
Jury Duty

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Jury Duty
By Judi Myers
Published in Seeds Ke Dee Revisted

Young and full of fun, Harry was just twenty-seven when jury duty called—a murder trial. During the first day of the deliberations, the jurors were herded to the restaurant down the street, and after a mundane lunch, Harry and his friend Pat sauntered outside for a chew. They sat on the running board of an old Model T, and being short men, were effec­tively hidden. The sheriff walked by and Pat called him over while saying, "Let's have some fun with the bailiff. You go inside and ask him where we are."

Sheriff Holt was a good actor. He found the group, looked the jurors over and demanded, "Bailiff! Where in the hell are Dew and Lovatt? This is a murder trial. They shouldn't leave your sight!" That poor bailiff ran all over, looking everywhere, inside and out, but could not find the missing men. He was on the verge of exasperation when the two delinquent jurors decided they'd had enough fun and stood up.

"But the trick sure backfired," Harry remem­bered, "That bailiff never let us out of his sight for the rest of the trial. He followed us everywhere." Then he added in his gentlemanly manner, "And I mean EVERYWHERE!"

Written Late 1980s


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