Jim and Lynda Silvey - Interview
Printed in Pinedale (WY) Bible Church Newsletter. May, 2006
Pastor Jim Silvey grew up in California and has 4 years of Biblical Study at Biola University (he lettered in tennis) plus 5 years at an Oregon Seminary. His wife Lynda grew up in Oregon (a track and cross-country star athlete) and met Jim at Biola where she was a music major. On the first day of college she walked down the cafeteria line introducing herself to everyone. Jim said, “She was full of vim, vigor and vitality, but she didn’t remember me when we met again a few days later. We went running in the park. The sprinklers came on and she jumped into my arms! Really! She thought it was a rattler. She told me, ‘If you stay with me, things like this will happen.’” After their 2nd date – a concert – Lynda told her roommate, “Someday I’m going to marry Jim Silvey.” Three years later – August 14, 1981 – she did. In 1985 they came to Pinedale Bible Church. Jim became ordained but prefers ‘Pastor’ to his official ‘Reverend’.
Jim and Lynda adopted one-day old Jeremiah and when he was 3 he prayed, “Jesus, buy me a baby sister”. Shortly afterwards, Christina was adopted. Jim and Lynda love hiking, fishing, hunting, and backpacking. Jim said, “She’s an outdoors woman”. They will celebrate their 25th anniversary this summer with a cruise to Alaska up the Inside Passage. The church will also be invited to an August celebration.
By Judi Myers
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