of measles.  Hugh & James Wardell drafted.  School’s patriotic programs.  Turning clocks back caused people to be late for church.  20th Century Club gives books to Red Cross.

4-11-18. Daniels, Ball, Jory & Angus drafted.  April 6 a National Holiday for meetings, programs & sale of bonds.  Red Cross dance raised $811.  Joe Fredells Seattle apartment house.  Crafton released by State Board of Pardons & returned to Big Piney.  Ad: Swift & Co.

4-18-18. McIlvain, Sherman, Gallagher, Farrell, Halloway, Gauger, Horn, Kunze, McNinch, Geraud, Payne, Taylor, Dunford, Craig, Spencer, Angus join colors.  Piney buying Libery bonds.  Jensen sells interest in store to Burney & Christensen.  Herzig moves to Cheyenne.  Ad: Don’t be a Miser – Help Lick the Kaiser – Buy Liberty Bonds.

4-25-18. Gov Beck proclaims Liberty Day.  Pinedale Minstrels perform at Budd Hall.  Residents urged to clean premises.  Billiard Parlor renovated.  Dr Alexander, optician, will be in area.  Ad: Kemmerer to Big Piney Auto Stage Line, Platt Wilson.

5-2-18. British Officer visits BP Liberty Day program: many buy bonds.  City election eliminated to cut cost & put money in bonds.

5-9-18. Red Cross rodeo & auction.  School election: no changes.  BP over the top in Liberty Loan Drive.  Durnford’s finger amputated unloading machinery.  Hank Beecher twin girls.  Clayton Stacy arm injured in auto accident.

5-16-18. Commencement: Lydia Tanner & Leona Lynn (Linn) graduates.  Williams & Curtis drafted.  Heitz to sell Emporium.  Rev Fowkes leave Episcopal Church, goes to WI.  Honor Flag flies over Town Hall.  Simkins loses gas tank & runs 12 miles without gas.  Graham family to Horse Creek for summer.  Ora Weable is new barber.

5-23-18. Rodeo & Auction great success.  O’Neil – Fear wed.  Red Cross news.  Curtis, Milleg & Williams drafted.

5-30-18. 8th grade graduates 8 girls & 1 boy.  Draftees Link, Subic, Ball Wardell & Sorenson leave for Camp Lewis.  Young Joe Budd buys canary for $355 at auction & it dies.  Fear newlyweds charivaried.  Memorial Day: Cemetery is a garden of flowers.  Blacks move to NM.  Gunter leaves for Ft Logan CO.  Gilhousens leave for East.

6-6-18. Atwood & Shipley build Wm McGinnis’s 8-room house.  LE Bennett to move.  Sheriff McMinn critically ill.  Fontenelle needs new bridge.  Republicans meet.  List of auction donors & purchasers.

6-13-18. McMinn dies.  Town Ordinance: All able people required to work.  GW Carlson baby boy.  Halfway Red Cross dance.  Bell of Kemmerer to fill McMinn’s term.  All bridges threatened by high water.  Reuben & Clayton Fox leave for service.

6-20-18.  Town Meeting.  4th celebration at Henry Budd Ranch.  Durnford’s narrow escape crossing Fall River.  Marbleton’s Farewell Dance for boys.  Mrs Quealy to speak on War Savings Stamps.  Fullers leave for Opal.  James & Covey fish Middle Piney.

6-27-18. Nineteen to Daniel with Mrs Quealy.  Ira Baldwin baby girl.  115 more men called to service.  Red Cross needs sheets, sweaters & socks.  Ad: Go to War, Go to Work or Go to Jail.

7-4-18. Red Cross visited by ladies.  Ag Agent helps rancher in squirrel control.  TD O’Neil, democrat candidate.  Weable moved to Ogden.  Bondurant picnic & dance at Phil Morgan’s (Marincic).  Lackey starts drilling on Dry Piney.

7-11-18. 4th Celebration.  Merna Red Cross dance.  Frank Phillips opens Jewelry & Watch Repair Shop in Pioneer Drug.

7-18-18. Red Cross notes.  73 more men called: Class A-1 exhausted.  Oscar Beck Republican candidate.  Flower Day at Clark Ranch.  Lora Jewett poem.  Joe Sage baby girl. State Bank new flag pole on roof.

7-25-18. Herbert Stout dies.  Bridge to be improved.  Haying begins 2 weeks in advance.  Tony Subic returns: rejected by Army.  Oswald from Commission Co of Omaha visits stockmen.  Ad: Seed rye for sale from Mary A Murdock.

8-1-18. HL Budd’s improving stomach ailment.  No hunting or fishing on Geo Johnson land.  Squirrel mtg poorly attended.  Walter Yose: new wristwatch.  Ad: Schmidt Harness & Saddle.

8-8-18. Edwin Luce, 13, kicked by stallion.  War Emergency Thresher Report.  Wanted: 25,000 to US Nurse Reserve.  WCTU lecture: several women attend afternoon session, none to evening one.  CF Fish 78th birthday. 

8-15-18. Daniel Doings.  Mrs Frank Wilhelm dies.  County Treasurer in town collecting delinquent taxes.  Homer first to finish haying.

8-22-18. Bert Hutchison, 11, accidentally shot.  Ad: Conserve Sugar.  Letter from Pvt Omer A  Dalllaire.  LZ Bess & AF Atwood baby boys.  Clifford Phillips of 40 Rod killed in action.

8-29-18. Sage & Shideler leave for Ft Logan, CO.  Fred Miller dies.  Letter from Mrs Carlin’s son in France.  ‘Tom Christy’Minstrel Show at Budd Hall.

9-5-18. Telegraph Stock Report from Omaha.  All 18 – 45 must register.  Mrs Mary Murdock & 2 children visit editor.  Mrs Geo Hittle of Boulder visits Big Piney for first time: impressed.  Beck received buttons for all who contributed to Red Star.

9-12-18. School opens 9-16.  School Board: Pres Mickelson, Sec-Treas Osterhout, Clerk JB Budd.  Hugh Wardell dies at sea.  Allies need sugar/flour.  Larson & Mickelson to Chautauqua.

9-26-18. Edward Daiber accidently killed.  New building law.  Candidates visit Big Piney.  Notice! All subscriptions must be paid in advance: Gov’t.

10-3-18. 4th Liberty Loan Drive.  John Budds 2 week camping trip at North Piney Lake.  Save shells & fruit pits for gas masks for soldiers.  Rev Williams at Episcopal Church.  Beck’s car almost burned in fire that destroyed Platt Wilson’s garage in Kemmerer.

10-10-18. Patriotic meeting.  Commissioners inspect cement bridges.  Memorial services for Hugh Wardell.  Mrs Robert Gunter dies.  Floyd Norris back from Omaha.  Tod James kills bear.  Clifton Fear called to military service.  Lute Waters breaks 2 ribs.  Republican ticket, 1918.  Swift, pianist, left for Kemmerer.  Ad: LaBarge Coal Mine: Matt Salli, prop.

10-17-18.  missing issue.

10-24-18. Mrs AF Atwood dies.  Flu in Big Piney: no meetings & no news.  Liberty loans.

10-31-18. Oscar Carrell & Samuel Royle die of ‘Spanish Flu’.  Democratic ticket. 

11-7-18. War is Ended!  Mrs John Haley, Nellie Hereford & Everett Smith die.  War Workers Drive: Hook, Rumsel, Budd, Whitman, Mickelson, Muir, Decker, Ball, Larsen, Noble, Springman, Lackey.  Beef to road: Luce, Murdock & Wardell.

11-14-18. Jacoby – Eley (Ely?) wed.  Deaths: Eugene, William & Lon Hereford, Henry Hendrickson, Clare E Bondurant, Tom Clementson, William J Hawes, Sam D Royal.  Olson & Luce in hospital in Omaha.  Hiles rents Beck house.  Christmas boxes for soldiers. Election returns.  Stouts to new home.  Frank James missing in action.  Rev Williams leaves for east.

11-21-18.  Sheriff Bell dies.  Number plates for 1919: light green & black.  Dings – Daiber Ranch sold to Charley Olson.

11-28-18. Rev Ward has services at St Johns.  Russell Daniels dies in France.  Ad:  Hotel Piney fumigated & reopened.

12-12-18. Mrs Roy Murdock obituary.  Ladies Guild of St John’s meeting.  Travis Whitman’s eyesight saved.  School notes.  Clark – McDonough wed.

12-26-18. Church services.  Bank stockholders meeting.  Red Cross work.  Ursula Tanner visits parents.  Teacher’s exam postponed.  McKays move to Piney from Snider Basin for winter.  HL Budd entertain family.  Don Angus returns from camp.  Cranner & 5 children return from Iowa.


1-2-19. Corp HG Stevens to Big Piney.  Mrs Perry Ashdown obituary.  Deaths: WN Apperson, Mrs WF McDill, Mrs Cy Kelly.  Dance music by Mrs Mable Stafford, Mr Laley, Mr Mullings of Kemmerer.  Dance by returned soldier boys.

1-6-19. Barber & Pixley firm in Daniel dissolved.  Fontenelle families meet at Pomeroy home.  Lydia Tanner to teach Price & Sommers School on Green River.  Margaret O’Neil & Dorothea Budd return from St Mary’s Academy in SLC.  Fraudulent acts: 2 arrests.  Tricycle stolen.

1-16-19. Big Piney Garage fire.  Joe Stanton, Deputy Sheriff.  Everett Curtis home.  Crafton receives pardon.  James Wardell in poor health.  Red Cross needs workers.  Budd, Roberts, Moffatt (Moffat) attend Sweeny Auto School in Kansas City.  Erwin child burned & dies.  Ad: Save Food.

1-23-19. Mrs Scott Barber: letter from brother in France.

2-20-19. (date?) Cy Kelly dies.  New phone line.  Frank Balls leave for Arkansas Hot Springs.  JB Curtis’ leave for Lava Hot Springs.  Bill Sherman arrives home.  Welcome to soldiers.  Big Piney to have new granary & meat market.

2-20-19. Emma Mason & 2 week old daughter die.  Hoback Canyon road considered.  Lincoln County boys returning soon.  Good Road Assoc & BP Roundup Assoc meet.  Dehorning at Dan Budds.  Mrs ST Sheldon, phone operator.  Chas Martin baby dies.  Riverside School pupils: 2 Wardells, 2 Murdocks & 3 Luces.  Ad: Advertise in this paper.

2-27-19. School accreditation effort.  Bert Dunham home.  SM Vickrey leaves for MT.  Dog Taxes due.  Dan Budd sick in Kansas City.  Town Council.  Fire Protection needed for Piney. Ad: Order  Masquerade Dance costumes early.

3-6-19. Green River Cattlemen: Pres John Budd, VP Guy Decker, Sec-Treas Rumsch.  JL Fleming family moves to Rock Springs.  Income tax due.  AW Smith dies & obituary.

3-13-19. BP to Bailey Ranch road.  Clifton Fear baby boy.  Ashdown & Stanton count cattle.

3-20-19. $60 bonus to discharged soldiers.  Masquerade Ball: Mrs Ray Baldwin & Ray MacDonough win.  Luman – Christiansen wed.  Big Piney Roundup pays wolf bounty.

3-27-19. Chemical fire engine for BP.  John Payne & James Penniger die. Mrs CP Budd & son, Dan, in Kansas City.  Bondurant baby girl.

4-3-19. Orin Rose & Mrs John Payne die. May kill beaver in WY.  Al Kunze buys back Billiard Hall & Barber Shop.  WE Spencers move to ID.

4-10-19.  Election Proclamation.  CP Budd sells oil shares.  Smallpox – school closed.  Boulder Store destroyed by fire.  Frank Tracy baby girl.  1” of beautiful fell.  BP Garage addition done.

4-17-19. School reopens.  Mrs JL Fleming dies.  McNinch returns from Marines.  Cretaceous Dry Piney well pump installed.  Mrs Budd & son Dan back from Kansas City.

4-24-19. Dry Piney oil 26 cents/gal.  Liberty Loan last appeal.  Vickrey & Daniels discharged from service.  Walter Yose baby boy in Dec.  Ads: Marbleton St Bank, Grays Inn, Burney & Co.

5-1-19. Wm McGinnis dies.  Land contest case: Mrs Geo Durnford vs Cretaceous Oil.  Geo Smith of UT visits on business.  Standard Timber Co - purchase forest timber.  Mrs Guthrie adopts Belgian child.

5-8-19. Ball – Ball wed.  Elizabeth Cooper killed.  Osterhout re-elected school trustee.  McGinnis obit.  Fire at 67 Ranch.  Dr Hocker dies.  Glyndon Homer back from St Marys Academy.  Engineer/Geologist Burritt of SLC looks over Dry Piney oil fields.

5-15-19. Enos sells ranch.  Al Osterhout kicked by horse.  Eli Schwalbie, painter, in town from Kmer.  Buster McIllvain appointed deputy sheriff.

5-22-19. Rev Reece birthday dinner.  Lincoln-Idaho Co to have new rig.  Rodeo program.  School closes.  8th grade exercises.  Hayden sells Cottonwood Ranch to Jewett.  Memorial Day editorial.  Editor & Covey bring furniture from Evanston.

5-29-19. Surprise dance at Holdens on Fontenelle.  Oil notes.  Farm Bureau discussed.  Robert Hereford arrives from France.  Fred Graham & kids in town from Merna Ranger Station.  Miss Selma Leopold, HS principal, goes to Co Spgs.  Dry season.  School picnic at Muleshoe Ranch.

6-5-19. Heitz sells Emporium to Lewis of Kemmerer.  Mrs Chas Fredell visits  BP.  Town council & election results.  Joseph Henry dies.  State Bank gets German Helmet for services.

6-12-19. State Game Warden in Valley.  Episcopal Rev Kagey from Kmer visits.  Loose cows & horses will be impounded.  Tanner meets brother & 2 sisters – first time in 27 yrs.  Fleming places children in St Margaret’s Hall, Boise.

6-19-19. Billiard Parlor robbed.  Payne – Phillips wed.  New Fire Engine: Fire Chief Yose, Assistant Chapel.  Tanners preach at St John’s.  Mrs O’Neil in hospital with appendicitis.

6-26-19. FW Shafer dies.  Jessie Hathaway given shower.  Osterhout & Beck to Cheyenne for Masons.  WY Highway Dept: 2 bridge contracts.  Clifton Fear moves to new 7-room bungalow.  2000 attend rodeo: report of events.

7-3-19. Forest fires raging at Merna.  Prohibition in effect as of June 30th.  Hoback Canyon road open.  Hathaway – McDermott wed.  Dr Bailey in charge of St John’s for summer.  George Milleg returns from France.  McNeals sell house to McDonalds.   Jensen buys new truck: now has 3 running between BP to Opal.

7-10-19. Standard Timber Co operates on Cottonwood.  Mason people celebrated 4th at Charley Ott’s.  Ad:  For Sale!  My Daniel Ranch & cattle – LW Sargent.  Mrs Roy Ditton of Boulder dies.  Stacy McGinnis wed.  Frank Balls return from 6 month tour in Packard.  Fire laws to be enforced in National Forests.

7-17-19. Theater remodeled for Marbleton State Bank.  Chapel to make Hotel Bar into Ice Cream Parlor & Billiard Hall.  Flower Day at Mrs Clark’s in Cora July 20th.  Heitz & children move to Pocatello.  Henry Yuthias dies.

7-31-19. Dr Hook to build theater & dance hall.  JH McWilliams baby boy.  McIllvain appointed brand inspector.  Williams, Payne, Moffat return from overseas.  Jensen buys Yose interest in BP Garage.  Timber Co active.  Cattle rustlers near Opal.  Robert Hill & Steve Baldwin baby boys.

8-7-19. Ethel Ashdown injured.  Cattle rustlers arrested.  Connor, McDole & Grassel (Grassell?) home from France.  Sage chicken open season.

8-14-19.  LZ Bess baby girl. Geo Hopkins baby boy.  Mrs Phoebe Hemp dies.  Jess Fuller of Opal buys Oldsmobile.

8-21-19. Mrs Alice Lehmer dies.  Tie Camp Timberings.  Pioneer Drug gets electric lights.  Lackey improving after injury at Dry Piney.

8-28-19. $2500 bull arrives at JD Budd’s.  Bryan Ball’s new house burned.  Beck & Herschler buy present for granddaughter, Ona.

9-4-19. Permit needed for camp fires on forest.  New theater opens. “Happy Hour” dance to 5am.  Mrs DH Scott puts girls in school in Portland.  Mrs Henry Budd took Pearl to school in OR.

9-11-19. AW Smith’s will contested.  Alma Cantlin dies.  Ursula Tanner to teach at UW.  Lydia Tanner to Univ in IL. Mickelson, Fear & Budd lease land to drilling. Grades 1-8: 37 kids; HS 11.

9-11-19. Grahams move to BP from Merna for school.  McNeals move to CO.  HE Surrett injured by runaway team.

9-18-19. Road work donations.  Stolen guns recovered: Wolfenber admits theft.  Pape boys to OR for school.  Jewetts new home on Cottonwood.  Jensen & Osterhout to Rawlins Mystic Shrine.  Jensen father visits.  Josephine Osterhout & Alice Ball to MI to school.  O’Neil sells ranch to son-in-law, Fear.  BP Roundup beef herd in.  JB Budd plants fish.  G Webster dies.

9-25-19. 1st Class land raised 25%. Scott sells ranch & cattle to Houston (Huston?).  Newfork ranchers to put in dam.  Osterhout new home begins.  Stock report from Omaha.

10-2-19. Marbleton Bank moves to Big Piney.  Fred Beck hurts eye.  Dry Piney field oil gusher.  Horse falls on Clifton Fear.  Jas Smith new home.  Big Piney State Bank new hitching rack, east side.  Mrs Ora Liefer visits Sommers.  HC Dunham baby girl.

10-9-19. School gets 5th teacher.  HS Alumni Assoc.  Osterhout, Fear, Noble & Ball ship cattle.

10-23-19. McDougall here on oil business.  Forest Supervisor Beam visits.  Town Council.  PTA organized: Pres Mrs Tanner, VP Miss Leopold, Sec Mrs Chas Budd, Treas Mrs Dan Budd.  Larson car trouble.  Snow fall makes hard traveling.  Ad: Wrigley’s Gum.

10-30-19. Business & professional town licenses.  80 cars of cattle at Opal & no cars available. 

11-6-19. O’Neil & Beck to Good Roads meeting in Cheyenne.  James & Budd back from Fall River hunt.  Burneys, Hamiltons, Griffin home from Fall River Basin.  Ad: HC Dunham.

11-13-19. No mail since Nov 7. Armistice celebration.  Teacher exam.  J Smith breaks arm cranking machine.  John Wardell baby boy.  Auto license amended law.

11-20-19. Jesse Baldwin breaks arm at school.  Chapel sells Hotel to Kunze.  Clark – Davis wed.

11-27-19. Linn – McNinch wed.  Vrang opinion of oil fields.  Jack Budd’s 8th birthday.  Gunsel takes WY Highway job.  Jessie Thomas to WY Teacher’s Assoc meeting in Lander.

12-4-19. Sheep herds freeze to death on desert.  Atwood truck catches fire.  Parley Wardell has blood poisoning in hand.  Anderson McGinnis buys Fuller house.

12-11-19. Blizzard: cowboy freezes face & hands.  Rumsch boy wins contest.  Freshmen officers: Pres Geo Moffat, VP Virginia Ray, Sec-Treas Ruth O’Neil.  Muir replaces ‘smoke wagon’ with sled & team.  News correspondents needed.  Heitz to winter in IL.

12-18-19. Big Piney garage takes stage line & mail contract.  Louis Vickrey home destroyed by fire.  Children Community Christmas.  PTA meeting.  Local stores crowded with gift buyers.  Atwood & O’Brien putting up ice.

12-25-19. Cattle & horses freeze to death.  Livestock Bd: 24,000 brands registered.  Willoughby – Kunze wed.  Mrs Murdock, Patricia & Joseph to Iowa.  Martin sells ranch to Barber & buys Payne ranch. Whitman horses to NM for winter. Fred Beck buys car.  Ad: BP Garage.


1-1-20. Richardson – Beck wed.  Rumor: Chapel buys Rone Hill on Green River.  Big Piney Oil & Refining ‘spudding in’ at Corder Ranch.  Grandma Josephine Budd entertains all grandchildren.  “Happy Hour” Character Dance.  Chas Budd gives card party for daughter Dorothea.  Elder – Wilhelm wed.  Conwells entertain Keys, Vigo Millers, Mrs Blackmon & Redfern.  Mrs Anderson McGinnis & children move into new home.

1-8-20.  Illegal to skin dead livestock on range.  Cole – Christensen wed.  BP Oil Co drilling at Corder place.  Mrs LD Tanner takes census.  Fred Barnett hurt at Names Hill.  Apperson Ranch sold to Muir Cattle Co.  Clifton Fears move to O’Neil Ranch.  Larson, Osterhout, Hennick & the PW Jenkins’s are witnesses in AW Smith will contest case.

1-15-20. Smith case to be heard in Kemmerer.  Marshall killed near Slate Creek when freight wagon overturned.  BP Garage sells new Oldsmobile trucks.  Fullers move to BP from Opal.  Burrett leases land to Stanley & Shideler to drill for oil.  School closed at Webb Ranch due to smallpox.  Chapels, Smiths, Hooks to Denver Stock Show.

1-22-20. Smith will stands as originally written.  Railroad to assist in preventing thefts.  John & Henry Budd go to Stock Show.  State Bank stockholders meeting: old board of directors re-elected.  Dividend of 10% declared.  Ad:  Twichel Mine.

1-29-20. HA Thompson baby boy.  Chas Bayer, Predatory Animal Inspector, on trip to Gray’s River.  Enos & Yargers leave for Mayo Hospital for treatment.  Ned Davidson dies.  High School notes.  Thieves break into Burney & Co warehouse.

2-5-20. Vickrey & Chas Budd homes quarantined for smallpox.  Big Piney Garage handles express packages.  Johnston & Hamilton injured when tire blew out & threw rim on them.  Arthur opens electrical & mechanical shop.  Frank Ball buys 19 grand champion bulls at Stock Show.  Bayer places gov’t trapper to poison coyotes & wolves.

2-12-20. PTA Talent play.  James Smith baby boy.  Newcomb inspects bridge on N Piney Crk.

2-19-20. Mrs Wm Soliday dies.  ER Miller baby girl.  Mrs Tanner hosts ‘500’ party.  Oil notes.  Miss Jewell (Jewett?) rides in wheelbarrow.  Jewell (Jewett?) – Wiley wed.  High School box supper & dance.

2-26-20. SI Shidelers to ID.  Jesse Fuller buys house from Beck.  Big Piney Post of American Legion.  Gull Whitman gets letter from Mr Friend of Spur Ranch.  Leo Ball’s father dies.  Mrs Henry Binning dies.  Frank McDonoughs move to Kemmerer.

3-4-20. Deer Hill Oil Co formed.  Piney may have radio station.  Forest Ranger office to be built.  Mason Items.  Todd James moves to new home on Green River.  Gray’s Inn interior remodeled.  Mrs Fred DeGraw in critical condition.

3-11-20. Bess & Jensen sign 2.5 yr mail contract.  Oil fields active.  Standard Timber completes boom on Green River.  Horse Creek & Beaver items.  PTA meeting.  Hillmont Views.  Frank DeGraws baby boy.  Cement bridge over North Piney complete.  Clifton Fear baby boy.

3-18-20. Larson rolls car down embankment.  Commercial Club organized.  Marbleton Garage moved to BP.  Leo Baker baby boy.  Cemetery clean up & monument setting days.

3-25-20. Commercial Club meeting & dance.  Assessor in town.  Ralph Fear’s Middle Piney property for sale.  Green River Valley Fair Assoc.  Editorial:  Big Piney’s big future.  Movement to open waterway to sea.  Buck Baker, Govt trapper, traps wolves & coyotes.  De-horning bees.  Pat O’Brien baby girl.  Larson home after accident.  Subic improves blacksmith shop.

4-1-20. Commercial Club now Industrial Club.  Beck to Cheyenne Livestock Board.  James – Hill wed.  Town ordinance re phone company.  North Piney & Cottonwood irrigation projects.

4-8-20. Biggest oil rig enroute.  Oil notes.  Ad: Marbleton Mercantile has suits made-to-order.

4-15-20. Free trees from Forest Service.  County Supt of schools visits BP.  Chapel buys 150 cattle in Denver.  Ira Dodge dies.  Fredell writes from CA.  Enos injured in car accident.  LaBarge News.  Osterhout hauls lumber for new house.  Mrs E Alexander dies & obit.  Chas Allen baby boy.  Mrs Orin Robinson dies in Rexburg.  Orin Robinson returns to Basin.

4-22-20. Rumsch buys home from Beecher & will move it to Marbleton.  Town speed limit: 12mph.  Cottonwood-Green River project started.

4-29-20. Road to Rock Springs assured.  Oil magnates in town.  New gas pump in front of Garage.  Alumni Ball at Pioneer Theater.

5-6-20. Middle Piney Lake.  Citizen’s Party candidates.  School art work.  School election: Mrs Grace MacGlashan trustee.

5-13-20. Oil news.  Industrial Club meets.  Jesse Budd wins $100 talking machine.  Mayor Frank Burney & Councilmen Bess & Hook.  Mrs Fred DeGraw dies.  School closes.  Roads deplorable.

5-20-20. Ag agent mixes squirrel poison for ranchers.  Mickelson is presidential elector.  Newcomb brothers to have lumber yard in BP.  Bondurant mail carrier, Wertz, broke trail into Basin.  Herschel Bondurant baby boy.  Pearl Budd from school in OR.  Catholic Confirmation meeting: Budds, Murdocks, Olsons & children.  Farrell will work for highway dept in  BP.

5-27-20. Cottonwood Tie Camp News.  Nestor Makis baby girl.  Jenkins family moves to Cora.  Joseph Chase dies.  Memorial Day service.  PW Conwell baby girl.  James Smith hauls freight.

6-3-20. Fish Commissioner in BP.  New channel for North Piney Creek.  Wyman leases Howard Ranch on Green River & will have 1st class roadhouse.  Margaret O’Neil from school in CA.

6-10-20.  Thomas Sneddon (Snellon?) dies.  Rodeo grounds in good shape.  Wilkinson – Redfern wed.  Industrial Club committees.  Ball players notice.  Walter Nichols visits CA.  Tie drive started.  Town Council.  Sam & Hans Sorenson get Naturalization Papers. 

6-17-20. Tanner proclaims Good Roads Day.  Harness maker Schmidt leaves for Encampment, WY.  Bennett furnishes rodeo music.  Mickelson to Mayos for treatment.  Horning & Shoute’s Iowa bulls here for sale & exhibition.  Rev Seager of NJ at St John’s church for summer.  Solon – Vrang wed.  Justice Court: Key vs Gloy.

6-24-20.  Rodeo program.  Good Roads Day.  Canuteson – Rumsch wed. (Knutson?)

7-1-20. Biggest rodeo – results.  Bondurant celebration.  Tobin – McIllvain wed. Cavanaugh – Bentley wed.  Matlock – Sullivan wed.

7-8-20. Antone Subic sells out.  Masoner – Hopkins wed.  Cottonwood Irrigation project construction.  Webster Trymaire baby girl.  Lewis – Baker wed.

7-15-20. Cretaceous Oil Co: directors meeting.  Playground graveled.  Thief caught at Granger.  Atwood child dies.  Gray’s Inn changes managers.  Gladys Olson graduates from Sacred Heart in Ogden.  Bryan Ball breaks arm.  Town council minutes.

7-23-20. Angus Barn Dance.  Krall shot by neighbor over ditch trouble.  Callahan commits suicide.  Mary Frymire dies.

7-29-20. Cottonwood project to irrigate 39,000 acres.  Mountain States works on phone lines.  Pinedale beats Big Piney 17 – 3.  Tanner candidate for Sec of State.

8-5-20. 2 musical shows.  Pat Healy baby boy.  Sage hen season.  Ad: Wolfhound pups for sale.

8-12-20. Kunze Barber Shop & tables moved next to Hotel Piney.  Willoughby – Levey wed.  Bondurant News.  Link Shideler injured in runaway.  Ed Allen baby boy.  Marie Rinker visits Larsons.  Atwood gets contract for Daniel School.

8-26-20. Teacher’s Institute program.  Blackmon & son haul lumber for Daniel School.  New coal vein found in Snider Basin.  JC Rumsch baby girl.

9-2-20. Teacher’s Institute report.  Stock market better.

9-9-20. HS accredited.  Rains delay haying.  Mrs Andrew Homer & kids to SLC for school.

9-16-20. BP school notes.  Dr Hocker here for dental work.  Congregational Church Sunday School organized.  WE Mills Jr leaves for OR.

9-23-20. Box Supper at Daniel for school.  Jess Stull baby girl.  Oil news.  Workmen’s Compensation inspector visits Big Piney.

9-30-20. Supt of School promotes BP School & Community Club.  PTA entertains & elects.  AW Smith will contest compromise.  Heitz takes over Emporium stock.  John Morrison baby girl.  Ralph Conwell to Laramie for school.  Twichel baby girl dies.  Mrs Tanner & children to Laramie for winter.

10-7-20. Salvation Army funds. Coal prices up. Sen Warren to visit. Sen Hendrick rally.  Wardell School teacher Gladys Olson. Grn Rvr boys gather cattle. Pool table in Osterhout home.

10-14-20. Perry Sturgis, 16, commits suicide at Munn Ranch.  Oil news.  Little Francis Clark dies.  Bentley bunkhouse burns.  Webb family to Ogden for winter.  WH Whitman baby boy.  Mrs Gray takes charge of Inn again.

10-21-20. Vrang’s car in Ogden.  Stull baby girl dies.  Heitz takes charge of Emporium again.  PTA election: Pres Mrs JB Budd, VP Mrs George Hopkins, Treas Mrs Dan Budd, Sec Ethel Bowden.  Ball, Lindback, Osterhout & Salmon ship cattle to Omaha.  Roy Good to take charge of fish hatchery.  Harrison Guio, land agent for Assoc.  Oil Co to Kemmerer on business.  Albert Grigg’s house foundation laid.

11-4-20. Nation, state & county go Republican.  Ball & Lindback: cows 8cents, steers 9.5 cents.

11-11-20. Contractors Simpson & Richardson form partnership.  John Budd’s buckskin wins race.  Jenkins’ move from Cora to Piney for winter.  State Historian sells historical collections.  Mrs Chas Budd ill with typhoid fever.

11-25-20. Wm Brodie arrested for cattle stealing.  Co Supt of Schools gives tests.  Mrs Springman & family to Kemmerer for winter.

12-9-20. Big Piney railroad hopes. Simpson & Richardson dissolve partnership.  WY Hwy news.

12-16-20. Franklin DeGraw dies.  Myton & Chas Mills open café. Holiday Greetings from Hotel Piney, Burney & Co, Publisher, Big Piney Garage, The Pioneer.

12-30-20. Osterhouts purchase Chas Lackey property.  Wm Mills Jr dies.  School Christmas program.  Celebrations at Clifton Fears, Al Osterhouts & Chas Olsons.


1-6-21. Mrs CP Budd dies & obit.  Congressional Seed Distribution..  Tanner to Cheyenne for legislature.  Jack Groutage baby boy.

1-13-21. 400,000 RR ties for spring drive.  County officials take office.  Bonus to service men.  Graham counting cattle for govt.  Cretaceous Oil Co directors CP Budd, JC Budd, MacGlashan, Houton (Houston?)(Huston?), Richardson, Smith & Lackey.

1-27-21. Osterhout – Guio wed.  County division bill passes house.  Uncle George Smith dies.  Editor needs community news writers.

2-3-21. 1921 livestock valuations.  Daniel Doings. 15 wolves seen on Sykes Ranch.

2-10-21. New counties approved by senate: Sublette & Teton.  Little Georgie Budd hurt in swing.  Bradley & Whitman put up ice.  Sam McDole baby girl.

2-17-21. Beck, Enos, Hennick appointed commissioners for special county election.  Facts about new county.  Matlocks leave for OK.  Shafer baby dies.

2-24-21. Dredge boats will finish Cottonwood canal.  Jenkins home from legislature: Father of Sublette County.

3-3-21. BP Industrial Club: Pres Osterhout, VP Tanner, Sec-Treas Newcomb.  Barnhart – Crofts wed.  Wolf hunter coming so no more wolf bounty.  Rumsch in real estate business, new office.

3-17-21. Industrial Club & dance.  Randall of Omaha wins $150 saddle.  Petition to include Marbleton in town of Big Piney.  Cattlemen annual meeting.  Party at Wm Woods home on Green River.  Merna Query of Fall River Basin staying with Vigo Millers & attending school.

3-24-21. Big Piney & what it consists of.  Walter Vickrey baby girl.  WY Game & Fish Laws.  Tobe Houston (sic) (should be Huston) baby.

3-31-21. Griggs brothers move garage to new site.  Kozy Korner Kafe changes management.

4-14-21. Mrs FD Ball dies & obit.  Mrs Freeman’s recital.  Ralph Faler dies.  Irish Relief Fund.

4-21-21. Most scenic highway to Yellowstone Park opens July 1.  HS play & cast members.  Subic repurchases blacksmith shop.  Griggs builds 3-room house on Black Ave.

4-28-21. North Piney dance.  Ball team organizing.  McDonald locates oil prospect leases.  Rodeo grounds repairs.

5-5-21. McDonough & Davis purchase Blacksmith Shop from Subic.  School election.  Citizens meeting.  Rice – Gunter wed.  Orlin Black is water commissioner.  New Sublette County commissioners: Beck, Enos, Hennick.  H Fronk baby girl.

5-12-21. Town election: Mayor Tanner, Councilmen Budd & Newcomb.  Highway bonds carry in BP.  Good Road Day.  Claude Daniels baby girl.

5-19-21. Edmond Wagner dies in auto wreck.  Mrs WK Vickrey hurt in auto accident. Univ HS honors Ralph Conwell.  Mrs Albert Larson: Assistant Game Warden & can issue licenses.

6-16-21. BP for county seat.  Standard Timber Tie drive on North Cottonwood done.  Rodeo ad.

6-23-21. Headline: Vote for Big Piney for county seat & sample ballot.  Rodeo open, record attendance.  Home Demo agent in BP.  State Engineer Drummond is sure Rock Springs road will be built.  Episcopal Church offers use of bell for Congregational services.  Mrs Harrison Guio visits her parents: the Osterhouts.

6-30-21. Rodeo report.  Airplane damaged on take-off – shipped to Rock Springs for repairs.  Unofficial returns show Pinedale 6 votes ahead in County division.  Springman – Mathews wed.  Big Piney preparing aviation field.

7-7-21. Official Commissioners proceedings.  Wenrich baby dies.

7-14-21. McClintock starts small dairy.  James Mickelson taking treatment at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.  Cyrus Fish falls down stairs at Kmer Hotel.  Fuller’s new light plant in home.  Cottonwood Development Co places dredge boats in canal.  Jas Smith baby boy.  Subic back from Rock Springs.  Ad: Newcomb Brothers Lumber & Supply.

7-21-21. Dunham boy lost in timber, found.  WC Ball: To Whom it May Concern.  Patterson demonstrates squirrel poisoning.

7-28-21. Sargent stabbed by Baine (Bain?).  James Mickelson, Jr has broken nose.  Mrs Walter Yarger dies.  Randall reports on Omaha market.

8-4-21. BP contest County election.  Yarger obit.  Jake Herschler moved to SLC hospital.  Budd – Newcomb wed.  Mrs WC Ball: To Whom it May Concern.  Hogland opens shoe repair shop.

8-11-21. BP contests election.  Teton County contests.  BP post office from  4th to 3rd class.

8-25-21. WY Historical Dept invites Pioneers.  Dairy inspector quotes law.  Murderer arrested at Jewett Ranch.

9-1-21. Finlander Leckie, trampled to death by horses.  McNurlin case facts.  Pool hall robbed.

9-8-21. Team kills John Sakri on Saxon Ranch.  Al Fields to transport children from Marbleton to school.  Baine (Bain?) arrested in ID.  James Mickelson ill.  Rumsch operation.  Piney streets good.

9-15-21. Railroad to cut rates on livestock.  Financing livestock men.  School: 14 pupils in HS, 11 in 7-8th & 22 in 4-6th & 25 in 1-3rd. Teachers: Norton, Bond, Leopold, Bowden, McGlashan.

9-22-21. Mickelson dies & obit.  Clifton Fear baby girl.  Chet Chrisman breaks arm.

9-29-21. Rock Springs Lions Club to visit.  Jacob Herschler dies.  Ranchers gather beef.

10-6-21. Prohibition officers in county.  Newlong Oil rig burned down.  Mrs TD O’Neil’s letter.  Movie stars invest in Piney oil stock.  Ad:  JC Penney Co in Kemmerer.

10-13-21. School notes.  Osterhout buys Fish home ranch.  John Millison suicide.  Lions Club.

10-20-21. TJ Mills dies.  PTA program.  Ed: Why not visit Green River Valley once?

11-3-21. Hank Beecher in hospital.  Rumsch resigns cashier at Marbleton Bank, Wm Hesser new cashier.  GT Wilson & Co purchase shoe shop from Hogland.

11-10-21. Marbleton Bank robbed.  Electric railroad proposed.  Frank Chapel baby girl.

11-17-21. Football: Pinedale vs Big Piney.  Dan Muir dies.  Armistice Day program.  Ladies name club “Triangle”.

11-24-21. School notes.  Rev Kimmel injured in auto accident.  Telle – Harrison wed. Storm postpones football game.

12-1-21. Simpkins auction sale.  Swickard children to State Home.  Dr Hook new School Board member.  Geneva Shipley thrown from horse.

12-8-21. Piney to get skating rink.  Abe Wilson dies.  Doc Dunham in accident on Names Hill.  Cattle snowed in on Gray’s River.

12-15-21. Christmas issue.  Cattlemen to Kemmerer re claim against Oregon Short Line RR Co.

12-29-21. Children’s Christmas pageant.  Ad:  Big Piney State Bank.


1-5-22. Mrs Chas Bird dies.  Bentley – Dunham wed.  Graham to count cattle for govt.  Trust Assoc formed.  McWilliams baby boy.  Bad weather delays Examiner.

1-12-22. School children get hot cocoa.  Community Church: new gas ceiling lamps.

1-19-22. Green River Valley pioneers: 1889 & 1890.  Wall – David wed.  Piney Hotel changes hands.  Surprise party for Mrs Key.

1-26-22. Davis home fire.  Mail contract not awarded.  Triangle Club entertains husbands.

2-2-22. Johnson cuts thumb off with axe.  Olson, Murdock, & Wardell ship cattle.  McGinnis & MacGlashan give hot water & soap to school.  Lee Smith to Kemmerer as juror.  Jesse Stull baby girl.  Six horse loads of parcel post arrive from Opal.  Auction: 1 horse & 9 wolfhound dogs.

2-9-22. Mrs CC Beck dies.  Wm Brown frozen to death at tie camp.  Playwriting contest.  Kunze sells Piney Hotel to Hamilton. 

2-16-22. ‘Ye Olde Time Dance’ at Hook’s.  Daniel Fish Hatchery update.  CF Robertson dies.  Walter Yose baby girl.  Daniel Social Club course in dealing ‘500’.

2-23-22. Editorial: open the Oregon Trail.  McNinch baby boy.  Triangle Club Colonial Ball.

3-2-22. Osterhout gives stag party.  Budd Hall Minstrel Show.  Mrs Isabel Wister’s travel talk.  Jenkins buys thorobred ‘Desperate’.

3-9-22. Mrs CV Simpson dies.  Grazing fees.  HS team to Laramie.  Budd Hall roller skating.

3-16-22. Pearl Budd wins short story writing.  ‘Real Old Timer’ answer.  Farrell’s race horse dies.  New bids on mail contract.

3-23-22. John Bailey, 6, dies.  TD O’Neil buys Mickelson cattle.  Roundup Assoc meeting.  Many people ill with flu.

4-6-22. Mrs CF Fish dies.  ‘Real Old Timer’ statement upheld.  Wilson closes Harness & Shoe Repair.  Business changes.

4-13-22. Easter service program.  Sam Allen dies.  Jesse Barber returns to Big Piney.

4-20-22. Forest Fire Protection week.  Clean up day.  Citizen’s caucus.  Sorenson leaves for WI.  Sommers has Big Piney – Pinedale mail contract.  Lloyd Wyman game warden.  Marbleton Gym has new apparatus.

4-27-22. Home talent play “Arizona Bandit”.  Citizen Caucus minutes.

5-4-22. World War vets urged to organize Post #39.  Spelling Contest: Richard Albert of Daniel 1st, Marie McGinnis 2nd. HA Thompson baby girl.  RV Newcomb baby girl. AP Newcomb baby boy.  First truck to Opal this spring.

5-11-22. Election: Mayor Bess, Councilmen Tanner, Fulker & Christensen.  Commencement.  Forest Service help on Snider Basin to Middle Piney Lake road. CS Meyer baby girl. Teachers.

5-25-22. Grading main street.  Anna Richey found dead on ranch.  Ball & Osterhout on continental tour in Packard.  Irwin Covey to hospital.

6-1-22. Memorial Day services.  High school accredited.  Forncrook dies & obit.

6-8-22. Doris MacGlashan receives scholarship.  Dan Budd home from NM.  Tie drive starts.  Tanner has 2 trucks to haul supplies.

6-15-22. Sublette Co Republicans: minutes.  Stockmen joint meeting.  Livestock owners notice.

6-22-22. New company takes over Corder well.  Triangle Club supper & dance.  Samsch, piano tuner, in town.

7-6-22. Sargent child drowned, Daniel.  Ball game at Boulder.  Close the gates.  Howerton reopens Barber Shop.  Becks return from Mayo Clinic.

7-13-22. Rodeo crowd.  Stewart – Mickelson wed.  Tanner – Abbot wed.  Episcopal Church.  Rodeo & Hoback celebrations.  WG Heitz dies.

7-27-22. Official Comissioner Proceedings.  Hesser nominee for County Treasurer.

8-3-22. Robert Gunter to Mayo Clinic.  Jensen divorce.  Ball divorce.  Haying starts.

8-17-22. Rev Kimmel leaves.  AP Newcomb moves to Pocatello ID.  John Rahm suicide.

8-24-22. Primary election unofficial returns.  65,000 trout planted in 3 Piney creeks.

8-31-22.  New geyser in Yellowstone.  Car overturns with Mrs McIllvaine.  Official returns.  Judd Witherspoon in town.  Matt Salli’s nose broken changing tire.  Covey home from hospital.

9-7-22. Clark – Boden wed.  Holden & Names Hill roads need repair.  Chas Deloney: 50th Anniversary.

9-14-22. Mrs WE Bess dies.  Holden Hill not highway project.  School opens.  Glenda Perry in auto accident.  Mrs O’Neil & children to Laramie for school.  Mrs Fred Beck & daughter, Sommers & Don Jewett to BP for school.

9-21-22. WR Booker dies.  Wardell – Carr wed.  Hagenstein severely injured at sawmill.  Hay burns at Griggs place. Governor candidate John Hay to speak.  Christian Vrang baby girl.  Howard Heitz opens small store.

9-28-22. Atty Christmas (Chrisman?) to undergo operation.  Jesse Baldwin breaks arm. Cyrus Fish spends winter in east.  Roundup starts gathering steers.  Catholic priests mark DeSmet Mass spot.  Jim Payne baby boy.  Ad: Chas Bird has hay & pasture for cattle shippers.

10-5-22. Triangle Club dance & bazaar. McClintock sells N Piney Ranch to Guthrie & Hayward.

10-19-22. Fear home burns.  CP Budd buys well.  Chautauqua.

10-26-22. Mrs Beecher injured in team runaway.  HC Dunham baby girl.  Carlson moves to CO. Halloween Night Dance at Big Piney.

11-4-22. Election returns.  Johnson, the Watkins Man, in town.

11-16-22. School news.  Ex-servicemen at American Legion Post #39.  Cattle to Opal.  Geo Millege (Milleg) baby boy.

11-23-22. Howard Heitz closes store.  Ad:  H Heitz auction sale.

11-30-22. Opal has new stock yards.  Beck, Fear, & Springman return from Omaha.

12-7-22. Mrs Smith’s dinner for Vigo Millers & Webbs at McKee Dredge Boat.  Stotts lease North Piney sawmill.  Game Warden Gillis – illegally sold beaver hides.

12-14-22. IRS collector warns: must keep books.  J Moffat breaks leg in fall from horse.  Heitz accepts job in Casper.  Snow & wind make travel to Opal impossible.

12-21-22. Journal Stockman of Omaha interviews Chas Olson.  Tribute to MacGlashan by Sheridan Elks.  December Horse race.  Forest officials & cattlemen meet.

12-28-22. Hooks give Christmas night dance.  Stanley Ranch dance.  WE Spencers celebrate 25th in ID.  School program.


1-4-23. Commissioner proceedings.  Sublette County officers installed.  HS notes.  Pearl Burger resigns phone office; Mrs James Hopkins now in charge.  Carl Bain not found.

1-11-23. Ira Baldwins move to Seattle WA.

1-18-23. Teton County not to function.  Wm Goss dies in IA.  Marie & Helen Atwood back from MO.  Atwood & Daniels put up ice.

1-25-23. Hamilton sells Hotel Piney to Sherman & Farrell.  O’Neil may get on highway board.  Stage Line giving real service.

2-1-23. Mrs Hereford dies.  Lackey refining from crude oil & home gasoline proves.  Griggs sends radio receiving apparatus.  Bertram trains girls in manual (martial?) arts.

2-8-23. School play ‘Lost A Chaperone’; cast.  Mail arrives on sleighs.  Free govt seeds.  WS Nichols weekly trip to Piney for freight & mail for Tie Camp.

2-15-23. Search for Carl Bain given up until spring.  Big Piney club house destroyed by fire.  Worst blizzard in years.

2-22-23. ‘The Onion’ story by Florence MacGlashan.  O’Neil appointed to Highway Commission.  Fullers install 1st radio.  John Schneider, Jr arrives from Germany.

3-1-23. Mrs Minnie Mattison dies.  Sublette County in legislature.  HS notes: Masquerade dance & several teams required for Daniel trip play.  Rep Tanner & Jenkins return from Cheyenne.

3-8-23. Henry Bosey dies. Students to Laramie tourneys.  LaBarge school play.  Larsons radio.

3-15-23. Wiley Davis baby boy.  Nelse Christensen baby girl.  “Lure of Sage” by Pearl Budd.  Daniel Store assigned to creditors.  Levi Hill baby girl. 

3-22-23. Steve Baldwin baby girl.  Bennett back in town to teach music.

3-29-23. O’Neil returns from Hwy Commission mtg.  Wes Vickrey buys Marbleton Billiard Parlor from Schnieder (Schneider?) & changed name to “Dew Drop Inn”.

4-5-23. Beck says estray receipts to be sent to owners.  Albert Thompson dies.

4-12-23. James Alexander dies.  James Ray in town from Snider Basin Coal Mine.  Teachers exam.  Election proclamation.  Atwood makes bird cage for Mrs Hook.  Cattlemen annual meeting.  ‘TUTT’ Club dance.

4-19-23. School May Day Fete.  Henry Sellon dies.  Hereford chosen Roundup foreman.  Hoelzle first to arrive from Opal in car this year.

4-26-23. School needs Ag Teacher.  Spelling winners: Minnie Shideler & Francis Tanner.  Twichel kicked by horse.  Mrs Louise Davis dies.

5-3-23. Jesse Budd, Jr very ill.  Mrs Roy Haller dies.  HS play successful.

5-10-23. Carl Albert & Virginius Clodius win county Spelling Match.  May Festivities.  City election: Mayor Christensen, Councilmen DB Budd & Bess.

5-17-23. Jesse Budd, Jr taken to Denver.  Baccalaureate & Commencement.

5-24-23. HS play at Daniel.  Stage Line new trucks.  Jenkins car almost slides into Horse Creek.  Gray Hotel remodeled.  Howerton baby boy. 

5-31-23. June Mills dies.  Emmet Stout kicked by horse.

6-7-23. Fisher – Ball wed.  Fields – Moffat wed.  Hakes – Ray wed.  Boulder vs BP 28 – 21.  Jenkins promotes Boy Scout school at Newfork Lake.  Old Settlers Reunion.  JW Chrisman of Opal buys lumber yard.

6-14-23. Chautauqua to be in Big Piney.  Middle Piney Lake road a surety.

6-21-23. Linn – Pape wed.  Rodeo program.  Surprise party for Osterhout’s 57th birthday.  New school district to be #9.   Subic, blacksmith, back in Big Piney.

6-28-23. Body of Carl Bain found.  Mrs Bruce Cranor dies.  Jesse Budd, Jr home from hospital.  CH Kelly restocks Cottonwood Ranch.  Mrs May Dempsey dies.  Shideler – Dunham wed.

7-5-23. Shideler – Dearth wed.  Pioneer’s picnic.  Larson’s car stripped.  Mellinger, Chatauqua organizer, visits BP.  Marbleton Bank stops operation.  Simkins shot in fight with sheepherder.

7-12-23. Atwood builds reservoir at Middle Piney Lake.  Cottonwood Development Co progresses.  Abbots baby girl.  James Bond baby boy.  GB Hockett baby boy.

7-19-23. Prohibition Officers visit Bird home.  Chautauqua report.  Mrs Sam Davis of Rock Springs leases Gray Inn.

7-26-23. Editorial: ‘Things We Should Thing About!’  Cloudburst.

8-2-23. Tie Drive starts.

8-9-23. Memorial services for President Harding.  Gray – Johnson wed.  Lackey strikes oil in Cretaceous Dome. 

8-16-23. Noted geologists survey Cretaceous Dome.  Kemmerer mine explosion: 90 die.

8-23-23. HS student work summaries.  Oil field report.  Van Winkle – Booker wed.  Clifton Fear baby girl.

8-30-23. James Mickelson baby girl.  Farrell takes race horse to Jackson.  HS Agriculture facts.  Ad: Iverson Hall in Laramie.

9-6-23. Red Cross helps Japanese.  Charley Walker badly injured.  Well closed to spectators.

9-13-23. Bertram collides with door.  Co Supt Claire Tanner’s notice to parents.  Mrs Murdock & children to town for winter.  Commission men visit Valley.

9-20-23. Cattle shippers inspection law.  Royal A Young of CA baby boy. 

9-27-23. Stout – Griggs wed.  Men fined for not extinguishing campfire.  Jensen & Mickelson first to ship cattle this fall.  Football: Billy Budd, captain.  Poultry classes.  Dept of Ag wants samples of all grain grown in Valley.  Crew arrive to drill Corder well.

10-4-23. High school notes by Mae Whitman.  Officials visit wells.

10-11-23. Salminen – Riffey wed.  Jackson editor dead in fall near Granite.  Mrs Tanner visits schools.  Arrests: illegal possession of liquor.  Kmer train wreck.  Standard Timber hires Trittipo.

10-18-23. Ball, Fultz & Lindback start to road with cattle.  Whitman out of cattle business.  Student orchestra started.  Two bridges in Marbleton lane now open.

10-25-23. John Ray injured in coal mine.  Prohibition officers active.

11-1-23. Masquerade Ball. Herko, murderer, caught at Fossil Ranch.  O’Neil sells cattle to Cudahy.  Governor Proclamation:  Father & Son Week.

11-8-23. Hotel Piney’s new light plant installed.  Beecher to spend winter at Encampment, WY.

11-15-23.  Big oil well deal by Lackey.

11-22-23. Walter Ball’s dance.  Geo Huddleston of Opal, WY, announces.  Chas Budd & Vigo Miller buy sheep.  Young People’s Club entertains.  Todd James & Levi Hill go prospecting.

11-29-23. Turkey shoot.

12-6-23. New law to prevent auto theft.  FA Fear receives mules.  Miriam Jenkins is new chairman of Christmas seal sale.  Frank Ball home from hospital.  Much sickness in Valley.

12-13-23. Bess buys Fuller’s interest in BP Garage.  School play: cast list.  Dr Hooks returns from Chicago graduate course.  Jenkins – Danielson wed.  Community tree.

12-20-23. Episcopal Church Christmas Eve service.  Stores doing good holiday business.

12-27-23. Christmas play at Budd Hall.  Football team letters.  Margaret O’Neil out of Denver hospital.  Ad: Gasoline by the tank for 35 cents/gallon at Big Piney Garage.


1-3-24. Ralph Conwell honored.  Income tax.  Harry Springman baby girl.  Gull Whitman to go to Mayo Clinic.  1924 should prove prosperous.  Many activities scheduled.

1-10-24. Holidays at Ball Ranch.  Hampton in Justice court.  Alvin Twichell (Twichel?) to Mayos.

1-17-24. Mrs Lena Gray Johnston returns & takes over Gray Inn.  WE Enos dies.  Boxing exhibition.  Carl Warner dies.

1-24-24. James Payne’s son dies.  Whitmans to winter in Kemmerer.  Nelse Cristensen (Christensen?) to meet with traveling salesmen.

1-31-24. Mrs Guy Decker dies.  BPHS farm shop report.  Mrs McDonald leases Opal Hotel.

2-7-24. Piney cattle in Star Valley.  Witherspoon Drug in Kemmerer burns.

2-14-24. Muir place’s oldest cabin burns down.  Masquerade Ball.  Austin Richardson is Daniel postmaster.  Guy Decker hurt loading hay.  Contract let for 21 bridges.

2-21-24. Homer – Spence wed.  Cretaceous oil deal terminated. Newlon well is in.  Hereford & Smith stock from Star Valley. Conwell, debate champ. Mrs John Ray injured at dance.

2-28-24. Tommy Willoughby dies. Piney Glee Club dance. Conwell tours W coast with debaters.

3-6-24. Utah Oil Co will ship rig.  HS Ag lecture on forestry.  Mrs Perry Bowlsby dies.  Mrs Walker moves to sawmill on North Piney.

3-13-24. Mrs William Danvers dies. James Payne baby boy.  Cattlemen advised: buy more cows.

3-20-24. Mrs Gray-Johnston leases Gray Inn & goes to CA.  Roundup mtg: officers reelected.

3-27-24. Oil  news.  Sherman & Farrell vs Vickrey: Plaintiff wins.  Ernest Dahlquist baby  girl.

4-3-24. Forest streams stocked.  Post Office to move to center of town.  McGlashan – Bath wed.

4-10-24. Garland Linn dies.  Rodeo program.  Paul Pape baby boy.  Christian Vrang baby girl. Townsmen dynamite ice in creeks.

4-17-24. Nothing of interest.

4-24-24. Brown – Surritt wed. National Boys Week observed.  County HS would save money.  Call for Republican Convention.  New highway staked out between Piney & Daniel.

5-1-24. State Spelling contest pupils.  School doings.  HS Ag Dept program.  McNinches move to homestead.  Ad:  Sublette County Dairy Co.

5-8-24. Gilliland – Beatty wed.  BPHS vaudeville at Daniel.  Louise Alexander of Cora wins spelling.  Many visit Newlon well.  Delegation to Commissioners about roads.

5-15-24. Town Council proceedings.  Oil field notes.  Election: Mayor Christensen, Councilmen Tanner & Griggs.  Stolen Cretaceous Oil Stock Certificates re-issued.

5-22-24. Mrs Mildred Mickelson: National Republican Convention delegate.  Cagle – Tracy wed. School picnic on Green River.  Baseball Club organizes.  Graduation: McGlashan & Jenkins, seniors.  Clifton Fear purchases milk cows.

5-29-24. Geo Camp dies.  ‘The Mission’ at Episcopal Church closes & Winecoff moves to Sheridan.  Sanders leaves garage & moves to Ogden -  Jim Smith takes his position.

6-5-24. Conwell & Irby graduate from Univ.  Tie Camp transients arrested.  Charley Fredells visit from CA.  Mann – Lewis wed.

6-12-24. Oil field news.  Chiropractor Shultz to practice at Hotel Piney.

6-19-24. List of jurors.  Pinedale wins ball game.  Charley Olson repairs bridges.  Pioneers Reunion at Newfork Lake.  Mrs PW Jenkins at Mayo Clinic.

6-25-24. Budd Hall burns.  Rodeo opens.  Pavilion built for Rodeo Dances. 

7-3-24. Reuben Fox breaks leg playing ball.  Geologist Burritt visits mining claim on Middle Piney.  Mrs Gray-Johnston again takes over Gray Inn.

7-10-24. Pioneers Reunion report.  Oil royalties paid WY.  Mrs Levi Hill to Evanston hospital.

7-17-24. Republican & Democratic Conventions.  Electric branding iron.

7-24-24. Chautauqua.  South Side Garage’s electric gasoline pump.  State Bank interior painted.

7-31-24. Jury trials: Sutton heirs, Morrison, Todd & Sommers vs Cottonwood Co. Damages awarded to plaintiffs.  List of teachers.  Bedford gives physicals for children under 6.  300,000 ties on way to Green River City.  School painted & cleaned.

8-7-24. Osterhout’s truck turned over on Holden Hill.  Oil company says local field is dry.  Dennis Davison, stunt flyer, killed.  Hay short due to lack of water.

8-14-24. Candidates for office.  Beck’s speech at Railway Assoc meeting.  Scouts at Newfork Lk.  Yellowstone Park via Opal, Big Piney, Daniel & Hoback sign. 

8-21-24. Dormitory for local school.  Bess injured changing tire.  Oswald from Omaha visits ranchers.  Gull Whitman ill.

8-28-24. Girls Industrial Institute could be in Sublette Co.  Primary election returns.  1923 Ag Yearbook ready.  Ethel Faler chosen to go to Casper.  Florence McGlashan & Helen Budd to Jackson’s Frontier Days.  Lasater – Malicate wed.

9-4-24. Beef roundup begins.  Help protect forests from fires.  Mrs Mickelson & daughter to SLC for winter.  Al Fields & family to Big Piney from Fall River Basin for winter.  Smiths & Burneys fish in Fall River.

9-11-24. BPHS Ag Dept plans.  Grouse open season.  Bronx school: Ewer, teacher.  Miriam Jenkins to UW.  Marie Atwood, clerk at Burney’s, returns from visiting folks in ID.  Pete Betules acquires Barber Shop at BP Pool Hall.  Mrs Jewett: County Chairman of Women Republicans.

9-25-24. Mrs Margaret Danielson dies.  Football: BP at Kmer.  Rally for Congressman Winter.  Fish Hatchery residence to be built by state.  AF Atwood house & furniture for sale.  3 bridges out between BP & Daniel. Leo Ball’s horse barn burns.  Mrs WE Mills dies.

10-2-24. Women Republican Club: Chairman Jewett, VC Anna Clark, Sec Mrs Bentley, Treas Mrs Springman, Advisory Board Jr Ch Mrs Frank Ball, Jr. Clinton broken arm.  White & black 1925 auto plates.

10-9-24. Jenkins writes why Sublette County should not have Girl’s Home.  Albano is new forest ranger.  Duckworth – Payne wed.  Lady Democratic Club meet at Murdocks.

10-16-24. Speaks – Fields wed.  Ewer’s editorial.  Ads by candidates.  Cattle to market.

10-23-24. Joseph B Ewer: ‘That the People May Know’.  New forest service building.  Running for office: Clark, Query, Baehr, Payne, Fuller, Ewer.

10-30-24. Sublette County should be selected for Girls’ School.  Candidate ads.  Dr PJ Sheeran locates in Big Piney.  Wanerous runs for congressman: rally.

11-6-24. State  Fair primary grade prizes.  Al Lykins dies.  Mrs Tanner’s meeting for better schools.  Bleamer, Price, Todd & Noble ship cattle.

11-13-24. Election returns.  Frank Lewis’ experience.  Connor delivers logs for new forest bldg.

11-20-24. James Mickelson baby boy.  Education Week.  Pineyites to Kmer for ‘Covered Wagon’ pics. New highway to Kemmerer open.  Miriam Jenkins debate tryout at UW successful.

11-27-24. Interior Dept re-lists Oil Field.  Mrs Albert Griggs has needle removed.  Walter Ball’s new house & dance.  Rathbun sends dressed turkeys to Tie Camp. Smith conducts Turkey Shoot.

12-4-24. Football letter awards.  FD Hunter hurt in car turnover.  Olsons install radio at ranch.  Cowboys riding the desert.  Lasater – Bell wed.

12-11-24. Mrs Frank Tracy & baby son die.  Conwell in Rock Springs hospital.  Luman named All-American end.  Mrs Levi Hill returns home.  Christmas greetings from stores.

12-18-24. High School Agriculture project.  School play.  Christmas cantata.  Mail route over new highway.  Fire damages Primary School building.  Dr Sheeran leaves for Cody.

12-25-24. Midwest Oil Co down 1800 ft.  Lydia Tanner home for holidays.  Whitman children spend Christmas in Rock Springs.  Mrs OS Lewis has feet frozen.


1-1-25. School house renovations.  Joseph Bells entertain at Halfway.  Mrs Mildred Mickelson to Hawaii.  Big dance at Marbleton.  Ray Daniels baby girl.  John Moffats reunion at 67 Ranch.

1-8-25. Sleigh riding party.  County officers sworn in.  Mrs Tanner to teach in McGlashan’s place.  James Smith baby boy.

1-15-25. More sheep in Valley.  Sunbeam radiator heater in Hotel Piney lobby.  Bennetts move to Rock Springs.

1-22-25. Chas Deloney dies.  Bert Clarks of Cora at legislature.  WY senators refuse to pass Child Labor amendment.  Howertons return from OK.  Novelty Party at Hook Hall.

1-29-25. Valuations on livestock to be lowered.  Examiner is official paper of Sublette County.  BPHS Ag notes.

 2-5-25. Ag Dept fun festival.  Mrs Bob Gunter at Mayo’s for operation.  Geo Hopkins, Sr in SLC for operation.  Billmans visit from Canada.  ‘Quilt Bee’ at Dave Johnstons.  Hereford brings 50 purebred bulls to O’Neils.  Triangle Club party.

2-12-25. Midwest Camp news.  Pinedale gives play in BP: ‘Noble Outcast’.  Ag news.

2-19-25. Fish Hatchery appropriated $1600.  Picture of Osterhout home.  Ad: Paddy’s Carnival.  Gunters home from Mayo Clinic.

2-26-25.AB Stout dies & obit.  Irby – Ball engaged.  Barney Tibbals ill in Rock Springs.  Ag notes.  Henry Budd, deputy assessor.  Cottonwood’s 4 radios: Tie Camp, Todds, Smith, Bentley.

3-5-25. Charles Mathews baby girl.  Ag Dept minstrel show.  School Board meets.  Mrs Mickelson writes from Hawaii.  Ed Lewis baby boy dies.  Antone Subic baby boy.  $1600 should have been $6700 (fish hatchery).  Marbleton Bank fixtures moved back to Marbleton.  Shidelers ship lynx cat.

3-12-25. Brands must be renewed in 1925. Marbleton State Bank dissolution.  Whitman Brothers meet after 40 years.  Milk Producers Review poem.  Jenkins gives talk at school.

3-19-25. Cattlemen Annual meeting.  Gull Whitman dies & obit.  Paddy’s Carnival.  Highway work summary.  Report to school board.  Midwest Oil notes.  Geo Beatty baby girl.  Harry Springman baby boy.

3-26-25. Beatty baby dies.  Forest officials visit Tie Camp.  Charley Clyde to DC to patent invention.  Game & Fish laws.  John McGlashan from NY visits.  Clifton Fear in dairy business.

4-2-25. AW Smith Livestock Co sells 2000 cattle.  Ralph Friend, old pioneer, writes.  Beck’s opinion of Isaak Walton League.  McDole praises BPHS athletics.  County surveyor McDonald to stay in Big Piney.

4-9-25. LaBarge Hoot Owl Orchestra: Lulu McGinnis, violin; Martha Whitman, saxophone; Marie Farrell, drums & Marie McGinnis, piano.  LaBarge’s Transcontinental Oil has heavy gas flow.  Ball Game: BP vs LaBarge.  HE Griggs, Justice of Peace.  Harrison Guio baby boy.

4-16-25. Edmundsen & Gilliland in auto accident.  Emma Cisco & children arrive from OK.  Town council proceedings.

4-23-25. LaBarge community dance.  New road from Green River City to Fontenelle.

4-30-25. Historical Quarterly changes name to “Annals of Wyoming”.  City drags streets.  Jones – Hopkins wed.  Charley Nobles clips 52#s of wood off 2 sheep.  McDonald surveys roads.  Ads: CY Simpson & Tournament Day program.

5-7-25. Mrs Osterhout home from CA.  BP beats LaBarge 28-17. Chet Chrisman & family move to Opal.

5-14-25. Big Piney loses to Pinedale.  Election: Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Howerton & Hopkins.  Jenkins & Newfork Lake article.  Tie Drive started.

5-21-25. Link Shideler, Water Commissioner.  Ag & Tournament Days report.  Wm Carlin dies.  Senior Class presents “Mr Bob”.

5-28-25. Graduation.  Oil field news.  Rev Kimmel at Congregational Church.  Spelling contest: Dorothy Ray 1st & Louise Gurney 2nd.   9th annual Commencement program.

6-4-25. Official opening of Yellowstone on June 18.  Osterhout hurt in runaway.  WG Heitz estate to be auctioned.  Geo Beatty has sale.  Taggert Brothers contractors for road north.

6-11-25. James F Petri dies.  Commissioners proceedings.  350,000 ties in boom.  Bess buys Heitz property.  Irby – Ball wed.

6-18-25. Midwest quit drilling.  Lela Hereford operation.  Guy Decker in town for chariot cart.  Capt Hardy gives free shooting exhibition.  Ad: State Bank of Big Piney.

6-25-25.School meeting.  John Maki killed in car upset.  Kushie & Sparks arrested.  Marbleton Vaudeville Show.  Hork, fruit peddler, arrested for no license.  Jewett driving new car.

7-2-25. Unveiling of DeSmet Monument at Daniel.  Chautauqua starts.  Landslide near Jackson Hole.  Isaac Stott seriously burned.

7-9-25. Chautauqua not signed for 1926.  Boy Scouts at Newfork.  DeSmet ceremonies report.

7-16-25. Wyota brought in big well in LaBarge field.  Stanley Haffner-Subic accidently killed.  CF Patterson dies.  Mrs WS Nichols at Rebekah Lodge convention.

7-23-25. Frank Mann’s freak lamb.  Boy Scouts time at Newfork Lake.  Beattys move to Gillette.  Mrs Sommers & Mrs Dan Budd spend 2 days at Newfork with Scouts.  Fathers Short & Murray hold church services at JB Budd home.

7-30-25. Boulter – Hakes wed.  Haying season.  Hackworth & Coleman bring plane & take up passengers.  Surprise party for Florence Sommers.

8-6-25. Mrs WS Nichols leases Gray Inn.  Chas Thatcher, highway booster, visits.  WY cattle brands show big decrease.  Tie Drive started.  Heating plant installed in school building.

8-13-25. Electrical storm plays havoc.  Anderson new Agriculture instructor.

8-20-25. Catholics to build home for children.  Chicken season closed.  Clifton Fear has modern dairy.  Jack Walters of LaBarge has barrel oil spouter in yard.  Gaddo – Wilson wed.  Mrs R Pomeroy visits from CA – Whittier.

8-27-25. Jenkins gubernatorial timber.  Thomas Byrne arrested on 2 charges.  School opens 9-14.  Notice: Hides must be inspected.  Hathbart & Hamilton go to Jackson in Hathbart’s plane.

9-3-25. New highway to Daniel soon.  Oil field activity.  FA Fear to built new dance hall.  Frank Shipley given janitor contract.  Hathbart wrecks plane landing at Jackson.

9-10-25. Dorothy Ray to Douglas for State Spelling Contest.  Roundup Assoc meeting & resolutions.  Haying almost complete.  Mrs O’Neil & family to Laramie for winter.  Labor Day entertainment in Rock Springs.

9-17-25. School opens.  Don Jewett & Jesse Budd enter UW.  Elk season opens.  Mrs Frank McGinnis dies.  Fear’s dairy milk tested okay.  FA Fear ships cattle to Omaha.  Jim Smith purchased Al Field’s home.  Mrs AP Sommers new telephone operator.

9-24-25. Work resumed on Forest building.  Sunday School children’s candy sale.  Hooks to Denver for winter.  WS Nichols to Lava Hot Springs.  Hockets (Hockett?) move from Pinedale to Big Piney.  Ad: Big Piney Radio dealer & Becker’s Music Shop.

10-1-25. Farrell buys Sherman’s interest in Hotel & Billiard Parlor.  Walter Ball’s new bungalow almost complete.  Ag Dept boys project: cut & shock grain.

10-8-25. Stockmen oppose federal infringement.  Clifton Fear has typhoid fever.  Freshmen initiated.  Congregational Church may get medical missionary.

10-15-25. Hospital is most essential need.  1926 auto plates: green & white.  AA Fields family moves to WA.  Local youths in accident testing how fast cars really run.  Mrs John Ray in hospital.  Newfork Dam completed.

10-22-25. Albert Griggs crushed to death under oil casing.  Teachers Conference.  Otto Hersig operation for appendicitis.

10-29-25. Optimistic view of cattle business.  Ed Lewis infant child dies.  Werkley of State Dept of Education giving intelligence tests.

11-5-25. Mrs John Ray operation in SLC.  Mrs Bess entertained at shower for Martha Whitman.  Snow fences to be built along Kemmerer to Big Piney highway.  Rural schools’ new course of study & reorganization.  John Thompson dies.  Whitman – Thelman wed.  School notes.

11-12-25. John Petrie dies.  Wardell boys have 12 horse runaway.  Mrs Walter Ball operation for appendicitis.  School notes.

11-19-25. Grantham – Budd wed.  Mrs Chas Olson operation at Mayos.  HN Angus baby girl.  Edwards of Mason sells homegrown potatoes to Burneys.  Del Dearth, govt trapper, visits.

11-26-25. Mickelson loses three haystacks to fire.  PTA meeting.  Griggs & Nichols haul coal from Kemmerer.  Charley Budds arrive home & charivaried.  Kimmel secures books for children.  Burney sells land in Basin to Frank D Ball.

12-3-25. PTA program.  WT trapping laws.  Christmas seal sales.  Dan & George Budd to Mex.

12-10-25. Mickelson’s dehorning bee at PL Ranch.  LaBarge free dance.  Larsons purchase Chrisman house.  Jewetts entertain 30 guests.  Phil Morgan (Marincic) buys cattle from Nichols. 

12-17-25. House fires: Hocket & Murphy families.  Grain yield.  Margaret Chapel dies.  John Herrod injured.  Frank Murphy baby boy.  Ads: Burney & Co, Pioneer Drug, State Bank.

12-24-25. Larkin – Moffat wed.  Dr Looney of Green River visits & may move here.


1-7-26. Mrs John Ray dies.  Oil news: drilling again at Corder Place.  O’Neil & Shanley on Intermountain Livestock Show committee.  Col Chas Thatcher’s letter about roads.  Fishburn arrested for violation of liquor law.  Fear & son building 3 new buildings.

1-14-26. William Soliday dies.  Budd Tanner & Nichols harvesting ice.  Mail bids. Walker – Bush wed.

1-21-26. Snow at last.  Winter sports at 67 Reservoir.  Dr Looney, local physician.  School notes.  Parley Wardell has glands lanced by Dr Looney.  Charley Budd sells entire herd of cattle.

1-28-26. Dorothy Wilson, 4 yrs old, dies.  Herrod sues Silverado Oil Co.  Mrs Chas Olson home from Mayo Clinic.  Letter from Fredells.  Ag boys make dehorning chute for Walter Yose.

2-4-26. HS Minstrel Show.  Dog Derby at Pinedale.  Cisco’s widow given Carnegie Heroism Award.  Matt Woodmancy dies.  Geo Budd home from Mexico.

2-11-26. Jesse Budd honored at UW.  Marbleton dance: music by Link Shideler, Steve Baldwin & Ed Finnegan. Will Payne’s housewarming on Green River.  John Budd saw 2 moose by highway to Kmer.  David Clark dies.  Much sickness.  Andy Austin breaks ribs at Tie Camp.

2-18-26. Bennett child dies.  School notes: Joe Budd, Francis Tanner, Gerald Wilson, Marie McGinnis & Helen Budd to represent BP at Laramie.  Teachers entertain students a ‘Juvenile Party’.  Honor roll.  Del Dearth baby boy.  Tanner hears daughter sing over radio.

2-25-26. Cleveland Dunham dies.  Mail contract bids.  Jesse Budd wins 2nd at UW Swim Meet.

3-4-26. Ben Benson dies.  PTA mtg & fundraiser card party.  Harold Munn’s mother dies.  One of Shinsel twins dies.

3-11-26. Percy Griggs dies.  Mrs Sarah Lowe dies.  Howerton building barber shop & marcelling parlor.  John Moffat baby boy.  Harris – Conner wed.

3-18-26. Sellon Budd dies in accident in Louisiana.  Jensen bull drowned.  Officers arrest 2 & get large still.  Chas Olson gets store teeth.  Fishing season opens April 2.

3-25-26. WE Mills dies.  Corder Oil well going down rapidly.  Sellon Budd funeral services.  Students make good showing at Laramie.

4-1-26. Tanner local recruiter for Citizens Military Training Camp.  Geologist Hawkins in country going over oil leases.  Fredells return to ranch on North Piney.  Charley Noble & son Jean home from Lava.  George Nichols birthday party.

4-8-26. Car falls on Hamilton.  Bess building service station in LaBarge.  Charley Walker’s foot crushed at sawmill.

4-15-26. School play “Too Many Wives”.  Sharp – Budd wed.  Senior class play list of characters.  William Musselman dies.  George Budd breaks collar bone.  Jensen kicked by steer.

4-22-26. Piney-Star Valley road to be reality.  Tie drives starts next month.  Riverton men get mail contract.  Mrs MA Black dies.  Jess Budd builds row boat.  WH Anderson baby boy.

4-29-26. Building at new town of Tulsa progressing each day.  Clifton Fear plants trees & shrubs.  LE Bennetts return to Big Piney to reside.  Father Short of Kmer Catholic Church held services at Chas Olson Ranch & JB Budd home.  Election proclamation.

5-6-26. Corder Oil rig burns.  Mrs Ott’s 2nd operation at Mayo’s.  Wm Pape dies.  Daniels – Finnegan wed.

5-13-26. Discovery of Field Oil 1892 by Ralph M Friend.  Election:  Mayor Bess, Councilmen Norris & Griggs.  James Chrisman suffers broken hip.

5-20-26. Louise Gurney wins spelling contest.  Star Valley road project postponed.  Jenkins to be candidate for governor.  Geo Linn home from hospital.

5-27-26. Commencement.  Kemmerer boosters visit BP & Pinedale.  Jenkins – Stevens wed.  Forest service & ranchers begin work on road to Middle Piney Lake.  Jenkins has book by writers in 1716.  Wm Bleamer dies.  Oscar Piper builds for Charley Clyde.

6-3-26. Hodges – Covey wed.  Kendall – Milleson wed.  New mail contractor, Anderson, may move to Big Piney.  Rev Norman Stokes at Congregational Church for 3 months.  Rock slide at Holden Hill.

6-10-26. One million trout to be hatched at Daniel Hatchery.  Robert Springman kicked in face by horse.  Frank Chapel breaks leg while roping colt.  Lena Davison & Jeneva (Geneva?) Shipley to summer school at Laramie.  Pearl Budd to Seattle for summer school.  WY Forest free use area.

6-17-26. Judge Layman to locate in Big Piney.  Howerton installs Delco lighting plant & water system in Barber Shop.  Republican Convention in Casper.  Margaret Nichols in Ogden hospital.

6-24-26. Horse thief apprehended.  New rig for Corder well.  Drilling begins at Lackey well.  Annual school meeting.  Standard Timber drives 276,000 ties down Cottonwood to Green River.

7-1-26. Oscar Piper swallowed tack.  Mrs Ralph Mills & Mrs Ivan Jones start Tea Room at Names Hill.  Fields – Sicklen wed.  Oscar Beck sells ranch to James Jensen.

7-8-26. DeSmet ceremonies at Daniel.  Davison – Todd wed.  Newlon gets gusher at LaBarge.  Wilhelm has blood poisoning.

7-15-26. Tie Camp moves to Smith’s Fork.  Nichols sells ranch to Mickelson.  Fawcett-McPherrin to drill on HL Budd Ranch.  Walter Ball repairs Cottonwood phone line.  Albano baby boy.

7-22-26. Farrells sell Hotel Piney to WS Nichols.  Howard Hopkins baby girl.  UT group visits.  AP Newcomb baby boy.  Mrs Sadie Osterhout moves old Nichols ranch house to town.

7-29-26. Emerson opens campaign.  Tanner overturns truck.

8-5-26. Chautauqua report.  Mining locations filed.  Primary filings for county officers.  Mrs John Schneider dies.  New extension to Burney’s.

8-12-26. McDonalds buy Gray Inn.  Jackson defeats Big Piney in baseball.  Coveys move to Kemmerer.

8-19-26. Big Piney beats Jackson this week.  Olson & Jarrett escape drowning.  Wet weather hampers haying.

8-26-26. Primary election returns.  Rev Stokes leaves for seminary.  Mrs Lena Gray-Johnston robbed at Daniel.  Shipley, Bolinger & Powers repair McGlashan properties.  Green River Boy Scouts build Clubhouse at Newfork Lake.  Burney lands 5# trout out of Green River.

9-2-26. List of teachers for school year.  Kenneth Noble breaks wrist.  Rev Louis Perkins in charge at St John’s Church.  Orlin Blacks leave for CA.  Frank Ball, Jr baby boy.  Ben Bentley dies.  Ads:  Sale at Hook Hall & JC Penney Co.

9-9-26. Republican meeting at Daniel: proceedings.  Mrs Otto Lifer is guest of Herschlers.  Fears, Nobles & Penses have outing at Jenny’s Lake.  Ads:  Marcelling by Mrs Earl Hamilton & Big Piney Hotel: ‘Eat here instead of hereafter!’

9-16-26. Dr HC Bone (Boone?) dies.  School enrollment: 87.  Emma & Clara Lindback to attend HS in Big Piney.  Clifton Fear & Ray Reardon hauling logs for Frank Fear.  James Bertram tips over truck near Corder oil well.  Covey accepts mail contractor position.

9-23-26. Ray Reardon killed in timbering accident.  LE Bennett children taken to Cheyenne.  Emerson, Clark & Morton hold rallies at BP & Pinedale.  Rose, Kendrick & Kimball hold rallies.

9-30-26. High school notes.  Grade school names.  Jensen, Mickelson, Lindback, Fultz & Lloyd ship cattle.















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