
Sublette County Journal Index

Page history last edited by Judi Myers 13 years, 4 months ago

Index to the

Sublette County Journal

September 4, 1996


February 15, 2001


Judi A. Myers




Sept. 4, 1996. Vol 1, No. I. Rob Shaul, publisher/editor. History of Sublette County

Artists Guild. Building permits. Drilling. County services & budget. Courtney Davis

interview. Lost Ag land. Town water systems. White Pine ski area. Green River Valley

Museum. Wildlife. Essays: R&K Shaul, B Fear, N Espencheid, J Alexander, C

Paravicini, J Boyce, N Cowley.


9-1 8-96. Volunteer Fire Departments. Economy. Helen W Bray interview. New Library

plans. Letters: G Funk, B Binning, Hays & Hefferan. Column: D Lamoreux. Henry

Mauss, Pioneer. Essays/poems: H Linn, J Alexander, D Ball. Art: V Biffle, D Ball. Big

game. S Taylor photo.


10-2-96. M&B Wade, outfitters. School funding. Jack Ludwig interview. Chapin

shooting. Housing by E Walker. Letter: B Wassenberg. Red & Maxine Mathisen,

pioneers. Mike Wade interview. Bill Baker’s gas station. Life in LaBarge: D Sakai.

Poems: R Swank, J Combs. Choices: Rev. Storrud, Rev. Bub. C Anderson photo.


10-16-96. F Moore interview. Road closures. Brad Hovinga, Game Warden. County

White Tails Deer. Landowner interviews: R&C Paravicini, J Richie, J Mickelson.

Schell-Davison wed. Marjorie Brawley, pioneer. Letters: V Long, B Wassenberg.

Outfitting Hunters by J Ware. Poems/Art: J Ledford, J Alexander, D Ball, T Shenefel.

Rifles: V Huffman, R Ball, I Parke, C Guio, R Faler. K Tanner, teacher.


10-30-96. Big Game license allocations. Elections. Ron Gordon, Corner Auto Care

Center. Interviews: B Everts, J Malkowski, R Bennett, S Wells, A Mullett, C Skinner, C

Parsons, H Jensen, F Archambault, S Houfek, L Gatzke. Letters: M Pape, unsigned, J

Malkowski, J Alexander. Dr J Crenshaw, pioneer. Food Basket. Poems/etc: R Swank, C

Bell, K Shaul. School news. Photo: K Bennington.


11-15-96. Cattle prices. County Comprehensive Plan. Interviews: Walter Yose, T

Greenwood, Budds, E Meeks, E Beattie, J Noble, K Marincic, E Dockham. Paul & Betty

Hagenstein, pioneers. Letters: C Hefferan, T Graham, BA Walker. Rev. Lynch column.

Undercurrents: Trudy Fry. Poem: D Lunbeck, Recipes: L Sherman, D Howard, V Biffle,

M Cooper. Elk season. Pinedale Water project. Choices: Rev Storrud, F Archambault, H

Jensen, K Harrower. Muriel Gray’s 85th. Mr. Guenthner, teacher. E Shaul, photo.


11-29-96. BP Learning Center. County Zoning. Lance Koppenhafer, businessman. Oil

& Gas growth. Letter: P Lee. Rodeo: Kelly Wardell. Rena Sundgren, pioneer. Big

Piney by B Seivers. Poems/etc: C Paravicini, R Swank, M Cooper. Brucellosis. J

Coyote’s advice. G Harris photo.


12-13-96. 4-H. Residential growth. Billy & Annette Pape interview. J Woirhaye

assists. Best gifts: T Keys, C Paravicini, D Ball. Remember: D Sakai. Ducks hunting: R

Shields. D Brewer’s outside. Tommy Astle, pioneer. Poems: C Paravicini, D Ball, M

Cooper, K Neely, C Timmermans. Photo: B Stapleton.


12-27-96. Buzz Wassenberg interview. Oil/Gas impact. Flying: L Joynes. N Birdsley

born. Emma Meeks, pioneer. Letters: S David Stearns. Fishing survey. Sue Eversull,

baker. Poems: S Ingram, J Bohannon. Dr Glas column. Finance: J Capps. R McNeel



1-10-97. Vol I, No 10. Bill Schell, craftsman. Snowmobile industry/history. Thelma

Steele, pioneer. Regular columnists: R Shaul, B Fear, N Espenscheid, Rev Lynch, E

Walker, J Alexander, J Capps, S Blaha, D Brewer, C Paravicini. Letter T Graham, K

Bennington, B Henry, K Shaul, K Neely. S Cain fundraiser. I 920s Rustic Lodge photos.


1-24-97. Gordon Johnston interview. Merna Mail Route. Conservation Board. Muriel

Gray, pioneer. Art: T Shenefelt, M Ramsey. S Shenefelt photos. Dog Sled Race: V

Sherman. Poems: A Sherman, R Vodopich. John Linn’s sled sinks in Fremont Lake.

Rodeo: Family sport.

2-7-97. Roughnecks. Bill Cramer, interview. Mildred M Miller, Cowgirl. Kindergarten

photos. Letters: F Archambault. J Saulino, J Ware. Angeline H Feltner, pioneer. Racing

sleds. Essay: J Alexander. Guio-Lvon to wed. School kids stories.


2-21-97 Vol 1 # 13. Feeding with a “Four-Up” by C Paravicini. Dennis Brabec for

“People for the West!”. Home Schooling. Teacher Incentives. Internet by N Flood & E

Walker. Letters: L Roberts, S Cole. Vipers photo. Vincent A Guyette, pioneer. Poems:

C Paravicini, L Thomas. P&R Sundgren photo. Feeding town deer.


3-7-97. Tying Flies. County Road & Bridge. Lenten Suppers. B Mayo’s roped wolf

Mormon Trail. Herring-Bradley to wed. Bennet’s class. Cartoon: J&T Shenefelt.

Letters, J Tully, Espenscheids, H Ruland. A Sunny Korfanta, pioneer. Three Toes by M

Bayer. Bert Clark’s wolf 1905.

3-21-97. Jim & Cat Urbigkit, environmentalists. Daniel Schoolhouse. Ann Phillips,

balancing family & work. County Land use. Minerals activity. County Boards/budget.

M Easton, E Schmid, J Bell born. Letter: L Glasgow. Daniel Chili Cook-Off. J Disko

honor. Archery survey. Lynn Thomas essay “Barney”.

4-4-97. Vol I, No 16. Lynn Thomas art. Rev. Robert Lynch, profile. Oil/Gas Industry.

KeyBank becomes Community First. Radio comes to Pinedale. Population growth.

Daniel Schoolhouse by Pat Walker, con’t. Exxon sues county. Letter: RH Evans.

Stockmenship School. Boulder Fish Station. “Barney” con’t.


4-18-97. Calving Season by D Price. Joe Meeks, profile. Straw Bale Homes by M

Kautza. Folsum Point found at Jonah site. Letters: J Parra, J Tully, M Ramsey. Scouts:

M Rees, E Robertson. Elminger & Heydt selected. Viola Siems, pioneer. Sage Grouse

survey. Herons. Essay: K Meeks. Poems: E Cooper, L Thomas. Holly Jensen, artist.


5-2-97. The Cowboy Shop - 50 Years. R Rawhouser art. Bob Reese, USFS Ranger.

White Pine plans. Mayo not charged. Exxon maintenance. Hockey siblings: C&C

Crumb. Pinedale Water Project: B Harrower. Letters: D Brewer, F Carrier, C Anderson,

R Gordon. Real Estate sales down. Caryn A M Bing, pioneer. Bondurant Syrup Co.

Pack Cat boat by L Rawlins. Two Rivers Emporium: J Ross. Night Sky by H Moye.

Hatch Report by J Ross. Robins: J Ware, G Johnston, L Thomas, R Shaul, F Reed, C

Paravicini. Essays: H Linn, N Espenscheid.


5-16-97. Bargerville. Art by L Thomas. Dan Postma, musician. J Buston resigns.

Pinedale Water Project: M Eatinger. Letters: RH Evans, W Vasey. Gas Industry. Jonah

Field. Jim Roskopf, pioneer. Ward Rumpler’s Bees. Aspens by D Tart. K O’Brien

joins. Fiction: F Banko, SE Mechels. Poem: T Bluemel.


5-30-97. K Meeks art. Sheep Shearing Crew. Clint Gilchrist interview. Assessment up.

New Coast to Coast. BP student letters to legislators. D Key Day. ATV trespass.

Daniels Rodeo Family: the Griffins. From the Road by John Kitchen. Falcons. Denison

& Thoman find rare antlers. Llamas. Palmer-Peden to wed. T Jensen films. Waterhole

Days. Poem: K Meeks. Essay: E Beattie.


6-13-97. Vol 1, No 21. Straw Bale Construction by T Keys. Wm Riebsame on ranching.

C Parsons elected. Exxon & County meet. Willow Creek Ranch Land Exchange.

Tribute to L. Eno. V Houston cleans. K Burke honor. Letters: M Budd Flitner, D

Thompson. Family Coal Mines. Finest Deer book by D Long & S Mansor. Big Sage by

D Tart. Geese by C Paravicini. Dad by J Alexander, R Shaul, M Pape, C Timmermans.

George Nichols, pioneer. Pat Poletti, Willow Furniture craftsperson.


6-27-97. R Rawhouser art. Jeff Goltz, Nocora founder. Rural Health Care. Enron to

drill. K Moline, J Keller promoted. Cattle prices up. F Cramer & P Binning make

Wagons for Mormon Trek. E Mockler’s book. Z Nichols born. Lois P James Koch,

pioneer. School page. B Hovinga honor. Rock Climbing: T Skinner, P Piana, Z Noble.

Stories: K Boroff, T Eiden.


7-11-97. Vol I, No 23 T Shenefelt art. Roger McMannis, Roustabout. Boulder Post

Office by L Joynes. Pinedale water line dispute. Health Care petition. County income.

Pinedale new library. Coiled flowlines. Mormons in Farson. Rendezvous country.

Letters: H Linn. Madge Funk tribute by numerous authors. Osprey. S Faler’s bass.

Bucky Neely, fisherman. County authors. Poems: K Meeks, D Price, BJ Griffin, C


7-25-97. L Thomas art. Tie Hacks by Judi Myers. Ryegrass subdivision. Robin Miley

& Bill Barney interviews. Madge tributes con’t. Wolf sighting? Brucellosis. Tie

Drivers by G Linn. J Kellier & K Moline photo. Horned Toad. Jason Ray’s bear.

Spinner Fishing, art by L. Leavitt. J Reising fixes signs. Bign’s Smokehouse opens.

John L Snively, pioneer. L Biffle photo. L Guio elected. Ware-Usry wed. Corrine M

Carson dies. Poems: L Thomas, H Ball. Recipes.


8-8-97. Sargent’s Inn by Pat Walker. Jonah Field impact. T Shenefelt art. Bondurant

syrup. Pinedale water. Brucellosis II, Greg Clark, USFS. Jean Mathews Kraft, teacher.

Kids Fish Pond. Brandi Caton, busineswoman. Warren Bridge. George Richards’ grave.

Poems: D Lunbeck, C Paravicini. Essay: D Price.


8-22-97. K Meeks art. Sargent’s Inn II. Ag land use. Brucellosis III. Health Care.

Nabors 924 Drilling Rig. Tourism. Miller “Grindstone Ranch” for sale. Dennis Yeary,

tradesman. Chase Myers’ canoe trip. Sacred Rim. Charlie Golden, gunsmith. John

Neely, pioneer. Photo: J Aesen, R Payte, M Sherwood. Perfect Squelch by Judi Myers.

V Biffle art.

Vol. II, No 1. 9-5-97. L Thomas art. County Newspapers by Judi Myers. Government

guide. Haying. Jerry Wilson, school superintendent. Soda Lake. Helen Atwood,

pioneer. Burleigh Binning’s path paver. Bucky Neely’s “Stories” column. Jennifer

Alexander’s “Hen House”. Trudy Fry’s “Undercurrents”. Pam Wallentine’s “LaBarge”.


Sept 19, 1997. Hirsch selling 3 ranches. Willow Creek Ranch exchange. Ultra

Petroleum moves into county. Stock dogs. Open Letter to L. Hirsch. Jeff Alexander,

Sublette Communications. Sage grouse. Frances Johnson, pioneer.


Oct 3, 1997. Z Bar U Dude Ranch by Judi Myers. Dan Henry, pumper. Tom Heydt’s

beef business. Frances Johnson dies. Mayo’s wolf. Sharon David’s trip. Nancy

Pearson’s fall day. Roy Dude Clementsen, pioneer. County writers novelette “Valley of

the Sage” begins.


Oct 17, 1997. Z-U Dude Ranch, Part 11. Dan Abernathy, photographer. Dru Roberts,

Glass Etcher. Ike McWilliams & Maxine Mathisen die. Alta Jensen, pioneer. Bernie

Holz, Wyo Game & fish.

Oct 31, 1997. Dennis Almquist, Game Warden. Summary of Rural Health Care

situation. A&A Bjorksten born. Ghost Writer. Steve Laster, range conservationist.

Dan Chapel, pioneer. Steve Wilder, butcher. Mixed Media artists.


Nov 14, 1997. Bag Balm. Sublette (Retirement) Center. Steve Pfisterer builds

Stockmen’s Offices. Pat Johnson, pioneer. Kathy Quintard, florist.


Nov 26, 1997. Erosion of family ranching. Mickey McKnight, pioneer. Gary Fralick,

biologist. Norman Gillespie, Wyo Sportsmen Assoc. Jim Gray, pioneer.


Dec 5, 1997. County 23 license plates. Roby McNeel, young cowboy. Bucky’s stories

weekly. Mickey McKnight, partII. Dr. Montrose’s journal. Lars Michnevich,


Dec 19, 1997. Jonah II Field & Environment. G Hart photo. D Stroud, biologist. B&C

Cheeney interview. Deaths: A Krause, T Thompson. K Wardell, bareback rider. Stories

by J Alexander, C Paravicini, E Walker, H Linn, B Libby-Saxton.


Dec. 31, 1997. Developer buys Quarter Circle 5. Hirsch property. Pinedale Water loan.

Willow Creek Ranch Exchange. Jonah Oilfield story. Ultra Petroleum. New column on

animals: Skunks. Pioneer Buck Baker. Snowmobiling history by R Neely. Robin



Jan. 16, 1998. L Thomas painting. Wolves. Photo Steve Faler & staff.  Melvin David

profile. Betty Cheney on snowmobiling. Buck Baker, pioneer. Brent Cheney & Gary

Neely honored. D&A Davison on Avalanches. Julia Usry on Smiles. T McKnight’s art.


Jan 30, 1998. L Pomereki photo. Ultra Petroleum wells. Jonah Gas Field. Bondurant

School: T Postma, M Brown, T Irwin, R McNeel, D Clover. B Neely story. B Roberts

Bachmeyer letter. W Springman, pioneer. Wrangler Café burgers. D McWhirter honor.

H Moye’s stars. D&A Davison skiing. Basketball: C Lyons, J Walker. “0l Butch” by D

Nebeker. Poems: M Goede, J Harmon.


Feb 13, 1998. Roughnecks. Dissolve Rural Health care? Photo: K Tanner, J&D Nessan,

J Mackey, K Hines. Ice Hockey: S Svalberg. Letters: B Binning, T Delgado, D Lunbeck.

Ray-Woodson to wed. V&D McGinnis, pioneers. Collar deer by helicopter. L Thomas,

artist. Poems: B Saxton, J Morgan, E Beattie.


2-27-98. R Rawhouser painting. Dr Burnett interview. Impact of Natural Gas.

Halfmoon Mtn timber sale. Elk on private land. County finances own cars. School

budget cuts. Fillin’ Station’s burgers. C Brawley dies. R&L Rozier in Alaska. BP Girl

Scouts. M&M Boroff, pioneers. Hell Hole Archers. Cottontail rabbits by D Price. C

Keysar, skating teacher. Poems: T Miller, J Morgan, R Stott.


3-13-98. Jonah impact. Photo: R Shaul, K Tanner. Oil & Gas locations. J Magagna’s

speech. Vaccinating elk: M Stevie, N Merz. Snowboarding: G Busselle, C Brown, 3D

Bush, TJ Thompson. GRV Museum. T Reed & L Seapy columns. P&R Scherbel,

pioneers. P Wood photo. Vipers hockey. Showshoeing: D&A Davison. Poems: N

Pearson, C Paravicini, B Saxton.


3-27-98. L Thomas painting. County labor. Business survival rate. A Woffinden

profile. Making a Good Horse, C Paravicini. Dr Lauzer memories. A Best column.

Pioneers: J Chrisman, D Hecox, D Ecord, V Siems. B Cheeney’s sheep hunt. Poem: R

Babcock. Geese story: J Sommers

4-10-98. Schwabacher Ranch development. L Tomassi in running. Wyo Meat

Marketing: L Bateman, W Boman. Ultra Petroleum. Enron Survey Field. Feature on

dying: R Chandler & family. Letters: B Wade, M Vicchy. O Beck Gurney, pioneer. J

Danze photo. L Schueler: E-Business. Poems: G Goede, M Cooper, S Osterhout, D


4-24-98. L Thomas painting. Drilling update. K Tanner photo. HS Senior features: J

Yliniemi, L Racich, A Lindren, L Roberts, E Seeley, K Schaefer. N Johnson honored.

Letters: L Benson. Phyllis Metal, Pioneer. The Log Cabin: R&C Wenz 40 yrs. Poems: J

Morgan, W Belveal.


5-8-9. BLM approves Jonah Field. W Springman photo. Home sales down. David

Friend, furniture maker. Dianne Boroff, Cowgirl. Letters: T Miller, L Benson, E

Beattie, F Faler. Iron Mike’s expands. Obits: G Bess, C Tousain, R Chandler. Early Big

Piney. Deer survey. Grouse study. Ron Sparks, Alaska Fisherman. Calving by J

Sommers. Poem by D Price. Art by D Despain.


5-22-98. J Mack artwork. School funding cuts. Assessments up. Drilling. Real Estate

Agents: C Goodrich, B Fear. J Chrisman” dog Goldie. Letters: P Burroughs, D Ecord, J

Tully, R Miley. Ruth Hardy, pioneer. Veterans: J Parra, J McGregor. Dennis-Moss to

wed. Obits: H Dixon, C Tousain, A&R Schaffer. K Hines photo. Terry Moss profile.

Essay: M Goede. Poem: R Babcock.


6-05-98. R Kinnamon photo. Entertainment Center plans. Road & Bridge trips. Hirsch

Ranches stay in Ag. Beef Checkoff. Little League Coaches: D Sloan, F Archambault, D

Powell, M Doyle. Mark Biffle, General Contractor. Letters: H Green, D Moritsch.

“Holy Smoke” by H Linn. To wed: Parsons-Thomas, Blackmon-Dee. Stan & Mary

Murdock, pioneer. Birth of Sublette County by Pat Walker. Jill Straley, Dog Handler.

Prose: E Hennick, M Meyer, H Hinkle.


6-19-98. L Thomas art. Candidates. Column: Market Report, S Barger. McMurrys,

Martin & Scott buy Half Moon Lake Lodge. Wind River Rivers Club starts: P Anderson.

CGB&A Espensehied manufacture Hay Bag Feeder. Mike Schmid’s Oilfield Service.

Letters: D Ecord, H Huston, C Faler. HS Reunion: R&F Willoughby, P Johnson. Eileen

Dockham, pioneer. Mike Stevie, horseshoer. Fly Fishing: D Price. BP history on

Internet. F Clark prose. C Goodman art.


7-3-98. Jo Mack art. Rose Skinner interview. J Albertus interview. Julie Early, animal

controller. Letters: S Mitchell, L Decker. George McQuain, pioneer. B Cheeney’ s 2 elk.

New Fork bridge photo. M Bishop photo. Prose: L Seapy, D Ball, L Jewett, M Pape, M



7-10-98. Extra issue. L Thomas art. Leslie Theiss, BLM supervisor. Letter: T Grant.

Fiction: C Paravicini. T Quinn art. Rendezvous by J Reising. Robbery at Silver Spur by D

Nebeker. Jackson-Harland to wed. Brown trout. Julie Early, pony dancer. Ninimbys by

Gina Feltner. Prose: L Thomas, M Mickelson, P Spencer, T Bluemel.


7-17-98. White Pine ski area news. Welborn Ranch for sale. Little League: Northern

Lights vs Teletractors. Kay Meeks, artists. Letters: R Shaul et al, E Walker, Dr. Glas.

Obit: A McGregor. Battle Mountain by Judi Myers. Don Pope, Community Man. Mindi

Bishop photo. Prose: D Price, L Jewett, J Morgan.


7-31-98. Photo: C McWilliams, S Wright. Mesa gas development opposition. Health

care does not dissolve. County budget. Kevin & Kelly Kunard: Dental Office. 4-wheeler

ranching. Letters: A Sommers, R Faler, G Funk. BPs Fredell Hotel. Seeds-Ke-Dee

Revisited review. Paul Manzanedo, fly fisherman. Prose: S Osterhout, W Springman, V


8-14-98. County Fair: C Starkey. Seismograph Exploration. Petroleum update.

Candidates: G Mickelson, K Winters, B Barney, K Helzer, J Bond, B Fear, B Cramer, R

Jensen, S Reach, D Aronson, C Allan B Wade, G Anderson, M Dutton, M Pompy, D

Racich, J Greenwood, G Eiden. Endorsements. V&D Walker’s Pitchfork Fondue.

Breast Cancer: D Traylor, L Tanner, D Despain, P Poletti. K Shaul photo.


8-28-98. Lynn Thomas art. Pinedale water suit. Election results. Manufactured home

standards. Changes in Marbleton. Big Vehicles in Wright, WY by J Usry. Prose: Kay

Peterson, Helena Linn, J Harmon, K Brokling, M Flitner. M Delgado letter. Pearl

Spencer, Pioneer. Cutthroat Pond near Exxon.


9-1 1-98. Jo Mack art. Cattle prices down. Deadly highway north of Marbleton.

Heydt’s Bign’s meats. Della Rose Restaurant. Henry (100 yrs) & Clifton Mauss. Letters:

P Walker, J Tully. Ron Remmick honor. C Rogers & M McGinnis born. K Burke

degree. Arthur Lindback, pioneer. Brenda Saxton photo. Ostrich Ranch.


9-25-98. Exxon-County lawsuit. M McAmis photo. Signs on 189 N of Marbleton. C

Grassel & P Callaghan: Cabinets & Millwork. Wayne Cramer’s cycle ride. Letters:

Exxon employees, L Jensen. D Johnson dies. Willow Creek School by G Pape Feltner.

Cabela’s store by B Cheeney. Schwabacher parcels sold. B Sievers poem.


10-9-98. R Rawhouser art. Trout Whirling Disease in Forty Rod Creek. Exxon Case.

Husky Express: Robin & Kathie Jacobson. HS sports: J Krieger, C Dimit, A Mrak, R

Ptasnik. New Columnist: K Peterson. L Punteney & B Everts, reps. L Shaul’s 83rd

Pioneers: D&J Angus. Randy Bradshaw, horse trainer. A Hunter’s Deal by C Paravicini.

Kunard photo.


10-23-98. L Thomas art. N Pearson poem. County spending: local? Sage Grouse study.

Fiction “Twins of Shaler” by C Paravicini. Charlotte & Ralph Faler. Private elk by S

Thompson. Pioneer: Paul & Charlene Allen. Goldie, Border Collie. Poems: M Krause, D

Price, E Beattie.


11-6-98. G Millard, vet photo. S&M Thompson land dispute. Election results. China by

E Krause. Fine Arts Council: A McLaughlin, J Crandall. Letters: J Chandler, V

McWilliams. Pioneers: Bucky & Lucy Neely. Leroy Neumayer, Race Car Driver.


11-20-98. Daniel outhouses. Well impact study. Willow Creek Land exchange. Ultra’s

drilling. Jory Tatro, missing. Amyby Helena Linn. Veteran’s honored: P Scherbel, D

Budd, G Mickelson, K McNinch. My Thoughts Exactly, column by K Peterson. P Purdy

letter, answer. V Olsen honor. Irene Summers, pioneer. Sister Jane by Betty Cheeney.

Oilpatch by Mike Schmid. Childhood Images by Lynn Thomas. House of Light by Elma

Beattie. Box 103 by Cris Paravicini. Making Time by Julia Usry. Lorraine Leavitt art.


12-4-98. J Mack’s art. I Tatro found dead, suicide suspected. Jennifer Gosar, musician.

“Dick Seeley” by J Alexander. D Hacklin to graduate. Jeanette Moore, Pioneer. Bonnie

Krininger’s sheep. Internet by C Paravicini.


12-18-98. L Leavitt art. Sublette County on-line. Anticline impact. High Mountain

disease.  Ole Clate, . . by Doug Nebeker. Williams Company donates. G Wilson appointed.

C Dee born. Pioneer: Cliff Daniels. Instant checks for guns. Christmas Angel, by C

Paravicini. ‘Bilers by Betty Cheeny. Mtn Lion experience by DeeAnn Price. New

colunm: “Snowmobiling” by Gary Neely.


12-30-98. L Thomas art. Ultra Petroleum news. Sandy Bousman, Spinner &

Weaver. S Phillips born. Artists Guild honor. Jonita Sommers & Dianne Boroff visit

ranches from Merna to the Green. Bailey and Cat story by Brenda Saxton. Poems: R

Lynch, W Belveal, J Morgan, M Goede.


1-15-99. New bank in Pinedale. Commissioners blew $163K. Tiger’s Big J Auto Parts

moves to old Coast to Coast. Ultra cuts operating costs. Jody Woirhaye, Legislative

Aide. Buss/Mardell Fear’s 50th. Letters; P Chrisman, T Eiden, Flora Miley, Pioneer.

Coffee at Wrangler Cafe. Regular Columnists: Rev Robert Lynch, JW Kitchen, Helena

Linn, Trudy Fry, Jennifer Alexander, Steve Barger, Bucky Neely, Betty Moceika, Perry

Walker, Bobbi Wade, Kay Peterson, Gary Neely.


1-29-99. Permits for Bridger Wilderness? Photo: M Lake, T Hulen. County vs Exxon:

Helium. Wage/Employment chart. McMurry $25M pipeline. Whirling disease. Cris

Paravicini award. Photo: new fair board. Obit: M Picerno. D Barbec letter. Leona

Roberts’ Magpie. Feature: George & Dianne Archuleta. Green River Bar by C



2-11-99. J Ricketts buys Bondurant ranch. G Pearson et al move cattle. Dew Lumber

easement. K Keller, B Bing appointed. “Hockey Parent” by Betty Cheeney. Willow

Creek Land Exchange: D Ohman. Sludge from Teton County. Doctor contracts

extended. Ryegrass subdivision & grazing. Mule Deer herds: D McWhirter, G Fralick.

Letters: K Kelly, K. Woffinden. A Noble’s CD-ROM. Feature: Perry & Connie Binning.

Photo: N Stevens, J Bunning, Dr & K Kunard. Valentine Fiction by Helena Linn. Raven

Lands by C Paravicini.


2-25-99. Snowboarders: J Hines, J&G Schwartz. Willow Creek land exchange.

Ranching: A Sommers, J Chrisman. “Haystack” by C Paravicini. M Noble opposes Dew

Lumber road. Baby care class: N Pape, B Byerly. Wilda Springman’s “Too Slow” ticket

rescinded. Letters: D Christmann, D Burnett. Exxon’s vented helium. K Tanner honor.

Cassy Johnston’s Hair Repair Lab. “River of Life” by Dele Ball. Pioneers: Walter &

Maurine Yose. Ameritrade CEO buys McNeel ranch.

3-1 1-99. Willow Creek Land Exchange dead. B Lindgren calls coyotes. D Huish buys

west end Half Moon Lake. Helmet Hair by B Cheeney. C Thornton, J Harper sued.

Grindstone Road. Cattlemen’s Meeting. Burney & Co by H Linn. Photo: B Wilson.

From Brazil: G Alves: L & M Borresen. Trail Dust by B Wade. Red Willow by C

Paravicini. 1st Nat’l Bank of Pinedale gets award. Letters: L Michael, P Scherbel.

Pioneer: R Kelly Priebe. Persh’s Water Service: P&J Punteney, A Shepard. Pinedale

waterline lawsuit. G Sonnett buys portion of Binning Ranch. S&A Mitchell’s colt.


3-25-99. Cowboy Shop online. Mud: Z McGinnis. Daniel Post Office: Florence Beard,

S&K Coulter. Spring by Dele Ball. Population gains. Quilting retreat. Grindstone Road

petition. Stuart Thompson/county lawsuit. Proposed Ag Center. County elk/moose

population. Letters: K Hetrick, S Brewer, N Penton-Smith. C Campbell dies. Pioneers:

Dorise & Cyril Housely. Senior Center get computer: V Casey, J Friend. Marbleton

pinochle: M&J Thorson, H Meeks, D Pope. Daniel Chili: S Underwood, M Strike. B&C

Karsch buy McGregor’s Pub. Gumfory’s Daniel Repair gets variance. Honors: J Noble,

S Swift, P Hagenstein.


4-8-99 Concealed Firearm permits. Pearson moose. Dr J Healey will not renew. “Little

Ewe” by C Paravicini. Darby Mtn Bighorns. Natural Gas production. State School

Assessments. C&M Schulz sue E Meeks over injury at Silver Spur. Lozier-Schwab to

wed. S Bray born. Deaths: N Rogers, J Fear. Opinion: B Cheeney. Benjamin &

Lorinda Whitman, Pioneers. Home Health, owner Juana McGinnis. Ag Center.


4-22-99. Centralized Marbleton Clinic? Bum calves. Dew Road withdrawn.

Developments: East Beaver, Upper Green. Bike path: D Holgate, S Redden. Enron

layoffs? Unemployment. Moose/sheep drawings. C Goodrich, MVP. R Chandler

memory. Letters: S Brewer, T Davenport. V O’Neil dies. White Pine construction.

Deanne Bradley, nurse/volunteer. County spending.


5-6-99. 15 Ranches sold. Marbieton doctor needed. Turkey hunting by B Cheeney. J

Blatt buys Willow Creek Ranch. Dew road not dead. Needful Things opens. Upper

Green Executive Fishing Resort on old Mickey Buyer Ranch. Anticline draft.

Theatre/bowling alley under construction in Pinedale. Letters: G Funk, B Fear re Ag

Center. SAFV lunch. J Ross’s fishing report. Ethelyne Worl, pioneer. Tiger Jaskolski,

generous businessman. Rendezvous video. Editor Shaul to move to Pinedale.


5-20-99. Donna Steele’s intruders. J Majhanovich fishes. Dr Burnett back at clinic.

Dele Ball’s eggs. Dew Road moves ahead. D, M & A Krause, B Springman in China.

Texans buy The Place & Green River Guest Ranch. Drilling season. Pinedale hosts

conventions. Watercraft regs. Vavold’s building torn down (old Wilson Hall). Internet

speed. Bob Linn in WWII. Letters: B Wade, J Perry et al. H Ruland. N Veltri born.

Boulder School by MA Steele. Judy Walker and a horse. B Kellen’s fishing resort.


6-3-99. Cattle drive through Pinedale: G Pearson. Costly to live in Pinedale. Ag

Center. Bear Hunting by B Cheeney. Bill Barney direct markets beef. Crossing Fences

by J Binning. Trail Dust by B Wade. 1st Nat’l Bank earns 5 stars. Nocora growing: J

Goltz, D Davidson, J Essington. P Cowden places flags. Sub County Christian School.

Gravling by J Ross. Daniel’s historian: Pat Walker.


6-17-99. Jory Tatro, feature on his life/death. Photo: H Klein. Pinedale waterline

problems. Ultra Petroleum. Dr Burnett’s contract. Sue Thornton & Jennifer Binning

join SCJ. Letter: B Espenscheid. Fremont Lake Archaeology dig. Bank board photos.

Tick fever. Eva Jensen, pioneer. McMurry Oil’s new office. D Overgaag award.

Enron lay-offs. Photos of Sublette Center Nurse Assistants.


7-1-99. Journal becomes weekly paper. J Binning: Log supply, S Corwin, D Swank, B

l)ew, T Thompson. B Cheeney: Derby. C Paravicini: Lightning. Ultra closes office.

Recreation spending. Urbigkits: wolves. R Rawhouser honor. BP Reunion: C Allen, B

Decker. Packer fan: Conner Raney. Jonah well spacing. Lodging tax? Seismograph

crew here. Bus Driver: Jeanette Sanborn. Andrews’ Fish Story by Judi Myers. Sports

Afield names Pinedale. BP’s Food Factory: Z&L Blackmon.


7-8-99. L Thomas art. Seismic survey in Bargerville? Rendezvous from businesses view. L

Hatcher born near Hoback. D Ball, honor. New columns: C Cooper, D Ball. Letters, C

Anderson et al, S Sandoval. M Elmore born. Sweetwater Frozen Confectionery opens. M

Miller honor. L Green diploma. J Daniels poem. D Sheppard sprays. Economy data. Lost

wallets. Good Horses by G Feltner. Wyo Range deer. Motor ban dropped. White Tiger

Video at Falers. Nellie Steele, pioneer. Dykstra-Faler, Bousman-Quick to wed. J Reising:



7-15-99. Grizzly killed. Dawn Slaven photo. C Paravicini’s horse. Profile of Ron Saypol,

Seven Mile River Ranch. R Carter’s haircut. People: R&D Davison, J Kundert, P Espeland,

M&I Iverson, G&E Barp, A&P Olson, Brosman sisters. BP thrift shop “Green Pasture’s”

opens. Letters: J Wassenberg, T Eiden, T Palmer. Ken Fear, Jr: Producer award. Obits: B

Carr, G Davison. Wilson Dance Hall by P Allen. Rendezvous.


7-22-99. Ag Center bids go out. Chris Cox, horse trainer. Enron not sold. “Bow Shoot” by

B Cheeney. Grizzly again. K Bennington is leaving. S Mansor rescues motorcyclist. S

Svalberg in cyberspace. Letters: D DeGraw, B Barney. Ann O’Connell Rust’s book set in

Sublette County. M Denney honor. Art residency: D Kennell, C Orr. E Pearce in pageant.

Jud Faler named director. K Mitchell buys Randall’s Repair. JJ Huntley: Sing & Swim. C

Cooper’s column “Faith That Matters”. Law officers train. Jonah tax revenues. County

budget. D Ball’s uplifting visitor. Young-Johnson to wed. Strong-Burson to wed. R&G

Shriver open “Picture This Photo”, 1 hr service.


7-29-99. Bob Dew’s Sawmill. DUI Sentencing: J Crow. “Ride on the Drift”: G Feltner.

Mike Mahar’s story. J Green born. S Foster born. People: B&T Palmer, B&G Bray, M

Gulledge. E Johnston’s 60th B&V Thoman’s 50th Discovery Center: C Chidsey, Q

Farrand. Moose Creek Little League photo. “The Daniel Store” by Dudley Key. S Redden

letter. White Pine construction. P&M Hanson’s 50th.


8-5-99. Drilling on Mocroft Ranch. Paving costs. K Shaver arrested. Lodging tax.

Population. Radio. Haying. New Fork pole sale. Letters: W Belveal. Exxon donates: T

Hooper. Grizzly activity. Workforce. Geophysical survey. Adventure Race. Lance

Anderson climbs. 30# carp. C Paravicini on Fishing, Indian Paintbrush & Hornet’s Nest.

Cow Camp by Terah Palmer. Fencing & Jeeps by B Cheeney. Mil levy. Scotty’s Ride by G



8-12-99. Mutton Bustin’: D Richie, B Mathews, C Manning, Green River floaters by C

Paravicini. Mesa traffic. Gas:Environment Impact. Lodging Tax. Marbleton needs 2nd

doctor. People: E Wade, L Gormo, N Thompson, C Osborn. Births: S Foster, T Moreno.

Waterline problems. 1stNational Bank free IDs: J Key. Art awards. Rodeo: A Doyle, B

Wright. Tourism up. “DC Bar Dude Ranch” by Judi Myers. Horseflies.


8-19-99. Ag Center bids high. Supreme Adventure Race. Cattle kills. Betty Cheeney’s

column “Bumps and Bruises”. Joan’s Country Crafts closes. A Danze born. E Tusing’s

life saved by seat belt. Road Closures: M Smith. Letters: T Palmer. A Anderson, M

Noble, H Nelson win. K McEarly trains. Open Studios: L Thomas, S Thornton. S

Storrud honor. Drilling news. Pacificorp rates. Jack Toomer of Allen Equipment. Obits:

Joe Meeks. Sluyter-Reed wed. “Branding” by Susan Pape.


8-26-99. Boulder Burglary update. J Thayne photo. Haying. Oilfield traffic on Tyler.

People: N Hanson, C Ball, J Whinnery, AH&B Linn, P Kysar, M Moffat, P&D Traylor,

K Cope. K Walton born. Grizzlies. Fires at Middle Piney & Fremont Lakes.

Entertainment Center delay: W&T Kellen, C Keyser. Adventure Race. K Winters I.D.

card. EMS stretched thin. USFS road closure destruction. Jonah new pipeline. Obit: H

Moedl. History of Unita County Irrigation Co. S Thompson land dispute case.


9-2-99. Ag Center Oked. R Undem’s horse. Library & Internet. Ranchers’ Payday.

People: J McGovern, L Penton, F King, K Huston. Grizzly captured. M&S Gulbrandson

benefit. County wins Exxon lawsuit. Osprey cause power outage. Letters: B Marston.

N Priddis honor. B McKinley photo. 1st Nat’l Bank 5 stars. S Conklin attends. G Jensen

sells part of ranch. Deaths: Jim Miller. Picnic: D Tegeler, M Saunders, M James.

Carolina Aguirre, single mom. Belton family photo. N McKeough buys Green River



9-9-99. Drug busts. Rabies. Landfill. Sage hens. Commissioners honored by

Preschool. P Sundgren dies. Rollover: J Hake. Letters: B Wassenberg, R Smith, D

Oppenheimer. A Hubbard born. C Osborn attends. A Palmer experiments. R DeGraw

transferred. T Dent, suicide. Mike & Alice Aldrich’s: local manufacturers: ITW Bike

Bagz. Hockey honors: C Caskey, W Sheppard. Football: J Greenwood, G Hartwig, C

Osborn, J Konicek. People: B Barney, J Pope, D Scott, J Dugan. Photo of new Bank of



9-16-99. White Pine to open. School consolidation? “Grass Drags” by B Cheeney.

School WyCas results. People: M Gulbrandson, B Sutherland. Thompson Land use

case. J Bohm hired. Letters: P Dubois. Gulbrandson fundraiser. Borresen Benefit. K

Bradley born. Electric rates: G Funk. Pinedale Airport is busy. “Outdoor Products” by

H Clifford. Hunting: D McWhirter, G Fralick. Tractor Pull. Pioneers: P&E Marincic.

Soccer for kids. “Mouse” line by Paravicini.

9-23-99. Chicken hunting: M Davis, G Lasley, B Mariano, D Almquist. Local school

test results. ‘Teny Lama’ boots: JB Griffin. BP road construction. Obit: R Slater, V

Mirgain. Pinedale waterline. Letter: N Kunard. Homecoming: R McGuire, M

Lundberg. Births: K Winters, H McNinch. Artist Guild book: award. Deaths: M

Gulbrandson, W Malkowski, E Walker. School drainage costs. Mocroft wells. Cattle

prices up. P&G Noble: working for kids. Fine arts. Wed: Williams-Sains,

Droegemeier-Poe, Smith-Allen, Russell-Sluyter. HS football: G Golden, J Greenwood, J

Tatro, K Gerik.


9-30-99. BP hazing accident: C Janzen. J Johnson photo. H Ruland won’t run again.

People: R Gooch, G Fletcher. L Layland III born. W Malkowski obit. Permits for kids

using library internet. Letters: L Hartwig, S McLoughlin, G Anderson. D Bradley honor.

New plates. Prof Women: Schlaht, Roadifer, Winters, Pearson, Sullivan, Dyess, Noble,

Thornton, Scott, McEarly. New Jonah service. Oil/gas honors: L Shafer, G Knapp, A

Vickrey. Pioneer: Florence Tracy. Football: B Green. Sue Thornton: ‘On the Arts’.


10-7-99. Marijuana charge dismissed. Christmann buying Pole Creek Rd parcels?

Olympic trainees. Fremont Ridge burn: R Johnson. New mesa road? County master

plan. Ag Center begun. McMurray donates to Preschool: Dr. Johnston, R & V

McMurray, L Swank. Snowmobile sales up. Dennis & Lynn Brabec, community-minded.

Photos: J Bohm; new bank employees; S Turano; S Ramsey; K Shaul; M

Bishop. D Binning bags big moose.


10-14-99. Mtn Lion on Pine Creek. Old Photo: G Rowland, J Wilson, P Edwards, J

Raydes, A Bayer, B Bloom. BP: No Bonfire. Float Trip: Cheeney’s, G Feltner, Jane.

Marbleton Doc search. People: N Ziegler, Pfaff, G Fletcher, D&L Richards. School

tobacco policy. House prices. J Clark photo. J Reising letter. G McQuain wins saddle.

Amer Legion flag pole. Land Sale. L Silvey’s Music Game. Max Orgill: Pioneer. Ag

Board. Jazz. Cannon-Archambault_wed. Goats. New agents: D Hill, J Pearson.


10-21-99. New Jonah gas pipeline: M McMurray, B Weeks, E Bebout, J Williams, R

Skinner. Mtn Lion. County bidding. Suburbans. Wages. County jobs: 15% oil/gas. F

Bousman 80. B Carmean letter. T Keys writes. Book Talk group. G Tanner born. G

Wilson honor. Ivanova-Jensen to wed. G Mickelson photo. Soda Lake spawning. Doug

McWhirter, biologist. Elk harvest. M Huffman lost/found.


10-18-99. Halloween traditions. G&F Check Point: D Shorma, D McWhirter. Mtn

Lion. Wolf sighting. 1915 Ice Pick Murder by J Myers. W Belveal letter. N McNees

graduates. FFA. VFW. Learning Center construction. Old library use. B&PW: J

Pearson, D Winters, M Lankford, L Sullivan. Dele Ball’s Halloween. MUT Rock Group:

G Bardin, K Griggs, J Storrud, D Leniger. Beau Faler’s Bighorn. Football. Weekly

Bucky’s Stories. McDaniel-Hott wed. Divorces: Worley, Rawlins, Binning.


11-4-99. Pinedale Volleyball State Camps: A Schaefer, Lindsey Gooch, E Lehman, T

Biffle, M Andersen. Anticline EIS Draft. 1975 Football Champs: G Andrews, K

Winters, R Hansen. Wrangling Moose. Cemetery animals. Grant-Hoffman to wed. G

Reed obit. Jonah appeal fails. Doris Luman: Pioneer. Mindi Bishop’s caribou. L

Koppenhafer: No more chew. Thornton-Sommers to wed.


11-10-99. Utilities criticized. Football: M Moulton, J Konicek, G Hartwig. Logging

near Merna: E Coates, B&G Reichel. Weather. D Luman photo. Y2K plans. Letter: C

Sullivan. L Silvey sings. CenturyTel toys. BP’s Green Pasture Thrift Shop. Bev

Walker, feature story. Bank of Pinedale opens. M Mitchell’s cookies.


11-18-99. Oldham-Kaiser altercation. Susie Blaha: Animal dentistry. Commissioners

discuss. No new lion sitings. D Clark: charges dropped. Cable TV problems. School:

Tobacco Free. Rs McGuire & Persinger: water skipping sleds. Letters: C Ritschel,

Volleyball team. Warm Memories’ afgan. Artists: J Mack, M Snow, J Allen, R

Rawhouser, L Thomas, B Pfaff , P Rich, L Leavitt. Irv Parke’s Gunsmithing. B Kim’s

violin. Pioneer: Edna Swain. Daniel Fish Hatchery builds to prevent Whirling Disease.

Elk seasons.


11-24-99. Sue Wells buys Huckleberry Patch. Impact of 900 gas wells. M McDaniel

photo, graduates. K Woods born. Huston Scholarship. Artists: K&H Meeks, M Snow, J

Lopez. Guio Cabin fire: T Ryan death? Bill Barney’s Ranching. White Pine. Essays:

Cork Kelly, Arlinda McLaughlin, Bobbi Wade, Kay Storrud, Helena Linn, Lynn

Grassell. Sweet Harmony: M Mrak, J Konicek, N Stevens, S Holz, S Ziegler, J Huntley,

S Briggs, C Cramer, M Bernard, K Walker. Z Conner’s fish. Anticline Transportation



12-2-99. Body Art: C Paravicini’s, T Daniel’s tatoos. Feeding wildlife: A Sruoginis.

Exxon/County suit. Ferguson fire. Sage Grouse decrease. Letters: J Reising, J Ratner.

C Bennett trains. Rena Johnson, car accident. Tax receipts. Master Plan. VL Looney,

Pioneer. Trumpeter Swan photo. Lamb-Hake wed. Cavanagh divorce. Removed moose

died. Sled dog race. S Truluck photo.


12-9-99. County/Drilling/Private Lands. Parade: E David. J Godfrey, Pinedale’s Santa.

J Feltner died. Willow Springs Ranch sold to Rolling Thunder. Sage Grouse threatened.

Letters: J Huntley, D Clark. Flu. Exxon/Mobil merge. Retail business up. Gas Tax.

Plowing Skyline dispute. Anticline Transportation. Hospice fundraiser: B Budd, K

Meeks. Coyote by DA Price. Raffle raises $$ for Lions Club: T Burns, R Belton. Old

Library plans. Christmas Picnic by G Feltner. John Parra, BP Postmaster.


12-16-99. Aronson-Ruland sparring. Lynx listing: G Neely photo. Santa faith. New

columns: “Weatherin’ It” by Cris Paravicini & “Shifting Winds” by Tony Tully. CO

Cutthroat listing. Mexican laborers offered to Pinedale. B Veltri’s poem to her dad.

Questar: 9 wells in 2000. Dr Judy Boyle to Marbleton clinic. EMT incentives. Anticline

Transportation committee. Coast to Coast changes to a True Value “A to Z” store. Edna

Gunter, Pioneer. Soda Lake’s trout eggs. Thornton-Sommers wed. Glenn-Olsen wed.

Barp’s upside down tree. Bucky’s Lynx trapping, 1972.


12-23-99. T Kunard born. Thompson snow plow OK. Men Shoppers: D Early, T

Schlaht. Letters: B Wade, A Mullett, P Shilkett. Hospice Lights: J Nessan plays. Lower

Speed Limit on Tyler. “Homestead” development near Merna. D&S Goodwin: Airport.

DeNise Pioneers. Anschutz to use Mesa Road. Marleen Wise, Planning/Zoning.

Willett-Perdue wed. White Pine.


12-30-99. S Chindgren’s falcons. Office Outlet’s copy room wall. White Pine opens.

Mallard Cable buys Blackstone. S Butner on horse. L Strock: poaching. Deaths: W

Steinke, H Taylor, L Lain, M Norris. Cork Kelly’s poetry. Edna McWilliams: Pioneer.

Planning/Zoning: P Scherbel. Photo: K Shaul, M Bishop, K Tanner, T Fry, S Sommers, J

Bohm, L Percy. D Ball “Lists of 1999”.


1-6-00. Moose Stones by DA Price. Mtn Lion back in town. Yawn2K. People: J

Griffin. C Saxton born. M Grassell born. Tax hikes. Anticline. T Downs, stylist.

Letters: J Huntley, S Thompson, M Lundberg. BP School: average? Christmann Corp

land exchange? Tommy Johnston, Skier/Advisor. Paravicini’s hens. Comp plan

volunteers. Snowpack pathetic. Gayle Kinnison, energetic volunteer. Monte Norris

remembered. White Pine Ski Area opens. Bucky’s fox.


1-13-00. Sage Grouse decline: D McWhirter, A Sommers. Skyline Plowing. Daniel

History Preservation. Elec rates. Columns: “Weatherin’ It” by C Paravicini, “Shifting

Winds” by T Tully, “Bumps & Bruises” by B Cheeney, “From the Road” by J Kitchen.

Letters: L Roberts, B Fericks. Land donated for conservation: Andrikopoulus, Sparrowe.

K Transtrum photo. J McGinnis sells Home Health to Sublette Center. Faith: interview

with Mary Caucutt. Proposed fishing access. Mule Deer recovering. Slow mail. Wed:

Raney-Fallon. Hayes-Schilling, Jones-Stepp, Hall-Wilson.


1-20-00. People: B Crossley, K Kujat, G Shriver, M Krause. T7 moves to Elk Country

BBQ. Elk vs Cows? County plows Skyline. Paul Hagenstein Day. Columns:

“Undercurrents” by T Fry, “Trail Dust” by B Wade, “Bucky’s Stories” by B Neely. J

Alexander honor. Letters: J Huntley, D Burzlander, S Mackey. Obit: W Springman.

Comprehensive Plan for County. Wagon Wheel revived to oppose Nuclear Waste. Dr.

Judy Boyle joins clinic. Winter Carnival: S Pape, S Ritschel. Health Care: K Roork

interview. C&L Norby family: Feeding Elk. Carmin-Bryans wed. Divorce: Mariner,

Keiter. Snowboard rentals.


1-27-00. Low Cancer rate. Sled dog race. W&J Walter: Chimney fire. Winners: S

James, S Svalberg, C Dean, T Noble. County wages drop. J Cavanagh’s essay. Photo: T

Keys, M,B,J Cavanagh. Letters: Huntleys, Walters, W Belveal. Obits: M Profit, D

Shannon. K Larsen born. Young-Johnson wed. Gas development EIS draft. D Kostelc,

chimney sweep. Gazebo project. Daniel Post Office stamp. Groceries: Ron Wilson

interview. Snowmobile “smartplugs”. Science Fair: C Dean, K Brunette.


2-3-00. Skyline plowing. Speed limits: K Konicek. Famous Athletes: Straley,

Burrough, Alexander, McGuffey, Skinner, Binning, Korfanta, Almquist. Richie, James.

People: B Wise, S Eshom, H Farrand. N McNealey born. BP elk herd. Ag Center.

Letters: M Caucutt, G Funk, JT Johnston, R&R Gordon. C Crumb born. Daniel

Centennial stamp. Dog Fashion Show: C Withem, B Holman. Education: Mike

Vassallo. Bob Linn’s 75th Sled dog race. D&T&D Roberts in Australia. Divorce:



2-10-00. Sled dog race good? K Boroff wins Nordic race: photo with H Thayne. White

Pine business. Chicken coop love. Marbleton man pulls gun on B Schamber. No

Pokemon in school. Letters: B McCarty, D Svalberg. P Scherbel gets “Snyder” spelled

right. M Grassell born. Ethics: interview with Paul Rock. Skiers: B Storrud, S Sulenta.

Alice in Wonderland: T Anderson, R Nystrom, M McKay, K Bennett, L Cooney, K

Bright, M McGinnis, E Becker. Divorce: Hampton.


2-17-00. Mountain Lion killed by Game/Fish: S Reeser, D Almquist, C Grassell, D

McWhirter. L Goodman denied seat. Renew PacifiCorp. Women’s hockey: P Johnston,

S Halisten, J Belton, G Schwab, J Proud, J Mortenson. Daniel Box Supper. People: B

McKinley. Letters: V Restuccia, W Hampton, G Kinnison, B Johnson. Meeks-Wood to

wed. A Jensen dies. T Kamp’s cats. Science: Interview Pat & Norm Negus. Skiers: N

Houfek, K Oglietti, M Lundberg. Ag Center.


2-24-00. K Winters’ “Thunder Rocket” sled. Antler season? S Thompson’s application.

Letters: L Goodman, T Palmer, S Sandoval, M Thompson. Obits: M Phelps, A Thomas.

Pinedale Early Childhood Alliance formed. Commerce: interview with Bill Barney. B

Cheeney snowboarding. Dogs: L Dapra, P Baxley, K Malkowski, N Merritt, C Kallas, B

Pollard. Adult Hockey team.


3-2-00. Meth use. Cris’s Chickadee. Garry Eiden interview. Changes & celebration at

Falers. People: Mike Noble, Barb Pfaff A McLaughlin. Sympathies to Louise Noble

family. Anticline EIS. Antler season? No phone service. Local Sled Dog Race: “GR

Rondy”. Natural Resources: Bob Reese interview. K Winters falls short in race.


3-9-00. Flo Retel’s fish. Snowmobilers rescued. Gas prices up. New police cars. Ice

fishing derby, R Wilson. Letters: G Funk, K Becker. Mud Lake is now Halls Lake. A

Powell’s scholarship. Deaths: C Daniels, D Jones. Teams lodge out-of-town. Dr. Tom

Johnston interview. “Rondy” dog sled race: D Breedlove, K MacKay. G&F talk to

ranchers. Forest burn policy. Ag Center update.


3-16-00. Jerry Wilson resigns. BP teen beer bust. D Noble cutter racing. Logging: B

Koch. People: D Grove. J Anspach born. Airport loan. Regular columns: Bobbi

Wade’s “Dusty Trails”, Sue Thornton’s “On the Arts”. Letters: “Wagon Wheel”, F

Bousman et al, J Early. A Weber footprints Millenium baby N McNealy. N Nelson

born. Deaths: L Noble, V Lunbeck. Interview with Rod Rozier.


3-23-00. Twin Bridges speed limit. Ranchers: Tim and Taren Tolton. M Cavanaugh

lands plane. ‘Momma Cow’ poem. Water testing. Christian School expands. M Noble

wins award. Coach honors: B Maxam, N Nichols. Letters: K Becker. WyCAS tests. I

Soumie’s “Palm Pilot”. Pioneer: Shirley Setzler. Lion management. E Jochumsen’s

tiny horse. People: R & F Garcia.


3-30-00. April Fool’s Issue: “Tannerton”, “Human Habitat” (B Reese photo), “Genetic

Branding” by DA Price, “J Winters lost in Suburban”, “T McNaughton’s Gossip Shop”,

Lazy man’s Elk Season, JL Stetson’s tight jeans?. Letters: E Peterson, P Baxley, J

Dean. Cheeney’s sell Performance Tech to T Bredhauer & R Persinger. Lynx. Photos: J

Alexander, K Shaul, T Downs. AH Nelson column. Library caught smiling.


4-6-00. Rescued snowmobilers cited: W Miller, M Dana, J Griffin. Daniel Library Tea.

Deer/Elk seasons. Lynx guidelines. Twin Bridges: 20 mph. Letters: J Tully, J Early,

Swim Team VFW news. K Bell honor. Christian School News.  Eastern Star.

Engelsman-Goodrich to wed. Nocora expands. T Hake born at the “Rim”, Gramma

Holsman delivers. Sarah Stewart, Hard-Working Kid. 80 golfers to Mesquite. Bartley

Skinner’s heritage.


4-13-00. Cost of Living. Healthy calves. County Comp plan: L Lozier, N Espenscheid,

D McWhirter, RRozier, L Baker, E Peterson, B Belveal, K Raper. People: J Buston, S

Palmer. Fillin’ Station closes. S Bromwell opens Fat Daddy’s Deli. M Butner born.

Stanley’s reopens. 39% of new homes are 2nd homes. C Domek honor. PEO: C

Sullivan. Obit: N Flasche, J Kuchenreuther. Letters: L Vickrey, P&H Hamilton.

Recycling cardboard: F Wuthrick, J Adler, S Kramer, L Zimov, C Sulenta. For Sale:

Country Lane and Pinedale Feed. Entertainment Center plans. Pioneers: Buzz & Doris

Burzlander. Lakeside Lodge plans. Town agenda: R Skinner.


4-20-00. Bill Smith dies in snowmobile accident. Daniel Tea: L Latta, J James, J

Crandall, P Walker, M Lankford. EMT coverage. Hair coloring: M Nystrom, A

Schaffer. T Bluemel’s quad. Hazardous soil to landfill. Public radio plans. Obit: R W

Smith. Letters: J Martin, C&K Sims.. Fine Arts. School Standards deadline. Mikki

Beran: Cancer survivor. Cyclists through Pinedale. BP Internet woes.

4-27-00. Sage Grouse strutting. Rec Board funding. Lion’s Club Egg Hunt, members

photo. People: B Karsch, R Brewer. Births: J Rellstab, C Berrett, M Rohrer, T Barney.

P Sanders hired as Supt. C Wilson earns license. Essay: D Brabec. Pioneers: Stepp

family of LaBarge. Candidates: R Skinner, B Maxam, K Margo, B Boyce.


5-4-00. Fires. Body found in Hoback. Fayette branding: J Peterson. Businesswomen: D

Steele, K Tanner, S Belford, K Holloway, S Blaha. Art project questions - D Kennell.

$100K to Learning Center. Regular column: “On the Arts” by Sue Sommers. S Hatch

joins Allen Agency. J Tatro honor. M Borresen funeral service. Letters: L Bohnet, N

Farrand. Snowmobile ban in parks could affect Pinedale. Airport gets $3.1 million. W

Kincaid, Lakeside chef Photo: J Clark, J Patterson. People: B Nicodemus, S Craig.

C&P Winters new home.


5-11-00. J Kiever’s 17 bunnies. Pine Creek low. M Ptasnik’s contract not renewed.

Teacher praise: D Willson, C Sheppard, J Mortenson, C Robertson, J Konicek, M

Mackey, A McAndrews, A McLaughlin, M Mrak, R Ruckman, K Walker, M Wills.

People: Kauls, S Pape, T Anderson, S Moore, B Jackson, T Brown. Cramer-Linnemeyer

wed. T-7 moves to where Elk Country BBQ was. Osprey shooting. Letters: S Pape, L

Adler, T Smith. Health Board mtg. 17 new gas wells planned. John Chrisman, Pioneer.

Dead Mtn Lion at Little Soda. Parke Place closes, auction.

5-18-00. Whirling Disease at Daniel Hatchery. Millennium art: D Kennell. HS: baggy

pants. B Dew, G Anderson won’t seek reelection; G Johnston will. Park Gazebo.

Nocora variance. Roadless plans. C Kelly wins. C Caskey to Europe. Letters: J Bogle

Montagne, A&G Kinnison, M&V Biffle. New Grad requirements. Fun site:

Pinedaleoffline.com. R Rawhouser, Artist. Soda Lake opens. Rec Board helps TV.


5-25-00. People: K&D Murray, J Klaren, D Lovato, T Pave!. L Lozier born. Power rate

case. D Lovato- stroke. EMT pay? Column: “Stringin’ Along” by Paul Rock. Honors:

S Swank, D Davison Ritter. Letter: J Early. Anticline EIS. Ag Center event. Town

budget. Bank employees: R Lozier, T Powell. George & Jean Rahm: pioneers.

Sutherland auction. High School rodeo. Deaths: B Jackson, P Antonsen, L Olson.

Photo: R Persinger, J Harrell.


6-1-00. Memorial Day: V Gillen, T Keys, M Wise. Anticline DEIS comments: B

Klaren, D Brabec, W&J Olsen, J Malinski, J Fandek, C Urbigkit, D Vlcek, A Sommers, J

Ratner, G Funk, M Kramer, D Stroud, T Perry, R Barrett, B Burzlander, L Baker, N

Reno. Local artists. Power decision. Sarah Studt killed in accident. Letters: H Ruland,

B Cothern. Mock emergency at pool. S Caldarera’s SweetWaters soda shop. M Huntley

photo. Candidates. Dave Doorn, Sublette Center director. Ag Center cutting event S

James. Wed: Starkjohann-Hawkins, Weber-Sondgeroth , Lamb-Danze.


6-8-00. Proposed sculpture. Learning Center donors propose M Ptasnik Center.

Candidates: M LaVoie, T Gosar. Public Radio to air. County valuation up. J Hooper

fails to register. Dryness. Letters: J Reising, S Brewer, Bennett & Mrak, L Swank. Dr

Glas’s new computer. John Wardell, pioneer. County deer. Kids Fishing Day: L Fear.

Field Day: C Holsman, R Williams, B Wilson, R Martinez, E Shaffer. Photo: S

Sommers, J Bohm. Roadless meeting. VanRanken-Kirschner wed. People: J Percy, W

Johnston, R Patrick.


6-15-00. Special Ed & Title1. Warmer climate. Teacher salaries. M&S Noble

rezoning. Accident: A Brower, 2 teens. W Springman licensed. Scholarships: D Bell, A

Schaefer, C Osborn, R Jones, N Kirkpatrick, M Melinkovich, A Palmer, A Brewer, N

Stevens. J Hayward, C Pompy, N Priddis, S Maclean honors. Z Heydt graduates. D

Lovato tribute. Pat Bean, coordinator. To wed: James-Neubauer, Denny-Sims.

LaBarge trout. Shaver case. Fishing: D&N Olsen win. C David’s fish. Town council.

R Skinner opens season. Wed: McAllister-Palmer, Tusing-Dohrmann, Moffett-Vavra.


6-22-00. Rollover: P Greenwood, B Sparks, 2 others. Rodeo Queens: J Mclean, B

Brown, B Moore. Learning Center funds. Daniel ranches for sale. JL Hooper, offender.

People: B&A Pape, L Zumbrennen. Wed: Meeks-Wood, Stevens-Luth. Z Noble born.

Public radio delay. Nobles zoning. Letters: J Malkowski. S Studt obit. J Tolman honor.

D Clementsen memorial. S Wells trains. Lodging tax? Fishing: D McDonough, J

Cwilka. HS Sculpture. Buzz & June Wassenberg, pioneers. L Schwab hired. Wed:

Fenton-Bray, Ashley-Anderson.


6-29-00. Sex Offenders, J McGuire. J Burrough’s football clinic. Photo: G Hartwig, M

Birk, L Archambault, T Alipate, J Syvrud. Candidate, M Olsen. Public Radio online.

Hoback Rim development: R Saypol. Bondurant 60th BBQ. T Tully’s last column.

Letters: S Sparks, R Shaul, B Pfaff, D Kennell. Hank Ruland, County Sheriff. To Wed:

Denny-Sims, Stach-Tabb. Obits: E Perkins, A Kolman, B Olsen. Shaggy Pony Day: N

Marincic, J Ramsey.


7-6-00. SCJ is “Official County Newspaper”. People: J Early, Z Noble, S Amerine, G&E

Barp, R Ely, C Dahl, J Taaning. P Postma art. Millennium Sculpture by Chamber hut

park. Honors: A Jackson, L Painter, C Bousman, M Denney, J Tatro, J Harrell. P Rock

certified trainer. Letter: M Olsen. Learning Center funds. County budget. Rock Springs

men lost. Shilkett-Mullett to wed. Ag Center delay of funds. Exxon appeal lost.

Parkside Preschool opens. Pony Dancers: D Herbert. N Reynolds Kershbaum, Pioneer.

J Reising: A Mountain Man letter. Rendezvous stories. Dr. Close in parade.


7-13-00. B&P Hagenstein honor. Stolen vehicles: P Hallsted, N Stadler. Arrest: D

Dohrmann. Gophers. Learning Center donation. County budget. EMT benefits/pay.

Park gazebo. Letters: R Looney, K Shaul, M Kramer, D Bell, J Hanson. B&D Bryant’s 50th.  JPayne, honor. N Smith tour. R Olson obit. Gas prices. Peggy Sanders,

Superintendent. Rendezvous: N P Smith, R&B Skinner, C Sheppard, M Eatinger, G

Winters, K Shaver, B Yakes, M Terry. Bull poker: C Esterholt, D Ausem, L Roberts, C

Jensen. Wed: Meeks-Wood, Plumb-Hackney, Bingham-Essington, Payne-Rosenclanse,

Thomas-Armstrong, Winch-Ellwood, Aurant-Hartley, Morth-McGrath, Rudolph-Turner.

People: C Worley, D Brewer, K Nichols, C Withers. P Callaghan wins.


7-20-00. Nobles & Dugans denied zone change. Opposition to path to Fremont Lake.

Middle School vandalized. Dodgers Little League wins: J Anderson, C Raney, B

Moffatt. People: J Schwabacher, E McCarty. Births: C Nelson, B Gay. County budget.

Big Sandy Reservoir accident. N Pircerno honor. Watson-Bennett to wed. Letters: S

Milleg, A Fear, J Hanson. Deaths: V Rozier VanGarderen. Water/sewer lines. M

Nystrom building Day Spa. B&W Murdock open hardware store in BP. N Penton Smith

leads graves tour. Mariners win minors baseball: D Reese, J Powers, M Fenn. Old

Timer’s Picnic: M Boroff G Rahm. First elevator in Sublette County: Learning Center.


7-27-00. Changes in Boulder: M Jensen. Ryegrass Ranch covenants. Horsefly Roping.

Dryness/hay crop: N Pape. Airport construction. Letters: L Elliott. A Hemphill benefit.

Grad requirements. Property tax. J Miller’s death, doctors sued. J Burrough, NFL Pro.

WyCas scores. Fair Board: K Quintard, K Keller, K Marincic, M Dutton, S Mitchell, K

Holloway, S James. Wed: Stepp-Babcock, Shilkett-MuIlett, Smith-Miller, Campbell-

Roufs. County salaries.


8-3-00. Fires: Irish Canyon almost traps Streeter, Little Halfmoon burn -  J Blaha.

Deaths: J Robertson, G Johnson, J Marocki. C Dean’s donated land. Filming at David

Ranch. People: D Ecord, D Cramer, A Hemphill, J Moore. Wed: Stach-Tabb, Mansor

Jess, Nordwall-Butler. Green River Valley Land Trust: T Davenport. K Manning, G

Grassell, R Griggs fined. B Wells honor. C Dyess - grant. BLM drilling approved. Fire

restrictions. Old derrick raised in BP: J Osborn. County disaster area - drought. Ag

Center opening: B Fear, G Johnston. Lien sale: N Jewell. M Bagley to subdivide.


8-10-00. Fair Champ: C David. County loses Steele family ranches. M Olsen,

candidate. N Steele: Birds. J Robertson’s death. BLM & BP oil rig. Letters: J Ratner, T

Palmer, R Lynch, B Larson, J Reising. E McLaughlin, K Storrud honors. Obit: R

Nickell. Tribute to J Robertson. County Fair: C Long, J Nessan, K Vickrey, B

Thompson, S Sturgill, L&E Johnston, J Greenwood, D Winters, W Green, R Thompson, K

Marincic, M Langlois, C Alexander. Buckaroos: B Mathews, P Meeks, H Kagianes, J

Beiermann, A Stone. Wed: Kape-Little, McHugh-Stinson. V Gilliam burned in oilfield

accident. J Meeks tribute.


8-17-00. D Steele’s concrete plant & duplex. Wildfires: Halfmoon Lake, Triangle Lake,

Blind Bull, Fontenelle, Granite Creek. Candidates: G Johnston, M LaVoie, T Gosar, B

Meyer, M Olsen, L Tomassi. G&P Noble leave. Accidents: J Konicek, M Steele. Stroud

hiker rescued: T Chambers. A Rust book. Dean Property debate. Cheerleading. Wed:



8-24-00. Wolf Pack attacks dogs, Upper Green. G Johnston, L Tomassi win. Wildfires:

Halfmoon, Triangle Lake, Lovatt. Fontenelle fire: 0% containment. Brownies camp: E

Shaffer, M Smith, M Strike, J Fabrizius, M McClain. F Miller dies hiking. D Dohrmann:

car theft. EP Steele, pioneer. Opinion: T Wilson. Letters: NP Smith, B Barney. C

Ramsey born. Meeks & Rawhauser art. G Espenseheid places. Business council in

county. Profile: R&J Belton. J Miller death suit. Conservation easement: J

Andrikupoulos. Boulder, Saypol zone changes. H Moss votes.


8-31-00. Firestone tire recall: 2 deaths. R Persinger photo. Candidates: L Grassell, J

Malkowski, K Shaul, T Jensen, B Holz. Lodging tax on ballot. Elk season extension?

G&M Funk vs utilities. Football season. A Pearce internship. A Hemphill benefit.

Courthouse expansion. Fires. Methane test wells west of BP. Hunting license refunds?

Wildfires & hunting. Wagon train in Snyder Basin: K Malkowski, H Linn. Horse &

Mule Sale: I&C Lozier. K Taylor’s 6th grade. Grouse season. Wed: Woirhaye-Levin,

Willard-Gransden, Brower-Birch, Lauger-Anderson. Clinic: G Fletcher, K Peterson, JT

Johnston, M Norris, K Roork, R Glas, L Rozier, M Huffman, B Williams, V Haffey. K

Hansen hired.


9 -7-00. C Ewing dies in horse accident. Football: K Gerik, M Malkowski. D Bell

proposed Super 8 Motel. Sage Grouse listing. “Browsing Boulder” weekly column by N

Stelle. K Stinson buys Pinedale Drug. Area 94 Elk season. Bench Corral management.

M Thomas sculpture. Dr JT Johnston honor. K Babcock born. A Harrower dies. RA

Esterholt’s surgery. Fires and hunting. Photos: T Stevens, D Bell, M Barkley, C

Ingersoll, M Jackson, D Way.


9- 14-00. J Early finds dying deer. EMS struggling. Rural Health: B Dew, J

Greenwood, G Eiden, W Bousman, G Anderson, D Racich. B Wade’s hunting story.

Lodging tax opposed. People: J Myers, L&M Carlson, D&B Bryant, W Huntley, C Bing.

Stitchin’ Post:  L&T Bing. SA Pape born. Gas Well at Mesa Breaks? Orcutt Hill

opposes Bagley. Letters: K Hunt et al. J Reising. Horseshoes: F,D&L Willoughby, D

Pope. M Thomas sculpture. Ranchers vs Hunters: J Magagna. Old Community Center

at Fair Grounds. Football: G Lankford, C Esterholt, M Malkowski. Grass Drags. K&D

David remembered. Elk area 94 changes. C Brinton -  hunting fees?


9-21-00. Calf with quills: C Butner, R Paravicini. Swifts sue county. “Packer Creek”

tracts approved. School enrollment up. Pinedale WyCas scores high. Letters: J Linn &

B Dew, T&B Ford, W Belveal, JT Johnston. W Sorenson honor. J Dickie injured. Early

Childhood PECA-BOO group. C Paravicini’s Spider. J Reising featured. I Lozier

wants to subdivide. Big Piney on radio. D Rogers is 80. Football: M Delgado, G

Golden, M Malkowski. Beauchaine - Halvorson wed. Bud Sommers dies.


9-28-00. Emergency Medical Service contracts, G Wilson. G Mason -  moose. G

Noble survives plane crash. Morning fog. RJ Brown has cast. M McGinnis -  crutches.

D Hansen - sling. W Huntley improving. Fire Ban lifted. Snow. Letters: J&M

McClung, W Hampton, D Burzlander, J Fandek. Early Childhood PECA-BOO. A&S

Ellis moving Boulder campground. Emma Cantrell, Pioneer. D&B Kendall:

“Landowner of the Year”. Football: G Lankford, D Way. Morgan Smith wed. G

Heuck good deed.


10-5-00. BLM will not sell land for more Industrial sites. Jonah Field’s natural gas.

Pinedale’s natural gas prices up. Henry and Clifton Mauss feature. Letters: B Guier, T

Terrell, J Garnett, Donaldson, Ross, C Goodrich, S Mackey. Grassell photo. People: J

Hunter, N Farrand. Cora Post Office upgrade. Don Storrud, pastor. G Ehrlich buys land.

Hunters: carry bear spray. Bud Sommers obit. Football: K Gerik, J Greenwood. Report:

D Catlett, J Rogers, Kroeger, Halverson, Ritzma, Y Walker, Job, Krause, McPhie, Hake,

L Williams, Tillman, White, Jarry, D Smith, Eller, Wiebe, Ambler.


10-12-00. EMT pay? Pinedale expensive. Dr. Glas - contract terminated. Deer

harvest up. People: McClain, Cain, Margo, Fuerstenau. E Kerr born. Millennium

sculpture. WyCas. Letters: Roche, Huntley, Noble, DeGraw. McWhirter’s goat hunt.

Pacific Power. Football: Golden, Selby. Aguirre Peterson wed.


10-19-00. Airplane clips powerline. Antler hunting season. G&T Eiden -  incredible

family. Noble’s skunk. Paravicini’s poem. Fairbanks - Industrial park south of

Boulder? Letters: R Nelson, Dabling, Doak, Palmer, G Anderson. B Illoway born. New

library flagpole. C Kelly honor. People: A Linn, S Hatch, Hedrick. NOLS Ranch G

Goodrich. Pine Street to be resurfaced. Courthouse expansion. K Shaul, candidate. L

David - science teacher. Wed: Seaman - Cutlip, Tousain -  Clegg. Daniel history book.

Football: Gerik, Barkley, Bell, Golden, Way. Public radio.


10-26-00. Ellis Boulder Campground approved. Fairbanks Industrial site approved.

Petition to reinstate Dr. Glas. Game & Fish check station: D McWhirter, T Huffman.

People: D&A Noble, D&B Bryant, Zumbrennen, M Wise, N Zarlingo. Oil/Gas paid 87%

of county tax bill. WyCas by K Brokling. Letters: Morgan, Wise, T Wilson, D Kennell,

Rellstab. Norman-Hendrickson wed. Lawrence-Andelin wed. Average home prices

up. Richardson’s injured fawn. D Willoughby’s elk. Walters open Barn Door Interior

Designs. Bozners buy Corral Bar. Boulder Store featured in Denver Post. Pioneer:

Ruby Johnson. S Ziegler’s mailbox.


11- 2- 00. Millenium Sculpture. Dr Glas not on agenda. Lodging tax. Election

predictions. St Andrews Stain Glass Windows. Letters: McMurry, Wenz, Morgan,

Hunter. Fisher-Shelley to wed. R Wardell born. Hunt & Masters to open Kat’s

Steakhouse next to Cowboy Bar. Wilder and Faler busy. Cafeteria: G Wilkerson & staff

Martin-Seymour wed. Candidates: Johnston, Gosar, Malkowski, Grassell, Shaul, T

Jensen. Dr & B Close - feature.


11-9-00. Lodging tax passes. ATVs and hunting. DUI impact panel. Sheriff pilot

training? People: D Orgill, D Alexander, R Pauly, R Belton, R Stone, J Early. Della

Rose becomes Kat’s Steakhouse. Dr Johnston’s contract. Cook Tent by R Nelson. C

Bennett graduates. Eastern Star: B&N Pape. Fine Arts fundraiser. J Orr, Eagle Scout. E

Demel born. A Savory visits. Pioneers: J&J Murdock. Elk season extension. Big Piney

state champs in football.


11-16-00.  Questar to drill 150 rigs. ATVs and hunting. Snow depth. Extra Elk permits. Vacant

Mill Street? Millenium scupture dedication: D Klaren, D Kennell. Letters: Rellstab,

Ratner, Tully. VFW News. Meet the Wranglers. Amoco donates to Learning Center:

Steinle, K Martin. D MaClean honor. E Fazendin’s “Cop Talk”. Bell’s Super 8 Motel

plans. J Griffin, pro bullfighter. J Barnes searches for her roots. White Pine to open.

Matko-McIntyre wed. Jensen-Chamberlain wed.


11-22-00. “Good Life” essays: M Lankford, M Lundberg, M Thompson, N Steele, T

Heydt, G Neely. People: Gosar, Noble. Deaths: D Orgill, M Noble. Boulder

Campground. BLM Wildlife restrictions. Columns: P Rock, R Nelson, J Kitchen. M

Seipp photo. Obits: D Orgil, P Luman Metal, T Wirtz. Grouse decline. ATVs. Bazaar.

Dog Sled Race: Pedigree. D Davison retires. Food Basket: E Williams, B Burns. Hyde-David wed. Sunset Ranch Stables open.


11-30-00. Fairbanks Industrial site approved. White Pine awaits snow. Road kills: 6

dead deer, 4 damaged vehicles, K Cordingly. Love on the internet. ATVs. Letters: H

Schmidt, TK Wilson. Sublette County, 2005 by A Sommers. Mixed Media art. VFW

News. Heritage Quilt. S Holz & T Steele win. A Cooper scholarship. Ava Davis,

pioneer. Photo real moose at Moose Creek. Obit: CL Mike Noble. Hoback Junction

road construction plans.


12-7-00. Dr Boyle to Pinedale Clinic? County won’t pay for Ruland’s training.

EMT contract? Wolf dates J Sampson’s dog. J Shenefelt photo. People: S&A Sommers,

M&S Noble. V Biffle’s trip. Packer Creek development. Election spending. Column

by Ken Smith. Letters: C Kelly. Candles sold: A McLaughlin, T Irwin, D Winters, C

Baxley. K Meeks art. Memorial Tree. Live Nativity. Bench Corral plans. BPs Home

Care: D Bradley, S Lehr, Dr Close. Carrie Anderson, feature. S Swift, B McKinley to

Cuba. Antler hunting closing?


12-14-00. Dr Boyle to Pinedale Clinic. C Grassell & Santa. Bench Corral &

ranchers: P Mecham. White Pine might open. Saypol reneges on Packer Creek

restrictions. Mill Street parking. Letters: D&K Fear, RD Burgess. A Kaul. M Rowland

dies. No mobile mammograms. C Pompy honor. K McEarly wins. Questar’s gas field

on mesa. Sales tax. Memorial Snowflake Tree. Separate mill levies? A Smith & B

Steward sentenced for lion kill. Feature on Jason Ray. Game & Fish license changes.

Road & Bridge inventory. Community Choir: C Petersen, T Lipke. Kelly-Esposito

wed. Reising- Lytle wed. McGhee- Steele wed. Dr Burnett photo.


12-21-00. L Thomas sketch. C Cramer surgery. Becky Cothern dies. Dr. Close

reads from new book. For Sale: Fayette, Flying Heart, & Pete Olsen Ranches. Letters:

A Luman, P Scherbel. K Almquist wins photo with M Perkins. PHS student expelled

for weapons violation. Photo: J Malkowski, B Holz, K Shaul. Faler - Thompson

dispute. Cattle prices -  ranchers play ‘catch up’. J Lewis, “Ski Shop Guy”. Sage Grouse

petition. Faler’s Reading Awards. Poem by C Paravicini. Winners: M Holz, A Sour, W

Werbelow. Story by S Downs. Preschool letters.


12-28-00. Editor R Shaul’s predictions. Green River Valley Land Trust - R Rozier.

G Close signs autographs -  photo with E Wade. Sunset Stables Arena and Dog Kennel.

Elk poached. Rec Board survey. P Mecham, BLM Manager. Deaths: S Glasscock, V

Vickrey. Pink Eye in local deer. Hard winter for deer? M Sedillo born.


1-04-01. Rock Springers found OK after 2 nights out. Fremont Lake freezes clear - C

Raney. 4 in avalanche - T May rescuers photo: K Meeks, M Milleg, S Mansor, B

Tanner. J Mackey recovering. K Peterson travels. K Sims breaks hand. Caucutt-

Horton to wed. Ag Tax rates. Ad for Fayette Ranch. Whaddya Want Rentals opens.

Pioneers: T&W Davis. Shaul’s editorial - Taypayers $$ to Museum. Columnists: T Fry,

P Rock, J Kitchen. C Wallace & D Lessing’s ride. McGarr’s fire.


1-11- 01. Dr Boyle’s contract. EMT contract proposals. K Hunt is new EMT supervisor. Rec

Board survey. Columnists: N Steele. Electric rates fight. Museum money opinion by C

Gilchrist. Letters: J Martin, E Smith. Avalanche awareness. Wyo least populated state. Mesa

vehicle closure. Ripley’s may feature “Water Skipping” of R McGuire & R Persinger. Photo

White Pine Lodge. County income. Vintage snowmachine race: “One Lungers”: R McGuire,

S&B Cheeney, W Allen, A Koch, D Baldwin. S Michnevich, Rancher of Talents. Glaciers

Hockey – 2nd in state. Teen cell phones: M Hartwig, M McCormick. Accident: C Mathews, A

Letsinger. Health Board: G Eiden, J Greenwood, D Racich, G Anderson, W Bousman.


1-18-01. Dr Boyle gets supplies. B Matthews photo wins. Journal is “Offical Paper”.

Electric rate case. L&N Nichols wed. Injuries/surgery: G Danze, M Overgaag, S Mackey, B

Neely, P Lee. M Woods battles cancer. A Fear moves real estate office. Health Board — misuse

of funds? Airport lengthening? Teacher shortage. Journal gets awards. Columnists: B Wade, B

Marston. Ranchers water rights by 0 Carney. Letter: D Vickrey. T Palmer opens office. Fisher

Selley wed. McNicol - Cullip to wed. W Grassell gets his “Wish”. C Hendren’s poetry. B&P

McNeel, Pioneers. Elk season extension. Mysteries: Disappearance of D Olson in 1963. White

Tiger Video: L Koppenhafer, B Stevie. Paravicini’s cats. T Thompson in hospital. 2001 “Stage

Stop” musher’s race. GP Pearson opens All Tech Heating.


1-25-01. EMS’s generator purchase. K Hunt photo. T Quintard snowboards. Bounty hunter.

How children cope with lose. Zoning & conservation easements. Letters: T Wilson, C Davis.

Watershed. Art show. Shaffer — Swartz to wed. 0bit: D Ptak. Tribute to J McGinnis. New

businesses. R Stone photo. Telemark - G Anderson. L Swank makes Gak. Winners: B Belford,

S Joynes, B Gunn. Feature - G Funk, retired accountant fights elec rates. S James’ cutting class.

B Carlson is ill. Team branding -R Moore, E Schouboe. J Johnson files forms. Glaciers hockey



2-01-01. Low snowpack. M&C Bodnar photo. Natural gas price up. Mad Cow disease. C

Brown breaks arm. N Stadler surgery. K Streeter born. J&T Mulinix by Wrangler Café. Ask G

Johnston. Letters: R Miley, B McCarty, R Nelson, D Budd. Columnist S Sommers. Fine Arts

Ballet. K Schaefer honor. N Swift born. M Hicks honor. Scholars: J Sluyter, L James, G

Golden. Pioneers: the Milleg family. Snowmobile Race on Half Moon: J McClellan, B Winters,

B Millican, A Gesch. Mystery of L Ehlers. Dog Fashion Show: C Whitman. Blind R Scdoris

mushes dogs. K Hake vs power line.


2-8-01. Schmid talks. Pinedale history. Long marriages: Barps, Kalbers, Woffindens,

Pringles, Closes, Blincows, Linns. Airport runway. Teen party busted. Sick kids. Questar’s

rigs. Letters: A Sommers, K Dunning. Silver Creek School. Marbleton’s Recycling Center

opens. Photos: S Kramer, J Adler, T Perry, M Guio, M Buchmann, C Sulenta, L Woolery, N

Shriver, S Cash, P Klein, C Summerall, J Bloxham, K Raney, A Shaffer. J Bousman joins. I

Adams honor. Anderson - Rees to wed. Feature: Ty Huffinan game warden to be.

Bachelors/ettes: A Koch, K Tegeler, L Wright, J Ross, N Nystrom, V Miller. Daniel History

Book for sale.



Pinedale Roundup and will merge papers. Haub’s jet skids off runway. Wilcox Ranch

being sold. Daniel History Book: B Pape, L Alexander. Knotty Pine Plaza facelift. Hunt -  Bacheller wed. D Staley & S Blaha surgeries. Restuccia -  Hampton wed. K Sims out

of hospital. A Sims dies. Gas prices double. EMT contract proposal. K Margo poem.

Zoning changes. A McLaughlin & D Willson earn National Teaching Certificates.

Cooper -  Davis wed. L James honor. J Jess born. L MacLean art honor. M Ptasnik at

Discovery Center. 1st Nat’l Bank honor. Big Piney named 10th “Itchiest Town” in US.

Honors: N Stevens, D Chapel, J Holliday, J Payne, A Thompson, L Timmermans. New

Bell: P Walker. Pioneers: L&M Layland. BP library expansion. K Allen wins roses.AG

Nelson’s poems. Mystery: Cattle Mutilations. Jr Mushers: C Webb, M Koenig. L

Meeks benefit. Photos: R Shaul.

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